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So here the folk must dance their roundelay.

Here saw I people, more than elsewhere, many,

On one side and the other, with great howls,

Rolling weights forward by main force of chest.

They clashed together, and then at that point

Each one turned backward, rolling retrograde,

Crying, “Why keepest?” and, “Why squanderest thou?”

Thus they returned along the lurid circle

On either hand unto the opposite point,

Shouting their shameful metre evermore.

Then each, when he arrived there, wheeled about

Through his half-circle to another joust;

And I, who had my heart pierced as it were,

Exclaimed: “My Master, now declare to me

What people these are, and if all were clerks,

These shaven crowns upon the left of us.”

And he to me: “All of them were asquint

In intellect in the first life, so much

That there with measure they no spending made.

Clearly enough their voices bark it forth,

Whene’er they reach the two points of the circle,

Where sunders them the opposite defect.

Clerks those were who no hairy covering

Have on the head, and Popes and Cardinals,

In whom doth Avarice practise its excess.”

And I: “My Master, among such as these

I ought forsooth to recognise some few,

Who were infected with these maladies.”

And he to me: “Vain thought thou entertainest;

The undiscerning life which made them sordid

Now makes them unto all discernment dim.

Forever shall they come to these two buttings;

These from the sepulchre shall rise again

With the fist closed, and these with tresses shorn.

Ill giving and ill keeping the fair world

Have ta’en from them, and placed them in this scuffle;

Whate’er it be, no words adorn I for it.

Now canst thou, Son, behold the transient farce

Of goods that are committed unto Fortune,

For which the human race each other buffet;

For all the gold that is beneath the moon,

Or ever has been, of these weary souls

Could never make a single one repose.”

“Master,” I said to him, “now tell me also

What is this Fortune which thou speakest of,

That has the world’s goods so within its clutches?”

And he to me: “O creatures imbecile,

What ignorance is this which doth beset you?

Now will I have thee learn my judgment of her.

He whose omniscience everything transcends
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