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To Tempt A Stallion

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Nathaniel lifted his gaze to stare at her. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her feet were bare. She had changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants and looked quite comfortable where she rested, her legs extended atop the ottoman. A playlist of soft jazz and blues billowed through the air, painting the walls with a bold hint of chill.

The afternoon had gone longer than either had anticipated. The list of things needed to meet his deadline with the restaurant had gotten more and more extensive as they and Carl had brainstormed together. Most of the work Carl needed to do was cosmetic: minor woodwork repairs and paint. Only one major wall needed to be blown out to open the dining room and both the men’s and women’s bathrooms would be gutted and completely replaced with new fixtures and tile. There was also the installation of the stage and dance floor that he’d insisted on. With the exception of a few appliances already scheduled to be replaced the kitchen was top-notch.

Staffing was being handled by an outside agency, and the list of potential employees ready to be interviewed had exploded hours after their advertisement had hit the local newspaper. Rebecca had already begun the marketing and promotional plan, starting with the setup of the website and social media pages.

“I need the business name, Nate.”


“Excuse me?”

“Dinner. I’m calling the restaurant Dinner.”

There was a moment of pause as Rebecca reflected on his comment. She muttered softly under her breath. “Thank you for calling Dinner. Welcome to Dinner. Let’s go to Dinner for dinner!” She jotted notes into the lined pad on her lap. Her voice rose an octave. “Why did you choose Dinner? Why not The Melting Pot or one of the others?”

“Dinner just felt right. When you think about the menu and the ambience the restaurant will have, it just works.” He stepped into the room, swiping his hands against a dishcloth. “Why? Don’t you like it?”

“Actually, I think it’s perfect. And I had a feeling, after our last conversation, that it was the one you were leaning toward which is why I had my team do some mockups of the logos and signage. I think you’re going to be pretty pleased.” She gestured with a file folder of documents that she’d pulled from the leather attaché at the foot of the chair.

Nathaniel moved to her side, dropping down onto the sofa beside her. He took the folder from her hands and began to flip through its contents. As he studied the documents inside, a wave of emotion suddenly consumed him. It was rife with exhilaration and a hint of anxiety. A single, solitary tear rolled past his lashes.

“Is everything okay?” Rebecca asked, her tone consoling. “Are they that bad?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “Actually, they’re that good. I’m very impressed.”

“Is that’s why you’re all teary?”

“I’m not teary, Bec!”

“Could have fooled me,” she said, her warm smile encouraging his. She knew him and knew something was on his mind. Something needing to be said.

Nathaniel spun his body lengthwise and rested his head in her lap. He settled himself comfortably against her as he flipped through the folder a second time. “I really like this second set. It’s perfect.”

Rebecca nodded. “That’s my favorite, too. It’s bold yet the edges are just soft enough. It’s inviting. And it looks amazing on the menu!”

Nathaniel shifted his eyes upward to stare at her. He let the folder fall down against his abdomen. He heaved a deep breath and then a second as he seemed to be gathering his thoughts and searching for the right words. Rebecca let him ponder the moment and waited patiently for him to say what was bothering him.

“This is really happening, Bec,” he said finally, an air of awe in his tone. “It’s been five years since I first thought about doing this and now it’s really about to happen.”

“It is, and it’s going to be a major success. You’ve already had five years to work out the kinks.”

Nathaniel chuckled. “I can only hope it’ll be that easy.”

“Look, you have plotted every possible scenario of what could go wrong. You have laid the groundwork for contingency plans B, C and D, if A doesn’t work out. You’ve got this.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“I know,” Bec said as she brushed her index finger across his brow.

Nathaniel suddenly lifted himself upright, spinning his feet back to the floor. “Do we need to bring in your luggage?”

“I dropped my stuff off at the hotel earlier.”

“The hotel?”

Rebecca nodded. “I’ve got a room at the La Playa while I’m here.”

“So, how did you change clothes?” he asked, confusion washing over his expression.

“You know I always keep something with me, just in case. I always carry a change of clothes in the gym bag that I keep with me.”

“Just in case what?”

“In case I meet someone and need to make a quick change,” she said sarcastically.

Nathaniel shook his head. “You didn’t need to get a hotel. You know you can stay here. I have two guest bedrooms.”

“I can’t stay here.”

“Yes, you can. You know you’re always welcome.”

“I do know that. But I can’t stay here.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t.”

“You’re being ridiculous, Bec.”

“Maybe I am, Nate, but I’m still staying at the hotel.”

The two sat staring at each other. Rebecca wished she could explain and have it make sense. She knew if she tried, it would only make the moment more awkward between them. She also knew that deep down Nathaniel probably didn’t want an explanation, both grateful they wouldn’t have to go through the rituals friends do when they intrude on each other’s private spaces. She changed the subject.

“So tell me about this woman.”

“Who? Elise?”

“Don’t play dumb. You know exactly who I’m talking about.”

He rolled his eyes. “There’s nothing to tell. Not really.”

“Did she help you find this place too?”

Nathaniel shook his head. “No. One of my fraternity brothers owns the agency she works for. He helped find me the house. She just happened to be the listing agent for the restaurant.”

“Do you like her?”

Nathaniel shifted his gaze back to hers to stare. Rebecca was eyeing him intently, eager for him to respond. He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t really know her.”
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