alias aliases
NOUN a false name
alibi alibis
NOUN If you have an alibi, you have evidence proving you were somewhere else when a crime was committed.
alien aliens
NOUN 1 In science fiction, an alien is a creature from outer space.
ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is alien to you seems strange because it is not part of your normal experience. • The desert is an alien environment to many people.
[from Latin alienus meaning foreign]
alight alights, alighting, alighted
ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is alight is burning.
VERB 2 If something alights somewhere, it lands there.
3 If someone alights from a vehicle, they get out of it.
ADJECTIVE 1 Things that are alike are very similar in some way.
ADVERB 2 If people or things are treated alike, they are treated the same.
ADJECTIVE If someone or something is alive, they are living.
alkali alkalis
NOUN a chemical substance sometimes used in cleaning materials. Alkalis can neutralize acids.
alkaline ADJECTIVE
ADJECTIVE, NOUN OR ADVERB 1 the whole of something • She told us all about it. • He ate all the chocolate.
ADVERB 2 also used to show that both sides in a game or contest have the same score • The final score was three points all.
PROPER NOUN the Muslim name for God
allege alleges, alleging, alleged
VERB If you allege that something is true, you say it’s true, but you cannot prove it.
allergy allergies
NOUN If you have an allergy to something, it makes you ill to eat or touch it.
allergic ADJECTIVE
alley alleys
NOUN a narrow street or passageway between buildings
alliance alliances
NOUN a group of countries, organizations or people who have similar aims and who work together to achieve them
alligator alligators
NOUN a large, scaly reptile, similar to a crocodile
[from Spanish el lagarto meaning lizard]
NOUN the use of several words together that begin with the same letter or sound. For example, the slithery snake slid silently across the sand.
allotment allotments
NOUN a piece of land that people rent to grow fruit and vegetables on
allow allows, allowing, allowed
VERB If someone allows you to do something, they let you do it.
all right
ADJECTIVE 1 If something is all right, it is satisfactory, but not especially good. • Do you like mushrooms? They’re all right.
2 If someone is all right, they are safe and not harmed.
3 You say all right if you agree to something. • Will you help? All right.
ally allies
NOUN a person or a country that helps and supports another