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His Child Or Hers?

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But there was no sense thinking about how many milestones she’d missed in his life. The past was past, and the important thing was that she’d finally found him. Now all she had left to do was work things out with Hank.

All? she silently repeated. What was she trying to do? Fool herself into believing that arriving at an agreement with him would be easy?

There was no point in that, especially not when something he’d said earlier was still lingering in her memory.

“Every day Robbie spends with you will be a day he isn’t spending with me,” he’d pointed out. “And I’m not happy about that.”

Of course, she could say the same thing. So arriving at a plan they could both live with was going to be tough.

“There,” Robbie said.

Focusing on the puzzle, she saw he’d put a couple of the pieces together.

“Good,” she said.

As she was reaching for the one that would fit next to them, Hank reappeared.

“I have Audrey on a flight that leaves in two hours,” he told her. “So I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this short. If the traffic around Newark’s bad, we could be tight for time.

“Let’s get some shoes on you,” he added to Robbie. “You can’t walk around an airport in just socks.”

Without even thinking before speaking, she said, “If it would be easier to leave him here, I’d be glad to stay with him.”

“No,” Hank said so sharply that Robbie’s gaze darted to him.

“I mean…thanks,” he added more gently. “But I like taking him places. Especially ones we don’t often go to.”

She nodded, telling herself not to let his initial reaction bother her. But it was hard to do when he so obviously didn’t trust her. He was afraid that if he left Robbie with her, he’d come back to discover they’d vanished.

“Crazy thinking,” she whispered under her breath.

Even if kidnapping was something she’d consider, which she wouldn’t, the man was a police detective. If she tried to make a run for it with Robbie, Hank would have their descriptions all over the country in no time flat.

Yet he figured she might try. And that made her wonder if he actually intended to ever let her be alone with her son.

Maybe he was only putting on an act, only pretending he’d be willing to agree to some sort of compromise. Maybe, right this minute, his lawyer was working on a way to simply get her out of the picture.

If that was it, if Hank Ballantyne was playing her for a fool, the sooner she talked to her lawyer again the better.

But how could she possibly know whether that was it or not?


BEFORE NATALIE HAD LEFT Hank’s he’d apologized a second time for having to cut short her visit with Robbie. Then he’d suggested she come again tomorrow—and promised to call after he got back from taking Audrey to the airport, so they could decide on a time.

But darkness had closed in around the Whispering Winds and she hadn’t heard from him, which was doing absolutely nothing for her peace of mind. The longer she waited, the more worried she was growing that her suspicions were right. That he was merely stringing her along with no real intention of trying to work out a compromise.

Restlessly she wandered across the room and opened the door to the cool night air, thinking again that maybe she’d better phone her lawyer first thing in the morning.

On the other hand, she might be wiser to hold off until she felt absolutely certain that Hank was playing games.

Gazing into the moonlit night, she reminded herself one more time that working things out with him would be a thousand times preferable to starting a legal battle.

When even their lawyers agreed on that, didn’t it make sense not to push too hard? To give him the benefit of the doubt? At least for the moment?

While she was trying to decide if that was actually how she should proceed, the phone finally rang.

“It’s Hank,” he said when she answered. “I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier, but it took me a while to get hold of Betty Harmand. The woman who’ll be looking after Robbie.”

“Yes, Audrey mentioned her name.”

“Well, I figured it made sense to talk to her before I set anything up with you. And she wants to spend most of tomorrow at the house—not just come over when I’m leaving for work. She said she’d feel more comfortable if I was here with Robbie for a while.

“But getting to the point, she’s bringing her things over in the morning, so would you mind waiting until later to come?”

Telling herself that was a reasonable request, not an attempt to keep her away from her son every minute he possibly could, she said, “When did you have in mind?”

“Oh…sometime after lunch? She won’t be arriving very early, because the days I start on midnights I sleep in as late as I can. Or as late as Robbie lets me, to be more accurate.”

“Then why don’t I call around one and see how things are going.”

“Great. Talk to you then. Bye.”


The moment she hung up, her mind returned to the question of whether the man was playing straight or playing games. It made her realize she was well on the way to driving herself crazy. She simply couldn’t spend much more time in this motel room, alone with her thoughts.

Yet Hank started midnights tomorrow. And he’d said that meant she wouldn’t be able to see Robbie until late in the afternoons. Which meant she definitely had to start doing something.

At home, she’d be able to immerse herself in her work, the way she had when she’d first returned to Villa Rosa after the earthquake—her husband dead and her son missing.

She’d thrown all her energy into her practice and into supervising the rebuilding of the clinic, working such long hours that she was always far too exhausted to think.

That was what she needed now. A way of keeping herself occupied. And if she could be useful at the same time, she would. So, come morning, she was going to call that hospital in Madison and offer to volunteer.

THE MADISON PLAINS HOSPITAL, although not imposingly large, was a modern three-story building. Natalie parked in the visitors’ lot, then headed inside and across the front lobby to the elevators.

She had a 10:15 a.m. appointment with the chief of staff, a Dr. Brian Eisenberg, and she was hoping he’d give her suggestion an immediate thumbs-up.

When she’d spoken with his secretary, first thing, she’d both explained why she wanted to see Eisenberg and asked the woman to call and verify her credentials with the AMA.

Hospitals had to check out people they took on as volunteers, but if the medical association had already confirmed she was legit, there shouldn’t be any delay about her getting the go-ahead—assuming Eisenberg was as receptive to the idea as his secretary had implied was likely.

He proved to be a pleasant, chubby man in his midfifties who listened without interrupting while she briefly explained her circumstances.

When she’d finished he shook his head, saying, “What an awful thing for both you and Mr. Ballantyne.”

She nodded. “It is, but hopefully we’ll manage to work something out. In the meantime…Well, as I told your secretary, I’m only licensed to practice in Michigan—and Guatemala, of course. But if I can help somehow…”
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