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Monster War

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“I will,” Charlie promised. Then he turned to his father and extended his hand.

Barrington laughed. “A handshake? You’ve got to be kidding me!” He snatched his son up in his arms. Charlie could feel his father’s stubble on his cheek and he smelled his aftershave. “You go get ’em, son. Then you come back to us, safe and sound, you hear?”

Charlie nodded, then stepped back and opened a portal. The war with the creatures of the Nether had taken a new and unexpected turn and Central Park - with its monstrous mystery - was clearly going to be the next battleground. The real fight was about to begin, and for that Charlie Benjamin needed his friends.

He had to return to the Nightmare Academy.

Charlie waved goodbye to his parents, then jumped through the fiery gateway and was soon gone from view.

CHAPTER THREE NO PLACE LIKE HOME (#ulink_22dae6a9-5c06-594d-b59c-5b628fbf229b)

Theodore Dagget and Violet Sweet were repainting the outside of the broken yacht that housed the Addy students at the Nightmare Academy when they heard a familiar voice.

“Thought I’d find you painting,” Charlie said cheerfully as he walked towards them over the rope bridge that was strung between two huge branches of the mighty banyan tree.

“Charlie!” Violet squealed, running over to him. She hugged him tightly - then quickly drew back.

“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked, surprised.

“You shouldn’t be here. You’re exiled. What if someone from the Nightmare Division sees you? It’s not safe.”

Charlie shrugged. “Nowhere’s safe right now - not with all those monsters out there. I’m not going to hide; I’m going to fight. Besides, no one’s keeping me from my best friends - no one - not even the Nightmare Division.”

Violet burst into a sunny smile and hugged him again, more tightly this time.

“Geez, calm down,” Theodore said with a grin, “or you’ll knock him off the bridge before he has a chance to save the world.”

Charlie laughed. “Yeah, right…” He gestured to Theodore’s clothes, which were covered in blue paint. “You get any on the ship or just yourself?”

“Hey, don’t give me any grief, OK? I’m a precision instrument! A finely crafted tool for Banishing! Painting is beneath me.”

“Yeah, beneath you, above you, in your hair, on your clothes - you’ve got paint everywhere but where it’s supposed to be.” Charlie inspected the Addy yacht. There was fresh wood on one side - it looked like it had been recently repaired. “Is that damage from Slagguron?”

Violet nodded. “We’ve been doing our best to fix things up, but there’s still a long way to go.”

Just a few weeks earlier, Slagguron, one of the four Named Lords of the Nether, had slammed his wormlike body against the trunk of the massive tree, knocking several boats from its branches and damaging many more. Charlie still found it hard to believe that the raging colossus was dead now - he and all the Named - killed, in an instant, by the Fifth.

“You’re thinking about the Fifth, aren’t you?” Theodore asked. Charlie always found it eerie how good his best friend was at reading his mind. He nodded.

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“Well, stop it! You don’t have to kill the most deadly monster the world has ever known right this second. Heck, you can relax for five or ten minutes before you go after her…”

“How generous,” Charlie grinned. But his grin quickly faded. “Look, I know I’m not supposed to be here right now - being exiled and all - but I think the Fifth is up to something, something big, and we need to check it out.” But before he could continue, a new voice suddenly cried out.

“Charlie Benjamin!”

Charlie turned to see Brooke Brighton waving to him from a platform high above. Even from this far away, he was amazed by how pretty she was.

“Hey, Brooke!”

“Stay right there.”

With an excited whoop! she slid down a vine strung between her platform and the Addy yacht far below, her long, blonde hair whipping freely in the wind. She landed next to Charlie with the nimbleness of a cat. “I missed you!” she said, then hugged him tightly before giving him a quick, friendly kiss.

There, Charlie thought, remembering his mother telling him he’d never even kissed a girl. Now I’ve been kissed twice.

“Hi, Brooke,” Theodore said expectantly. “You miss me too?”

“Lame,” Violet said, pretending to cough.

“I am not lame!”

“I didn’t say anything. Just had a little tickle in my throat.” Violet coughed again and said, “Desperate.”


“Of course I’ve missed you, silly,” Brooke said with a smile. She gave Theodore a quick hug, then turned to Charlie. “So where have you been? Tell us everything.”

“I will…but you go first. Has anyone from the Nightmare Division been to the Academy?”

Brooke nodded. “Yeah. They checked out the damage that Slagguron did and said they were going to come up with a plan to protect the place. We’re completely exposed to the monsters of the Nether now that the Guardian’s dead.”

The Guardian.

A pang of sadness hit Charlie upon hearing the name of the small, sad creature whose aura had always protected the Academy from Nethercreatures. Its shocking death had set into motion the horrific chain of events that was still unfolding.

“I still think about him, you know,” Charlie said. “How needy he was. He just wanted a friend really.”

Violet nodded. “Ever since his death, the Nightmare Division has wanted to station some Banishers and Nethermancers here to protect us.”

And to keep me away, Charlie thought. Even though he didn’t exactly know the terms of his exile, he knew they wouldn’t want him anywhere near the Academy.

“So why did you come here, DT?” Theodore asked. “Is it about what’s going on in Central Park?”

Once again, Charlie found it freaky how easily Theodore could read his mind. He nodded. “What do you know about it?”

“Well, what I heard,” Brooke said, “is that, apparently, the Division used some kind of X-ray equipment to look into the mist.”

“And there’s things in there!” Theodore exclaimed. “Gross, snail-like creatures. And something else too. Something big is growing in the fog. Something giant.”

Something giant growing in the fog. That didn’t sound good.

“Someone needs to check it out,” Charlie said. “And I figure that someone is us. Who’s with me?”

But before they could answer, a familiar voice rang out.

“What are y’all yappin’ about?”
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