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Hot Winter Nights

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“To be clear, the waitress doesn’t count, right?” He grinned at her puzzled expression.

Lila turned just as Elaine got to their table.

“Good Lord. Clint Landers.” The short brunette stuck a pencil behind her ear and put a hand on her hip. “How long has it been since I’ve laid eyes on you?”

“It’s been a while.”

“Not since Anne’s...” Elaine glanced at Lila and smiled.

“I think you’re right,” Clint said, hoping to ease the sudden awkwardness. “It was at Anne’s funeral. Hard to believe it’s been four years.”

Elaine nodded. “I’ve seen Nathan a few times. He looks good. I didn’t get to talk to him, though, so tell him I said hey.”

“Will do.”

“Well, what can I get you folks?”

Lila surprised him once again by ordering a draft beer. He told Elaine to make it two, and was about to introduce the women when another customer called for Elaine.

As soon as she left, Lila said, “Okay, I must have a serious misconception of a small town.”

“You think we all know each other?”

“Yes, that, too, but how can you go four years without seeing someone?”

“Salina is a big county, and the ranches are all spread out. I don’t come to Blackfoot Falls all that much, and when I do it’s usually to pick up something at the hardware store. And since I live across the county line, I went to a different school than most of the folks around here.”

“But you’ve lived in the area your whole life?”

“Other than two years of college, yeah.”

“Your family is still here?”

Clint nodded and skipped the part that he still lived in the family home, sleeping in the same room he had as a kid. Sometimes it bothered him, even though it was a common practice with families who owned big ranches. But today the idea stuck in his craw.

“Do you have brothers and sisters? Nieces and nephews?” she asked, and seemed genuinely interested. She wasn’t being nosy or making small talk.

“Two brothers. Nathan is older than me. Seth is younger and a real pain in the butt.”

Lila laughed. “I have one of those, too,” she said with a wistful sigh. “Oh, I guess Britney isn’t that bad. She started college this fall and is feeling overwhelmed by life in general. But we talk a lot.”

“You miss her.”

“Yes. I miss everybody—my parents and brother, his wife. They all live in California where I grew up. These last three months are the longest I’ve ever been away from them.”

Clint could just stare at her all night. She had an expressive face and skin as fine as his mother’s bone china. Right now, that face was telling him he’d missed a cue.


He cleared his throat. “I would think you travel a lot.”

“Not really. And certainly not for this long. We’re behind schedule. I’m not sure what will happen at Christmas.”

“You mean you won’t have the day off?”

“Oh, we will. Thanks to the unions. But I don’t know that any of us are going to have enough time to make it home.” She shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal, and smiled at Elaine as she set down two foamy mugs.

“I’ll start a tab for you folks, yes?” Elaine said.

Clint was about to agree when Lila shook her head.

She dug into her pocket. “What do I owe you?”

“Elaine, I’ve got this.” He pulled out a twenty at the same time Lila produced a handful of crumpled bills.

“I asked you to come, so my treat,” she said, busy trying to straighten her money. “In fact I’m going to make Baxter reimburse me.”

Clint slipped Elaine the twenty, and she quietly left to make change.

Lila looked up and twisted in her seat. “Where’d she go?”

A group who had to be movie people had just entered the bar. The short stocky guy leading the pack spotted Lila right away.

She acknowledged the hand he lifted, sighing as she turned back to face Clint. “I thought we’d have more time before the troops descended.”

“You want to leave?”

“No. Maybe they’ll play pool. But if they come over, then...”

“I won’t have any trouble getting rid of them,” Clint said, and she gave him a peculiar smile. “If that’s what you want.”

“Wait. Did Elaine take your money?”

“Look, I’ll be honest with you.” He leaned forward. “I had to pay the check. Because I’m going to brag like hell that I had a date with a bona fide movie star, and it wouldn’t be a date if I didn’t pay, now would it?”

Arching her brows, she laughed softly.

“I won’t use your name if you don’t want me to.”

“I can’t tell if you’re serious.”

“I am.” Clint looked into her pretty blue eyes and had an almost uncontrollable urge to lean closer and kiss her. He was likely to clear the whole damn table trying, but he might be willing...

“One problem.” She picked up her mug and took a tiny sip. “I’m not a movie star.”

“What do you mean? You’re an actress, right?”

“Yes and no.” Lila shrugged. “I’ve done shampoo commercials, and I’ve had tiny parts in a few TV movies. But I do have a good shot at a decent role coming up.”
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