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Stealing The Cowboy's Heart

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“Like what?”

Ignoring her snippy tone, he asked, “What is it they put in those cakes during Mardi Gras in New Orleans?”

Kylie managed to shake her head without rolling her eyes. He was just trying to help. No reason to snap at him.

“Okay, look,” he said. “Why don’t you give me something to do? No sense me just sitting here.”

“I agree. Why don’t you go have some lunch at the diner? Or go relax in your room?”

“Trying to get rid of me, Kylie?” He spoke evenly, without a trace of accusation or annoyance or anything at all. Idling in neutral was typical for Landon.

“After all that driving I figured your leg must be stiff and you might want to stretch it.” She went to the sink and washed her hands. Mostly to avoid his probing eyes. “By the way, how was the motel?”

“Not bad. The bed was comfortable. Kevin’s business card got me a good discount,” Landon said. “How was your date?”

Thank God she had her back to him. Even knowing the question was inevitable hadn’t helped her prepare. And just because she wasn’t facing him didn’t mean he’d stopped staring. So hard she could almost feel her skin burn. “It was nice.”

His prolonged silence finally got to her.

Hoping and praying the bell over the door would ring, she grabbed a dish towel. Not a single customer for almost thirty minutes. Now, they all stayed away? As she turned to face him, she concentrated on drying her hands. “Tell me about your leg.”

A smile curved his mouth and struck a raw nerve. “Are you going out with him again?”

Kylie felt her blood pressure climb. “How is that any of your business?”

He shrugged. “I’d just hate to see you get mixed up with a guy who isn’t right for you just to show me.”

“Show you what? I hadn’t given you a second thought until yesterday.”

After studying her for a few seconds, he said, “I thought about you a lot.”

She could barely catch her breath. “I don’t blame you for Gary’s behavior. You can stop feeling—”

“It had nothing to do with Gary.” One side of his mouth hiked up. Not in a smile exactly. More like a challenge as his gaze held hers steady. “At least not in the way you’re thinking.”

Kylie swallowed. The look he was giving her scrambled her brain. She’d seen it before, over the years when she’d caught him watching her. She never understood how she could panic and melt at the same time. As it was, she’d almost done something unforgivable.

“Who’s been taking care of you?” she asked, darting a look at his leg.

“First, I take care of myself just fine. Second, I didn’t come all this way for you to be my nurse. Or to discuss Gary. Or to rehash the past.”

“Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Then I’ll ask you again, why are you here?”

“That answer hasn’t changed since yesterday. But I’ve got a question for you,” he said, and there it was again. Although it seemed to be more an entreaty than a challenge this time.

The bell over the door rang.

Thank God.

“Excuse me. I have a customer,” she murmured and hurried up front.

Mallory was holding the door open and looking back at the street. She turned when she saw Kylie. “Hey, how did it go last night?”

“Good. Great, really.” Kylie tilted her head to see who Mallory was holding the door for.

“Rachel was right behind me.” Mallory let go of the door. “I should’ve known she’d get sidetracked.”

“Nope. I’m here.” Rachel caught the door before it closed and rushed inside, her eyes bright and eager. “So, tell us everything.”

Mallory gave Kylie a sympathetic smile. “Where did you guys go?”

“Dinner in Kalispell.”

“Your hair looks terrific, by the way,” Mallory said. “I love those highlights.”

“I like it, too,” Kylie murmured, moving to the end of the counter where there was less chance of Landon overhearing.

Rachel frowned. “Where are you going?”

Kylie had to think fast. If it was only Mallory she could’ve given her a nonverbal sign. But not Rachel. “I’m thinking of making this area more like a coffee bar. What do you think?”

“You already told us that,” Rachel said. “I’m more interested in your date with Kevin.”

“I told you, we went to dinner.”

“Oh, honey, I don’t care about that.” Rachel sighed. “I want to know if you got laid.”

Suddenly her friends both jerked a look toward the kitchen, and Kylie knew... Darn him, why couldn’t he have stayed put?

Landon stood in the doorway, his mug in hand. “I was kinda wondering that myself,” he said and winked at Kylie. He smiled at the other two. “I’m Landon. But don’t mind me, I’m just getting more coffee.”

Rachel stared, her mouth slightly open.

Mallory chuckled. “I don’t believe it. Rachel is speechless.”

“Oh, my God,” Rachel said, with a quick glance at Kylie. “You have so much to tell us.”

“Thanks, Mallory. You couldn’t leave well enough alone?” Kylie saw that Landon had drained the coffee and was about to make another pot. “Go,” she said, taking the filters from him and pointing to the kitchen. “I’ll take care of this.”

“Oh, no.” Rachel pressed a hand to her tummy. “The smell will kill me.”

“Then you’d better leave,” Kylie said, already measuring the grounds.

“That’s so mean.”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

“Come on, Rach.” Mallory took her arm and steered her toward the door.
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