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That more tormenteth me, than doth this bed.

But fifty times shall not rekindled be

The countenance of the Lady who reigns here,

Ere thou shalt know how heavy is that art;

And as thou wouldst to the sweet world return,

Say why that people is so pitiless

Against my race in each one of its laws?”

Whence I to him: “The slaughter and great carnage

Which have with crimson stained the Arbia, cause

Such orisons in our temple to be made.”

After his head he with a sigh had shaken,

“There I was not alone,” he said, “nor surely

Without a cause had with the others moved.

But there I was alone, where every one

Consented to the laying waste of Florence,

He who defended her with open face.”

“Ah! so hereafter may your seed repose,”

I him entreated, “solve for me that knot,

Which has entangled my conceptions here.

It seems that you can see, if I hear rightly,

Beforehand whatsoe’er time brings with it,

And in the present have another mode.”

“We see, like those who have imperfect sight,

The things,” he said, “that distant are from us;

So much still shines on us the Sovereign Ruler.

When they draw near, or are, is wholly vain

Our intellect, and if none brings it to us,

Not anything know we of your human state.

Hence thou canst understand, that wholly dead

Will be our knowledge from the moment when

The portal of the future shall be closed.”

Then I, as if compunctious for my fault,

Said: “Now, then, you will tell that fallen one,

That still his son is with the living joined.

And if just now, in answering, I was dumb,

Tell him I did it because I was thinking

Already of the error you have solved me.”

And now my Master was recalling me,

Wherefore more eagerly I prayed the spirit

That he would tell me who was with him there.

He said: “With more than a thousand here I lie;

Within here is the second Frederick,

And the Cardinal, and of the rest I speak not.”

Thereon he hid himself; and I towards

The ancient poet turned my steps, reflecting

Upon that saying, which seemed hostile to me.

He moved along; and afterward thus going,

He said to me, “Why art thou so bewildered?”

And I in his inquiry satisfied him.

“Let memory preserve what thou hast heard
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