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The woman stood up, wondering how she knew all that. She stepped into the bathroom and noticed her clothes gone.

«Good morning, captain!» Lyssa’s voice sounded. «Your old clothes have been incinerated. Your wardrobe is now accessible. Would you like me to choose your outfit for the day, or would you like to do that yourself?»

«Can I wash up first?» Serena walked up to the sink and froze in shock, noticing the change.

She was looking at herself, but it was no longer the pale, dirty woman with dark circles under her eyes. This time she saw the soft skin and beautiful face that wasn’t hidden under dirt. Though, her hair was definitely in desperate need of a hairbrush.

As if on cue to that thought, the side wall opened up, offering Serena a plethora of things needed to make herself look presentable. Tooth brushes, creams, hair brushes and a multitude of clippers, scissors and even scalpels adorned this compartment.

Serena picked up the hairbrush and spent some time brushing her silvery hair that no longer seemed brown because of all the dirt and oil she was subjected to so long. In a strange state she made a high ponytail and braided her hair in a neat braid, clasping a metal bead on the end. After taking care of her hair she brushed her teeth and tidied up her fingers, getting rid of all the broken nails and imperfections that she had before.

She felt so much better, that she didn’t care if she was dreaming.

As she exited the bathroom, she noticed her little bot Charlie chirping next to an open wardrobe, where a number of different clothes hung, ready to be taken out.

«Thank you, Charlie.» Serena smiled to the bot, and the little helper swirled around and returned to his corner.

As she approached, she glanced at the clothes she barely remembered.

The official black outfit – trousers and jacket, both adorned with tiny little speckles of crystals that originated from a distant star.

A luxurious crimson dress, fit to be worn at high-end events.

A number of plainer trousers, shirts and jackets, ranging in colour from pale green to pitch black…

Was she always so stylish?

Serena took the plain black trousers and jacket, accompanying them with a dark purple blouse.

«A fine choice, captain!» Lyssa said in a cheerful manner. «Will you prefer your usual boots with that?»

Another compartment in the wardrobe slid out, showing a whole row filled with different style of shoes. Serena grabbed the heavy duty military boots, deciding that those were more comfortable.

A few minutes later the woman stepped out of the captain’s quarters and froze, seeing the ship fully transformed. The corridor was no longer claustrophobic and dimly lit – now it was wide enough for four people to pass each other without a problem and the lighting was bright and welcoming.

Even though her mind hadn’t yet recovered fully, this felt more like home.

Serena headed down the corridor, noticing the changes in the ship’s interior. Everything became more spacious, well-lit and less uncomfortable. And there were little robots hovering around, tidying up and carrying resources from storage to the necessary systems.

One of the robots slid in front of her and ascended, opening a compartment and offering her a belt with a holster. When Serena picked the belt up, she saw a gun and a blade lying beneath. She looked at the belt and realized it was her own military belt, given to her by her father after her first battle.

She failed to remember where and when the battle took place.

Serena put the belt on, then grabbed her weapons and thanked the robot, before continuing her way to get some food. As she walked into the dining area, she noticed the three men eating lunch and glancing up at her. Hunter and Cipher looked surprised to see the woman looking so clean and beautiful all of a sudden. Pher, however, cackled and leaned back on his chair:

«Now that is a fine woman, and not a girl! Where have you been hiding all this time?»

Serena stayed silent, stepping up to the food processor, and noticed the screen light up, before a portion of food appeared on the tray. The woman took her food and felt confused to see a lavish meal, compiled of steamed vegetables, grilled steak and a cup of something resembling red wine.

«Lyssa…» Serena didn’t know what to ask the AI.

«I took the liberty of adjusting your diet to compensate for the severe malnutrition you have been experiencing. Bon appetite, captain.» the AI replied.

Serena frowned in confusion, but decided not to argue, though it has been too long since she experienced a meal so hardy. She sat down at the far table near the illuminator, which showed the stars outside, and began slowly eating, deep in her thoughts.

It didn’t take too long before Pher jumped from his seat and approached her, plopping down on the seat next to the woman and leaning in.

«I say, you clean up good.» he said with a charming smile. «You’re even prettier without all the grime that hid this face of yours.»

He touched her cheek, making her jump up and gaze at him angrily. The man stood, still smiling.

«Come on… I’m only trying to be your friend.» he said.

«Leave me alone.» Serena growled, feeling an unusual rage surfacing through the scared girl that she was for the four years that passed.

«I’m sure we can figure this out, eh?» Pher shrugged, his hands open wide in a welcoming gesture.

Serena thought how full of himself he was to act so nonchalant and arrogant. She unsheathed her blade and watched his eyes look down, and then up at her face again. His demeanour changed slightly – more collected, tense and ready, though the boyish smile never left his lips.

«Never unsheathe your weapon, unless you are going to use it.» he said calmly, his voice growing lower and exhibiting a warning within the tone.

Serena raised her blade, suddenly lowering her stance and tilted her head a bit, as if welcoming him to attack.

«Pher, stand down!» Hunter’s voice reverberated through the dining area.

«No, let him do whatever he pleases.» Serena smirked, feeling unusually calm and determined.

Something inside of her stirred the memories of her body being capable of things she thought impossible for four long years. She felt the urge to fight, shed blood and punish the arrogant bastard in front of her.

She noticed in the corner of her eye that Cipher stopped Hunter from interfering and understood that the man wanted to see what she was able to do in such a situation.

Pher, on the contrary, cackled and stepped up, leaning into the blade as close as he could.

«Go on!» he smirked. «Kill me if you can.»

He froze for a couple of moments, but Serena waited for him to make the first move. Somehow she knew his bluff and wanted to make him pay for this rude distraction from her meal.

As the man flinched to grab her blade, she shifted in a blink of an eye, suddenly hitting him in the stomach and throwing him back. He straightened, wincing from pain, and frowned, understanding that the girl he saw the day before was nothing compared to the woman in front of him now.

He approached again – this time careful and attentive, watching her body for any signs she would attack him first. But she was standing frozen, as if being in a fight was something she was used to.

«You know nothing of the Laithorian empire, do you?» Cipher leaned back in his seat, enjoying the sudden entertainment.

«What’s there to know?» Pher cackled again, making a sudden advance, but receiving a kick to his side in return that forced him to the floor.

«The Laithorians value their military discipline. They live for war. Each child is raised preparing for the battles ahead.» Serena suddenly answered, giving Pher enough time to get up again. «We train since childhood. That’s why the Laithorians are best in military missions. We are paid to battle, conquer and fight. Our families make money by engaging the wars and battles of others. And my family was the most prominent.»

Pher jumped into attack once again, but now he seemed more eager to kick and hit, though each of his advances was met with a carefully placed block or evasion. For a couple of minutes the pair fought relentlessly, exchanging blows, but not stepping away. Cipher noticed how Hunter tensed up, not understanding how Serena was able to move so fast, though just yesterday she was as weak as a pup, barely able to keep herself on her feet.
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