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Whence said I: “Master, now vouchsafe to me,

That I may know who these are, and what law

Makes them appear so ready to pass over,

As I discern athwart the dusky light.”

And he to me: “These things shall all be known

To thee, as soon as we our footsteps stay

Upon the dismal shore of Acheron.”

Then with mine eyes ashamed and downward cast,

Fearing my words might irksome be to him,

From speech refrained I till we reached the river.

And lo! towards us coming in a boat

An old man, hoary with the hair of eld,

Crying: “Woe unto you, ye souls depraved!

Hope nevermore to look upon the heavens;

I come to lead you to the other shore,

To the eternal shades in heat and frost.

And thou, that yonder standest, living soul,

Withdraw thee from these people, who are dead!”

But when he saw that I did not withdraw,

He said: “By other ways, by other ports

Thou to the shore shalt come, not here, for passage;

A lighter vessel needs must carry thee.”

And unto him the Guide: “Vex thee not, Charon;

It is so willed there where is power to do

That which is willed; and farther question not.”

Thereat were quieted the fleecy cheeks

Of him the ferryman of the livid fen,

Who round about his eyes had wheels of flame.

But all those souls who weary were and naked

Their colour changed and gnashed their teeth together,

As soon as they had heard those cruel words.

God they blasphemed and their progenitors,

The human race, the place, the time, the seed

Of their engendering and of their birth!

Thereafter all together they drew back,

Bitterly weeping, to the accursed shore,

Which waiteth every man who fears not God.

Charon the demon, with the eyes of glede,

Beckoning to them, collects them all together,

Beats with his oar whoever lags behind.

As in the autumn-time the leaves fall off,

First one and then another, till the branch

Unto the earth surrenders all its spoils;

In similar wise the evil seed of Adam

Throw themselves from that margin one by one,

At signals, as a bird unto its lure.

So they depart across the dusky wave,

And ere upon the other side they land,

Again on this side a new troop assembles.

“My son,” the courteous Master said to me,
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