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Luck And a Prayer

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“I don’t. I swear. He was creepy. Real creepy.”

“Are you willing to work with your mom to solve your problems at home?”

She fell into silence again and suddenly she looked so much younger than her thirteen years, so lost and alone.

“She’s lost a lot, too. Give her a chance to figure out how to make it work.”

“I don’t think she can.”

“Mothers aren’t any more perfect than pastors.”

She finally looked at him, a grim smile crossing her face. “Except for you. You are definitely perfect.” Her tone dropped. “You came for me.”

He slipped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I hope I’m always there when you need me, but you know God will always be there for you.” He led her back down the trail, but she hesitated as the camp came into view. “Don’t worry any more tonight about Jack Paulson or Willa,” he said. “I don’t know why she’s here, but I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Tears misted her large, brown eyes, darkening the doubt he saw lingering within. “Promise?” she asked, her voice sounding small and scared.

He cupped her chin and hoped the intensity of his gaze convinced her. “It’s a solemn oath.”

“I’m sorry I ran away.”

“Life isn’t always going to be easy, Tracey. Losing your dad is more than you should have to deal with. I know it isn’t fair, and it isn’t right. And, unfortunately, I don’t have an easy answer as to why this horrible tragedy had to happen to your family. But put your faith in God. If you can face what He throws at you and grow from the challenges, you’ll be a better and stronger person for it.”

“You think?”

“No, I don’t think.” He smiled. “I know. You’re a smart kid. If you start making smart decisions then everything will work out for you. The question is, do you believe it?”

She smiled. “I think so.”

“Well, then, for the remainder of this trip let’s work on you knowing so. Okay?”

“All right.”

As they walked into the camp, Jeff couldn’t help wondering if Tracey was right. Was Willa the bleached blonde who’d given him a back full of bruises? No wonder poor Tracey had been moping around. What could the woman possibly be doing here? For as sure as he knew there was a heaven in the sky, he knew Willa’s arrival was no coincidence.

He saw her sitting before the fire, wiggling her toes in the warmth of the flames. She looked soft and sweet with her rust-colored curls coming to life in the fire’s glow. Not in a million years would he have picked her as one of Jack Paulson’s girls. She didn’t look worn enough, nor were her edges hard or sharp enough. He remembered Dawn’s wan face as it had been the last time he’d seen her alive. He pushed the image from his mind. Willa definitely didn’t have the look of a girl who’d spent much time on the streets.

He’d always thought of himself as a good judge of people. Could he have been so wrong with this one? Willa turned and caught his stare, matching the intensity of his gaze with one of her own. She never backed down, this woman. Who are you, he wondered, and what are you doing here? One way or another, he’d find out.

He picked up his guitar, sat down in front of the fire, and strummed a few chords. One by one, the kids gathered around him. While he played “Jesus Loves Me,” the kids sang along, their harmonious voices resonating through the mountain air. He closed his eyes and felt himself relax as his fingers moved over the strings. The instant his nerve endings tightened, he knew Willa had moved next to him. Even with his eyes shut, he could feel her presence.

He opened his eyes and saw her watching him with childlike wonder. She laughed, clapping in time. The gesture filled him with unexpected lightheartedness. He knew she was a walking, talking disaster. And yet, if anyone needed his help as much as Tracey, it was this woman. If only he knew what she was up to and what her connection was to Jack Paulson.

He watched her as they roasted hot dogs for dinner and toasted marshmallows for dessert. She ate and spent the evening talking quietly with the kids. She honestly seemed to be enjoying herself. Whatever her reason for being there, he was relieved to see she kept clear of Tracey. He’d wait until the others were asleep, he decided, then he and Lady Mysterious would have a talk.

Willa glanced behind her at the encroaching darkness, then inched closer to the fire. Even in the deepest alleys off Sunset Boulevard, she’d never experienced such complete darkness. She hugged her knees and stared into the crackling flames. The smell of wood smoke permeated her clothes, but she didn’t mind. She was growing accustomed to the place, and she might even be enjoying herself, if it weren’t for one tiny exception. She had to pee something fierce.

She peered again into the all-encompassing dark beyond the fire’s glow. There wasn’t anything out there now that wasn’t there when the sun was up, she told herself firmly. Besides, if she didn’t go soon her bladder would burst, and wouldn’t that be amusing? She stood and reconnoitered the perimeter for the best direction to follow. She’d faced down L.A.’s worst scum; surely she could handle a few trees, bushes and darkness. Stop being a baby, she scolded herself. Tentatively, she took a step toward the trees behind Jeff’s tent.

“Watch out for the mountain lions,” Tracey called.

Willa hesitated, knowing full well she’d regret it.

“Lions and tigers and bears,” Matt chimed in a high squeaky voice that cracked over the word bears.

“Oh, my!” the rest of the kids said in unison.

Willa turned.

“Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”

Shocked, she stood there, staring at them. What a bunch of little beasts! Why would anyone want to go anywhere with six of them?

“All right. That’s enough,” Jeff scolded. “Give the poor lady some peace.”

Willa cringed as she heard the restrained laughter in his voice.

Poor lady! She choked over his words. Is that really what they thought of her? Humiliation burned her to the core. The little predators had smelled her fear and moved in for the kill. “Very funny, you guys,” she called, before slipping into the trees behind the tent. The sooner she got away from these people the better.

Lost in her thoughts, it wasn’t long before she’d wandered too far from the fire’s light and became disoriented in the darkness. Why hadn’t she brought a flashlight? She couldn’t see a thing. All she needed was to squat into a poison oak bush. Wouldn’t that top off her day? Desk duty was looking better and better.

As soon as she’d finished, she made her way back in the direction she’d come, tucking in her shirt and zipping up her jeans as she went. Within a minute of trudging through the bushes, she heard the kids’ voices and trotted back to the camp. The little brats were trying to spook her was all. She’d seen news reports of bears, torturing the metal of hapless cars while foraging for tortilla chips, but she couldn’t recall anyone ever getting mauled by a mountain lion.

Don’t let the kids get to you, she reminded herself. That would be a fatal mistake. Yet still…what if there were man-eating lions in the vicinity? She took one last look into the darkness before making her way back to the fire’s glow. What she wouldn’t give for Johnny’s infrared goggles right now.

She retook her seat in front of Jeff’s tent and caught him scrutinizing her again. Perhaps it was only the shifting light of the flames, but the expression on his face… She turned away, at once uncomfortable.

He stood, poking the fire from several angles, then sat down, positioning himself next to her. “Okay, guys. What do we do if we see a mountain lion?” he asked the kids.

Had she been that easy for him to read? No, stealth and duplicity were her most hard-won skills as an undercover cop. She’d never be able to do her job well without them. She wasn’t transparent, of that she was confident. Except perhaps by him?

Maybe she wasn’t deceiving him at all. Maybe he recognized her. The thought left her shaken. She didn’t like the idea that he thought she was a hooker.

“Wave your arms above your head,” Lisa yelled.

“Pick up a stick,” Matt responded.

“Yeah, a big one,” Kevin added.

“You’re kidding, right?” Willa squeaked. They had to be kidding. “There aren’t really mountain lions around here, are there?”

“Yep, along with wolves, coyotes, and bears.” Jeff’s large hand patted her knee, as if to say, “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.” What did he think she was, a complete cream puff?

“Make yourself as large as possible,” Charles answered.

“That’s right,” Jeff said.

Professional. She had to act professional. Don’t let them smell fear. “Why don’t you and I take turns keeping watch? I’ll be happy to take the first shift.” She couldn’t imagine what he’d been thinking bringing six children up here alone. How responsible was that?
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