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The Fiancee Charade

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‘Did you get it all off your chest?’ Kath stood up slowly, her gaze probing Jess’s face. ‘You have to feel better now that’s over?’

‘Sure,’ Jess choked, looking towards the front door, hoping she sounded more convincing than she felt. ‘I told him.’

Kath hooked her handbag over her shoulder, tipping her head to one side, looking past Jess as though she wasn’t there. ‘I don’t know…I don’t think you made your point very clearly at all.’

Jess sucked in a deep breath. ‘You weren’t there. You have no idea.’ So she’d barely scratched the surface. But now wasn’t the time. She had to work out a way to get their company playing ball with the big guys, to get the clients that Alex Calahan coveted and to drive him broke—as he deserved.

‘So, if you saw Calahan again…?’

She lifted her chin. There was no way she was going to let Kath know the truth about the encounter. It was better to let her partner in business believe she was over the ‘Crush Calahan’ crusade and that she was in no way as idiotically vulnerable as any other woman to the man’s evil charms.

‘Not a problem,’ Jess said easily, seeing as she didn’t plan to see the guy ever again. Unless you counted giving change to him in the street after she’d turned him into a pauper.

‘Good. Because he’s behind you.’

She stiffened, then relaxed. Kath had to be joking. There was no way Calahan would come begging for more of the same—she’d acted like a total idiot.

‘I’m not joking, Jess,’ Kath said from between clenched teeth, imitating the smile of a Cheshire cat, her attention behind Jess.

‘Jess,’ said a distinctly male voice, rich and smooth behind her. ‘Nice name. Short for—?’

Jess’s heart leapt into her throat.

She stared at her friend, flexing her fingers as his warm friendly tone slid through her, doing strange things to the nerves in her body.

She wanted to turn around and shove the guy into next week. But she was frozen to the spot, her breath coming short and ragged.

‘I’m Katherine,’ her ex-friend said, reaching past Jess, offering a nervous sort of smile.

Jess saw Kath’s hand vanish in his large hand beside her, out of the corner of her eye, and her mind darted to how strong and smooth and sensuous his hand probably felt against hers.

‘Alex,’ he said smoothly. ‘But I’m guessing you already knew that.’

Kath nodded. ‘So…’ she offered, glaring at Jess, widening her eyes.

What could he possibly want? Her mind rattled through the possibilities. To give her a dry-cleaning bill? Or a date?

She bristled. He’d better get used to disappointment.

She swung around to face him, her breath snagging in her throat at the sheer presence of him, so close to her, watching her with his deep blue eyes as though he was searching her very soul.

The corners of his mouth tipped. ‘Hello.’

‘Hi,’ she whispered, forcing air into her lungs. ‘I’m sorry…if I gave you the impression that I wanted something from you. I don’t.’

He touched his jaw, his eyes sparkling. ‘Good.’

She stared at his mouth, trying to understand the meaning behind the word, his presence, the strange tingling in the pit of her stomach.

‘I’d like to propose—’

Kath gasped.

‘—that you may have a unique viewpoint to offer, and I’m more than interested in exploring it to the full.’

‘Really?’ She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at the man. What sort of pick-up line was that? She’d expected more from a guy with the reputation of wooing the ladies the way she’d heard he did.

‘I’d appreciate your perspective.’

‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I have no intention of spending one more minute of my time finding out.’ Jess snatched up her bag from the bar. ‘I’ve said my piece.’ She shot Kath a look. ‘And I won’t waste my time or my breath on self-serving womanisers who are out to exploit everything and everyone around them. Good night.’

She snagged Kath’s arm and lurched towards the exit.


Her name on his lips hit her deep in the chest. She swung around to face the last man on earth she wanted using it.

‘That’s exactly the perspective I need. I’m looking to change my image…and I need some honest advice.’

She sucked in a deep breath.

‘I’ll pay you for your time.’

‘Of course you will,’ Kath piped up, stepping forward. ‘And I expect you’ll want her to incorporate herself into your day-to-day routine, so she can point out exactly what’s happening on a minute-by-minute basis?’

He blinked, and nodded. ‘Yes, that would be a good idea. I hadn’t thought about it. I just figure I need some guidance from one of your members when it comes to my attitude with women.’

Kath shot Jess a questioning look.

She swallowed hard. Kath had no idea what was going on—that she hadn’t vented it all on Calahan, that she’d fed him a false line. She looked at her friend. ‘I did my bit for Women Against Womanisers—seeing as he qualifies as a prize-winning jerk in the first degree. I told Calahan here as much, and exactly what I thought of him.’

Kath’s eyes widened, glinting. ‘Right.’ She swung to face Calahan. ‘And I’m sure your womanising activities extend far beyond dating and into every part of your life, Mr Calahan?’

He frowned. ‘No. Maybe. Possibly.’

‘So if my fellow member of our organisation here took time out of her valuable schedule to instruct you in the ways of the sensitive New Age man…?’

Jess stiffened, glaring at Kath, who’d cottoned onto the conversation far too quickly and was taking full advantage.

Calahan smiled at Kath, adjusting his tie and pulling back his shoulders. ‘Exactly what I’m after.’

What in heaven’s name was Kath getting her into? And why on earth would she want to follow Calahan around all day telling him what he was doing wrong?

She paused. It could be fun, screwing with his head. But, no—nothing could induce her. She had a business to run, clients to seduce away, and campaigns to wage against the Calahan empire. ‘Not a chance. You’re an arrogant son of a—’

Kath grabbed Calahan’s hand again and pumped it enthusiastically. ‘She’d be happy to help you out.’

Jess’s heart leapt to her throat. ‘Kath?’
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