Schultz-Sellack, Dr.C.
Schwartz, F.L.W.
Short, J.T.
Simeon, Remi
Simon, P.
Sotomayor, J. de V.
Squier, B. G.
Stephens, J.L.
Strachey, William
Tanner, John
Taylor, S.
Techo, N. de
Ternaux-Compans, M
Tezozomoc, A.
Tiele, C.P.
Tobar, Juan de
Toledo, F. de
Torquemada, Juan de
Trumbull, J.H.
Tschudi, J.J. von
Uricoechea, E.
Valera, Blas
Vega, Garcillaso, de la
Vega, Nuñez de la Veitia
Waitz, Th.
Wiener, C.
Williams, Roger
Xahila, F.E.A.
Zegarra, G.P.
Abancay, in Peru
Abstract expressions
Acan, Maya god of wine
Acantun, Maya deities
Ages of the world
Ah-kiuic, deity of the Mayas
Ah-puchah, deity of the Mayas
Air, gods of; see Wind
Algonkins, their location
" their hero-myth
Amun, Egyptian deity
Animiki, the thunder god
Arawack language
Ares, the Greek
Arnava, name of Viracocha
Arama, deity of the Moxos
Arrival, the Great and Less
Ataensic, an Iroquois deity