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Sizzling Summer Nights

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Despite her rude awakening, Hannah wasn’t anxious to pull away. And, it seemed, neither was Seth.

Finally he stepped back and expansively spread his hand. “Your blanket and pillow await.”

“Lucky for you, you left out princess.”

He grinned. “Why? What would you have done?”

“It’s more like what I wouldn’t have done.”

He gave it a moment’s thought. “Ah,” he said, with a solemn nod. “Yeah, lucky I didn’t.”

Hannah laughed as she lowered herself to the blanket. By plopping down in the center, she couldn’t have made it more obvious that she wanted him to sit next to her.

After grabbing the water he’d left on the hood, he joined her, stretching out his long legs and passing her a bottle. He sat close enough that their shoulders brushed and tilted his head back to look up at the sky.

Hannah would’ve been content just to stare at him. But she followed his gaze to the crescent moon hovering over the Rockies. “How many constellations are there? Do you know?”

“Close to ninety have been recognized.”

“Do you know all their names?”

Seth laughed. “That’s a tall order.”

The air really was too chilly for her short sleeve shirt, and she leaned closer to him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Maybe at my geekiest.”

“Oh, please. You were never a geek.”

He smiled at her, then frowned when he caught her shivering. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her against his side. “I might have a long-sleeved shirt in the truck,” he said, brushing the hair away from her face. “Or we don’t have to sit out here at all.”

“No, I like it here,” she said quickly. “Unless it’s too cool for you.”

“Not with you snuggled up to me like this, it isn’t.”

“Feels perfect to me.” Weird, very weird, in fact, and yet perfect.

Sitting like this was something she associated with boyfriends. Cuddling and holding hands felt intimate to her, and often uncomfortable. Of course she’d gone out with a few guys she liked over the years. Shane was strictly a friend. Trevor and Steve were more like sex buddies with no expectations on either side. True intimacy had never played a part in any of her relationships. Yet sitting here with Seth felt perfectly normal. Safe, even. Pleasant. And how did that make sense?

“I think I’ll go look for that shirt,” he said, removing his arm from her shoulders.

“Look, if you’re cold we’ll go. No problem.”

“Not for me. You’re the one shivering.”

“Was I?” She heard another howl and jumped. “Still far away, right?”

“Right,” he said, and started to get to his feet, but she caught his arm.

“I’m not cold.”

“Okay. But let’s try this instead.” He resettled on the blanket, this time behind her. “How about you sit here,” he said, patting the spot between his spread legs.

Her pulse fluttered. “That doesn’t look comfortable for you.”

“Sure it is.” He drew up his bent knees so she could shift into place.

She refused to check if his erection had subsided. Surely it must have or he wouldn’t have made the offer. Still, she hesitated to lean back, until his coaxing won her over. Her shoulders met his chest, but she managed to leave some room behind her butt to avoid contact.

“Better?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her. “You’re stiff. Relax. I’m not going to bite.”

“Any chance you have a can of wolf repellent in your truck?”

Seth chuckled. “Is that what’s got you tense?” His mouth was near her right ear; his warm breath glided over her skin at the side of her neck. “The wolves aren’t going to bother us,” he murmured.

Oh, God, his body was so warm, chasing away the chill air. His encircling arms were strong and made her feel ridiculously safe. So safe she found her butt snuggled up against his...his crotch. Anatomically, no other body part was possible. And his arms made it all the way around her drawn-up knees. Yet his hold remained loose. She didn’t feel the urge to break free just to make sure she could.

He’d told her to relax. She was practically lounging back as if he was the most comfy chair in the world. His heart was beating a bit fast, and so was hers.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I’d feel a whole lot better if I thought you were more comfortable.”

“Are you kidding? What could be better than this?”

“Um...” Hannah laughed. “Nothing.”

“Besides that,” he said, and kissed her neck.

She felt a jerky movement against her backside and she bit down on her lip. “Ouch!”

He brought his head up. “Did I hurt you?”

“It was me. I bit my lip.”

“Let’s see.”

“It’s okay. I’ll live.”

He cupped her chin and turned her face toward him. “You have pretty lips.”

“What?” Hannah giggled.

“Soft, too,” he said, drawing his thumb over them. He bent his head as if he were about to kiss her, but it wasn’t easy, the way they were sitting.

Their mouths merely brushed.

Hannah sighed, completely ready to give up warmth for more kissing. But Seth didn’t seem to be of the same mind. He just smiled and settled back.
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