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Whirlwind Cowboy

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It frustrated the hell out of him. Pulling his attention from her, he guided Scout into the yard. Bram threw one leg over the gelding’s neck and slid to the ground, then turned to help Deborah dismount.

He lifted her down, his hands closing on her taut waist. Her breasts brushed his chest and her hips pressed to his as he slowly set her on her feet. Bram bit his cheek against the urge to pull her full into him. He couldn’t let himself get tangled up in their past.

For a long moment their eyes held. A rosy flush stained her cheeks.

She looked away, appearing confused and overwhelmed. And frightened, Bram realized. She had worn the same expression when he had come upon her in the cabin.

His chest ached as he asked quietly, “You okay?”

“I think so.”

He lifted his hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face.


She started and so did Bram. Together, they turned to face the tall woman rushing toward them.

“That’s your mother, Jessamine.”

Three younger women burst out of the house, excitement and relief plain on their faces as they moved in Deborah’s direction.

“Oh, thank you for bringing her home, Bram!” Mrs. Blue said. “I didn’t know you were going after her.”

“I didn’t.” He removed his hat. “I found her at the cabin on the other side of the Circle R.”

“The cabin? Why?” Jessamine frowned, her blue gaze shifting to her oldest daughter. “Your note said you were going to Abilene.”

“There’s an explanation,” Bram said. He wondered if her family would have as much trouble with it as he had at first.

“I should hope so.” The older woman leveled a look on Deborah. “You’ve never lied to me before.”

Deborah’s fingers curled into the loose shirt fabric at Bram’s waist. He glanced at her. If she was holding on to him so tightly, she had to be afraid. He noted the paleness of her skin and the alarm on her face. She didn’t recognize her mother or sisters.

Without thinking, Bram stepped slightly in front of Deborah, shielding her. “Hold up a minute, Mrs. Blue. We have a problem.”

The older woman stilled, as did Deborah’s sisters. Jessamine’s dark hair was threaded with gray, but the younger women were all raven haired like Deborah. Jordan’s eyes were the same sky-blue, but the two younger sisters, Michal and Marah, had silver eyes like their older brother. All of them fixed anxious gazes on him.

“Something’s happened,” he said.

Jessamine looked around him to her daughter. Her eyes widened. “You’re hurt! How badly?”

“She’s bruised some.” Bram couldn’t stop a fresh rush of fury at Cosgrove.

As succinctly as possible, Bram explained how he had been on Cosgrove’s trail and tracked the thief’s horse from Monaco to the Ross cabin. There Bram had found Deborah instead of the outlaw. He ended with the information that Deborah had no memory.

“No memory?” Confusion clouded the older woman’s eyes. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Neither have I.” Bram dragged a hand down his face. “But I think it’s true.”

Deborah’s fist tightened on his shirt.

Jessamine asked quietly, “Is Cosgrove the one who hurt her?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Jordan, closest in age to Deborah, looked at Bram, her gaze steady and troubled. “She doesn’t remember anything or anyone?”

He shook his head.

“She’ll remember me.” The youngest girl stepped forward. “I’m Marah and this is Felix.”

The girl reached into the pocket of the apron covering her yellow dress and pulled out a field mouse. Bram knew she had made the animal her pet more than a year ago. Cupping it in her hand, she held the rodent up to Deborah. The mouse blinked.

Deborah’s eyes filled with tears and she pressed closer to Bram. “I don’t. I apologize.”

“But …” Marah’s gray eyes flashed with uncertainty as she looked at their mother.

Michal stood quietly, her eyes wide and watchful.

Bram was hit with the need to ease Deborah’s way. “She’s been through hel—an ordeal. Give her some time, okay?”

“Of course,” Jessamine said. “Oh, my dear girl, I’m so sorry.”

She came forward slowly and held out a hand to her daughter. After a moment, Deborah released her hold on Bram, stepping up beside him.

“Come inside,” Jessamine coaxed. “We’ll get you a bath. After that you can sleep or eat, whatever you want.”

Deborah glanced up at Bram, her eyes clouded with doubt.

His chest tightened. He shifted, lightly cupping her elbow. “It’s okay.”

Skirts brushing the tops of his boots, Deborah let herself be drawn into the circle of women.

Michal gave a small smile and squeezed her arm.

“Go with the girls, honey,” Mrs. Blue said. “They’ll get you a bath.”

As the women walked off, Deborah gave Bram a last pleading look over her shoulder. A look that pierced him right in the heart.

Jessamine turned to him. “She doesn’t remember anything?”

“No.” His gaze traced the slender, taut line of Deborah’s back as she walked away. “And that’s not the worst of it. You need to know that Cosgrove will likely show up here.”

“What? Why?”

Bram explained about the stolen bank money and his belief that Cosgrove would hunt Deborah down for it.

Alarm pinched the woman’s thin features. “If he does that, he could hurt her again!”
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