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The Keeper. Part 1. An Invitation

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‘Maybe. Or perhaps it actually fell out of a passing aircraft blinded by that exact light.’

‘An aircraft?’ laughed Arthur. ‘And I suppose that whoever it was who happened to be flying it also happened to be holding the box out of the window at that exact moment?’

‘Why not? Or maybe it also blew up. And before you say it’s not possible, don’t forget that I talked to a fish yesterday.’

‘Sure, but it definitely came from the train.’

‘Or a plane which blew up.’



And whilst they were arguing, the slow spinning planets and otherworldly symbols began to fade. Snapping shut, the box fell with a thud to the floor, making them both jump.

Prodding it to make sure it wasn’t hot, Arthur picked up the box just in time to catch a faint pattern of light visible around its edges.

‘I wonder what we should do with it. It looks like it might really be important. What do you reckon?’

‘I vote that we give it to your mum. We can say that it’s magic and that its hers if she agrees to start feeding me better.’

‘To my mum—are you mad? We’d be in trouble for having found it in the first place.’


‘Listen, we need to find out who that train belongs to and give it to them, maybe.’

‘Yeah, well, good luck with that. You do remember the size of that hole, right? I’m not liking our chances of still finding anyone who was onboard.’

‘Oh c’mon, we don’t know that. And anyway, someone came looking for it afterwards. Remember what the fish said? That has to mean that somebody knows something.’

‘I guess.’

‘So, let’s get out of here and come up with a plan. I can’t be made to be doing chores before we’ve sorted this out.’

Creeping down the narrow, ladder-like stairs, Arthur stopped at the bottom and peered round the door frame. He was in luck. His mother and aunt were talking in the kitchen, which meant he’d be able to leave unseen. Opening the front door and just about to make a run for it, he suddenly turned and dashed back up into the attic.

‘Hey, where are you going?’ meowed the cat, scampering after him. ‘I thought we were going out?’

‘No way… It can’t be!’ exclaimed Arthur, running over to the window. ‘Cat! There—look!’ he cried, as three helicopters flew into view just over the tops of the trees. ‘You don’t think they know, do you?’

‘What <<are>> you on about?’ the cat meowed, jumping onto the window sill and standing on his hind legs to get a better view.

‘I’m on about them! It can’t be a coincidence, can it? They’re coming right for us. They must know that we opened it – But how!?.’


cried the cat, jumping down and making a run for the stairs.

Every cat for himself then—that

s what I say!

‘Nice one, coward!’ Arthur shouted after him.

Arthur continued to watch in horror as two of the helicopters set down in the field next to the neighbour’s house, while the third took up a position right over their cottage, causing the whole roof to rattle and vibrate heavily.

‘Not good!’ he mumbled, creeping over to the top of the stairs. He could hear his mother and Aunty M frantically shouting something about seeing soldiers with guns coming into the garden. A few seconds later, the helicopter above them moved off, and a male voice boomed out, followed by the sound of footsteps going into the kitchen.

‘Arthur! Where are you?’ shouted his mother.

<<Definitely not good!>>

With that gut-sinking feeling that he was about to be in a whole heap of trouble, Arthur took a deep breath and descended the stairs, pausing at the bottom to gaze at the soldiers standing sentry on either side of the front door.

‘Are you okay? Where’ve you been? We were all worried sick!’ exclaimed his mother, rushing up to him as he entered the room.

‘Mum, I’m fine,’ he replied, noticing a tall man in an officer’s uniform, standing by the kitchen table.

The officer looked at him and smiled. ‘So you must be Arthur,’ he said, stepping forwards and extending a hand for him to shake. ‘Come and have a seat, will you? I’m sure this will all just take a minute.’

Arthur glanced at his mother who nodded for him to do as he’d been told.

‘My name is General Hammond,’ he said, pulling back a chair, and removing his peaked cap to reveal a buzz cut of greying hair. ‘I am head of the Space Projects Division at the T8 Joint Command Facility. Do you have any idea why I have come here today?’

Arthur shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

‘It’s OK. You do not need to be afraid. You are not in any trouble. In fact, quite the opposite. I believe that you are in a position to help me recover something very valuable, which was lost in a recent, and rather unfortunate accident.’

His mother was whispering animatedly with Aunty M.

‘A short while ago, a powerful energy spike was detected coming from the vicinity of this house. Do you have any idea what I might be referring to?’

Arthur nodded.

‘And am I also correct in thinking that you were able to open the object?’

Arthur nodded again.
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