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The Missing Millionaire

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His mind mulled over the little he knew, trying to fit pieces together. There were too many pieces missing, too many answers he might never know. He wished his mother was still alive so he could ask her all the questions filling him.

Pulling into a closed gas station, Jamie motioned him to park along the side where similar cars were stacked two deep. He did and got out of the rental. She left the sedan’s engine running, got out, took the rental’s keys from him along with the paperwork that sat inside the glove compartment. Dropping everything in a slot in the door of the gas station, she ran back to the sedan. Only then did he see the discreet sign that the station acted as a rental place as well.

“Let’s go,” she called to him.

He joined her in the sedan. “Where?”

Jamie’s response was to pull the car out into the early morning traffic. Harrison saw her fatigue now that the adrenaline rush had begun to fade. “How long have you been up?”

She darted a surprised glance his way. “I’m fine.”

“I’m not and I got some sleep before you attacked me.”

“I didn’t attack you.”

“Drugged, abducted, taped and secured in a strange location. What would you call it?”

“My job. We can sleep later.”

“You’re right about the sleep, anyhow. We need to go to Zoe’s apartment.”

“Not a chance.”

“Stop the car.”

Her glare was quelling. “You still don’t get it!”

“I get it fine.” He interrupted the start of her next tirade. “Someone wants me dead. And that same someone may want her dead as well. It’s the next place they’ll target. We both know that. I’m going there with you or alone. They already believe they killed us,” he added over the objection she started to make. “And if they don’t, it doesn’t matter. I am going to Zoe’s.”

“I’m trying to keep you alive here.”

“Try keeping us all alive. Zoe’s pregnant.”

He didn’t know what had made him add that last, but she stilled.

“We’re getting married this morning,” he reminded her.

“No. You aren’t. And before you jump all over me again, your wedding is scheduled for eleven. I was supposed to keep you safe until noon. That should tell you something, Mr. Trent. Someone does not intend for your wedding to take place.”

Harrison forced his fingers to uncurl. “Why not?”

“I don’t know! Maybe Tony knew, but Tony’s dead.” Pain laced her words.

“Who was Tony to you?”

Jamie released a slow breath. “The closest thing I had to a father.”

Her voice broke. Automatically, his hand started toward her to offer comfort. He lowered it without touching her. “I’m sorry.”

“And I’m sorry about Zoe.”

“Zoe isn’t dead.” She could not be dead.

“I hope not. And you did say you hired a bodyguard for her. Is he any good?”

“Ramsey Inc. is the top security firm in the area.”

“Then she has a chance.”

His mind relived the barrage of shots in the parking lot over three months ago. Zoe, Artie and he had just split up after leaving the office for the night. He remembered running, throwing himself over Zoe as she went down, terrified he’d been too late to protect his friend.

“I’m going to her apartment.”

Jamie swore softly. “This is stupid.”

“I’m still going.”

She glanced at his face and sighed heavily. “You’re a fool. We’re both fools,” she muttered, conceding defeat. “Give me directions.”

Harrison rubbed a hand across his gritty eyes as she turned the car toward Zoe’s. Jamie scowled at the early morning drivers starting to make their way onto the roads.

“How is it you don’t know of Ramsey Incorporated?” he asked. “They’re the most prestigious security firm around here.”

She hesitated, then shrugged as if she’d decided the answer didn’t matter. “I live and work in California. I was only in town for a visit when Tony asked me to help out.”

“And he didn’t tell you why?”

“Only that we were protecting you.”

“You must have some idea who’s behind all this.”

Her hesitation was confirmation. “Tony wouldn’t say.”

“But you have a suspicion.”

“That’s all it is.”

Harrison waited. She muttered something succinct under her breath and turned to look at him as she stopped for a red light. “What do you know about Victor DiMarko?”

The unexpected name rocked him almost as hard as seeing Ceecee dead on her kitchen floor. He jerked as if physically struck. All the air seemed to leave his lungs at once.

Victor DiMarko. Wealthy businessman. Philanderer. Restaurateur. Crime boss. Husband and father. Coldhearted, vicious son of a bitch.

“I see you know the name.” Her features went inscrutable once more as she pulled into the intersection. “Tony and Carolyn worked for him until they retired.”

It was as if Jamie had thrown a light switch. Ceecee had worked for Victor DiMarko. No wonder his mother had had little contact with her after his kidnapping all those years ago. With DiMarko’s name, everything changed. “You work for Victor DiMarko?”

“No! The company I work for has nothing to do with him or his kind of people.” She drew in a deep breath. “I take it you do know him.”
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