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Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

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If you disagree with someone, you think what they are saying is wrong.

disappear disappears, disappearing, disappeared VERB

If someone disappears, they go out of sight.

disappoint disappoints, disappointing, disappointed VERB

If something disappoints you, it is not as good as you thought it would be.

disappointment NOUN

disapprove VERB

If you disapprove of something, you think it is wrong or bad.

disaster disasters NOUN

A disaster is something very bad that happens, such as an air crash.

disastrous ADJECTIVE

disc discs NOUN

A disc is a flat round object.

discover discovers, discovering, discovered VERB

When you discover something, you find it or find out about it.

discovery NOUN

discuss discusses, discussing, discussed VERB

When you discuss something, you talk about it with someone else.

discussion NOUN

disease diseases NOUN

A disease is an illness in people, animals or plants.

disguise disguises NOUN

A disguise is something that changes the way you look, so that people do not recognize you.

disgust NOUN

Disgust is a feeling of strong dislike for someone or something.

dish dishes NOUN

A dish is a shallow container for cooking or serving meals in.

dishonest ADJECTIVE

If someone is dishonest, they are not to be trusted.

dishwasher dishwashers NOUN

A dishwasher is a machine that washes things like plates.

disk disks NOUN

A disk is used for storing information in a computer.

dislike dislikes, disliking, disliked VERB

If you dislike someone or something, you do not like them.

dismiss dismisses, dismissing, dismissed VERB

When someone in authority dismisses you, they tell you to leave.

display displays NOUN

A display is an arrangement of things which is done to show to people.

dissolve dissolves, dissolving, dissolved VERB

If something dissolves in a liquid, it becomes mixed in with it.

See solution (#litres_trial_promo)

distance distances NOUN

The distance between two things is the amount of space between them.


Distant means far away.

distinct ADJECTIVE

If something is distinct, you can hear or see it clearly.

distribute distributes, distributing, distributed VERB

If you distribute things like leaflets, you hand them out to several people.
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