baby noun babies
A baby is a very young child.
back noun backs
1 Your back is the part of your body from your neck to your bottom.
He was lying on his back in the grass.
2 The back of something is the side or part of it that is farthest from the front.
She was in a room at the back of the shop.
1 If you move backwards, you move in the direction behind you.
She walked backwards.
2 If you do something backwards, you do it the opposite of the usual way.
He had his jumper on backwards.
bad adjective worse, worst
1 Something that is bad is not nice or good.
The weather is bad today.
2 Someone who is bad does things they should not do.
Some bad boys stole the money.
badge noun badges
A badge is a small piece of metal or plastic with words or a picture on it that you wear on your clothes.
badger noun badgers
A badger is an animal that has a white head with two black stripes on it. Badgers live beneath the ground and come out at night.
bag noun bags
A bag is a container that you use to hold or carry things.
He put his shoes in his bag.
bake verb bakes, baking, baked
When you bake food, you cook it in an oven.
baker noun bakers
A baker is a person who makes and sells bread and cakes.
balance verb balances, balancing, balanced
When you balance something, you keep it steady and do not let it fall.
She balanced a book on her head.
ball noun balls
A ball is a round thing that you kick, throw or catch in games.
ballet noun
Ballet is a kind of dance with special steps that often tells a story.
balloon noun balloons
A balloon is a small bag made of thin rubber that you blow into to make it bigger.
banana noun bananas
A banana is a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin.
band noun bands
1 A band is a group of people who play music together.
He plays the guitar in a band.
2 A band is also a narrow strip of material that you put around something.
She wore a band round her hair.
bandage noun bandages
A bandage is a long strip of cloth that you wrap around a part of your body when you have hurt it.
bang noun bangs
A bang is a sudden, loud noise.
The balloon burst with a bang.
bank noun banks