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The Complete Poems of C.P. Cavafy

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What a pity, given that you’re made

for deeds that are glorious and great,

that this unjust fate of yours always

leads you on, and denies you your success;

that base habits get in your way,

and pettinesses, and indifference.

How terrible, too, the day when you give in

(the day when you let yourself go and give in),

and leave to undertake the trip to Susa,

and go to the monarch Artaxerxes,

who graciously establishes you at court,

and offers you satrapies, and the like.

And you, you accept them in despair,

these things that you don’t want.

But your soul seeks, weeps for other things:

the praise of the People and the Sophists,

the hard-won, priceless “Bravos”;

the Agora, the Theatre, and the victors’ Crowns.

How will Artaxerxes give you them,

how will you find them in the satrapy;

and what kind of life, without them, will you live.

[1905; 1910]

But Wise Men Apprehend What Is Imminent

The gods perceive what lies in the future, and mortals, what occurs in the present, but wise men apprehend what is imminent.

—PHILOSTRATUS, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, VIII, 7

Mortal men perceive things as they happen.

What lies in the future the gods perceive,

full and sole possessors of all enlightenment.

Of all the future holds, wise men apprehend

what is imminent. Their hearing,

sometimes, in moments of complete

absorption in their studies, is disturbed. The secret call

of events that are about to happen reaches them.

And they listen to it reverently. While in the street

outside, the people hear nothing at all.

[1896; 1899; <1915]

Ides of March

Of glory be you fearful, O my Soul.

And if you are unable to defeat

your ambitions, then hesitantly, guardedly

pursue them. And the further you proceed,

the more searching, the more attentive must you be.

And when at last you reach your apogee—a Caesar;

and cut the figure of one who’s much renowned,

then take heed more than ever as you go out on the street,

a man of power, conspicuous with your retinue,

when someone approaches you out of the crowd,

a certain Artemidorus, bringing a letter,

and hurriedly says “Read this right away,

it’s something important that concerns you,”
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