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Bayou Wolf

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“All right, already. I’ll consider it one day.”

They both knew it was a lie. Payton avoided anything that made it appear he’d deliberately distance himself from the pack. He would not be like his father.

As they hiked the small trail from the field and into the woods, Payton unwound, soothed by the unique beauty of the bayou. Thanks to the shade from a canopy of trees, the temperature cooled considerably.

“It’s way different than out west, but it’s pretty amazing here,” Payton commented. “Has a spooky feel with all that Spanish moss and those gnarled cypress trees.”

“It’s different, all right. Wait ’til you see what I found close by.”

Curious, Payton followed. A few twists and turns later, Russell stopped. “This is it.”

Feathers and ribbons hung from low-lying branches in about a twelve-foot-wide diameter that was bordered by seashells. The sandy soil was raked clean with precisely placed crystals sparkling in the ground like unearthed treasure. In the center was a pile of rocks and timber for a fire.

Payton stepped inside the circle, feeling as if he was violating sacred land. He touched a faded ribbon and inspected the hanging artifacts. “Dream catchers,” he said, remembering the miniature one Tallulah had worn.

“I know that,” Russell scoffed. “But what are they doing out here in the middle of the woods? It’s weird. And kinda creepy.”

Strange, yes. But the feel of the area was peaceful, if a bit melancholy.

“Beats me what the purpose of this place could be.”

He walked around the edge of the circle, examining the crystal grids and the dozens of hanging dream catchers. A bright red ribbon caught his eye. It had not yet faded like the others, and the turkey feather fastened beside the ribbon looked new. Payton held it, turning it in different directions. A small patch of beadwork on the back, only a couple of inches long, read For Bo, Love Always, Tallulah.

His breath caught. Who was Bo? His palm fisted over the beaded message. His Tallulah was in love. Jealousy, then shock, washed through him. Tallulah wasn’t his anything. He dropped his hand to his side and looked at the area with new eyes. Was this some lovers’ tryst, far from prying eyes? If so, why the secrecy? Why the elaborate decorations?

“Hey, found something,” Russell called. “Come here and check out this carving.”

Payton strode to where Russell stood by a massive oak, fingers tracing a primitive message—RIP Bohpoli.


Of course. This wasn’t a secret meeting place for lovers. It was a shrine to a dead lover.

“What’s a Bohpoli?” Russell asked.

“I suspect it’s a person’s name. That person must have died here. You know, like you see crosses by the side of roads, marking where loved ones died in a car accident.”

“Makes sense. But the survivors have gone a little over the top, don’t you think?”

Payton took in the meticulous care and attention, at the various states of decline in the dream catchers’ ribbons and feathers. Tallulah had loved long, and loved deeply. Underneath that prickly exterior was a highly sensitive woman. One that maddened and intrigued him all at once.

“Over the top?” Payton said, aware of a loneliness he didn’t know existed until that moment. “Maybe. But it would be damn nice to have someone love you like that.”

“Amen, brother. Amen.”

* * *

Annie served everyone salad and dinner began.

Tallulah’s normally reticent brother and Payton seemed to be getting along famously, chitchatting about motorcycles and places to see while in Bayou La Siryna—which weren’t many unless you were into nature sights. Tallulah didn’t see how a lumberjack could possibly appreciate natural settings.

“The wildlife sanctuary is open on Saturdays,” Tombi said, helping himself to more salad.

“I don’t think Payton’s interested in wildlife.” She smiled sweetly. “Considering how he’s part of a team destroying their habitat every day.”

“Disturbing the snakes and skeeters and possums? ’Cause that’s all I’ve observed down here so far.”

“We have deer and gators and yellowhammers...” She stopped at the grin on his face. Yep, she’d taken his bait and run with it. She laid down her fork. “It really doesn’t bother you to cut down trees for a living?”

“Tallulah,” Annie admonished gently.

Tombi shot her a warning look. “Payton’s a guest in our house.”

“It’s okay.” Payton set down his glass of tea. “I’ll admit it bothers me a little. But it’s honest, tax-paying work and I’m not ashamed of my job.”

“At least you didn’t make the excuse that if you didn’t do it someone else would,” she muttered.

“Well, there is that.”

“Chulah spoke to Hank today,” Tombi interrupted, taking the heat off Payton. “Hank said if the developers offered him a good deal on the land, he would take it. Can’t blame a man for doing what he needs to with his own land.”

“Don’t you care about our woods? This could start a bad precedent.”

“Hank and Sashy have two children starting college in a few years,” Annie said quietly. “There’s two sides to every story.”

“I still don’t like it,” she insisted.

Annie stood and began collecting plates. “Hope you like pot roast and potatoes,” she said to Payton.

“Love it.”

Tallulah stood as well and gathered up her and Payton’s plates, then followed Annie into the kitchen.

“Might want to go a little easier on your date,” Annie said offhandedly.

“He’s not my...oh, okay. I’ll give him a pass for the evening. But I’m still going to protest what they’re doing.”

Annie pulled the roast out of the oven and set it on the counter. “Maybe that won’t be needed. I think all we have to do is send April over to sweet-talk Sashy. Chulah’s wife will convince her the deal is bad.”

“That’s actually a great idea,” Annie agreed. “Sashy can get her husband to come around. All we need to do is ask April to wield her magic.”

“Magic?” Payton stood in the doorway.

Tallulah and Annie exchanged a secret smile.

“So to speak,” Annie said.

“What are you doing in here?” Tallulah asked bluntly. Was he trying to sneak up on them?
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