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Whirlwind Bride

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Riley had already shot to hell the one plan her brother had for keeping her respectable. Now Adam’s presumptuous plan didn’t seem so presumptuous; instead it seemed protective and desperate. He’d sent her far away, where no one knew her, yet where he had a friend he could trust. Someone she could lean on if necessary.

J. T. Baldwin’s big voice boomed behind Riley. “Miz Phelps, how are you feeling today?”

“Fine, thank you, J.T.”

“You’re the loveliest thing this old town has seen in quite a while.”

Fighting a sharp surge of impatience, Riley chewed on the inside of his cheek.

“You’re quite the flatterer, J.T.”

“Only when called for. Say, my boys and I are heading over to Abilene for a horse race this weekend. Would you care to join us?”

Riley saw her face pale at the mention of horses, but she smiled. “Thank you, J.T., but I have some matters I must attend to.”

“Well, maybe next time.”

The big, ruddy-faced man bid them good day, but before Riley and Susannah could continue their conversation, Davis Lee stopped to inquire after Susannah’s health. “Hello, Miz Phelps.”

“Davis Lee.” A soft smile curved her lips.

“You two have met?” Riley leveled a look at his brother.

Davis Lee grinned. “Last night in the restaurant.”

“I suppose you were just out for a walk?”


Riley knew he shouldn’t have discouraged his brother from meeting Susannah. That had been like waving scent in front of a bloodhound.

“Have a nice day, ma’am.” He clapped Riley on the shoulder as he stepped around him. “And you behave.”

Had she already met every man in town? Riley was starting to think he should’ve dragged her behind a building so they would have some privacy.

Once they were alone again, he picked up where they’d left off. “What happened between you and the father?”

Her lips tightened and the ice in her gaze could’ve frozen a Texas summer day.

“Were you betrothed?” he pressed.

“It didn’t work out.”

“I’m sure Adam knows.” Riley couldn’t imagine any man—or woman—walking away from a child.

Her lips twisted. With a look of determination, her gaze locked onto his and she said in a fierce, low voice, “His name was Paul LaFortune. I fell in love with him. I thought we were to be married. He said he wanted that. But when I told him about the baby, he disappeared. I thought it was from shock or surprise. After two weeks, Adam hired a private investigator. They found him and he wasn’t interested in the baby.”

“Or you,” Riley said softly, reading volumes beneath her careful words, the too-smooth, emotionless speech.

She lifted her chin, eyes bright with anger. “Have you heard enough?”

“He seduced you.”

She blinked in surprise, then said stoically, “I was also party to the deed. He didn’t take advantage.”

“I imagine it depends on who you ask.” Riley found himself strangely compelled to touch her, reassure her in some way. He stuffed a hand in his pocket.

“My idea of love seduced me. I realized then I didn’t know what love was, but that’s all right. What my baby needs is security.”

“Miz Susannah?” It was Russ Baldwin who interrupted them this time. “You ready to drive out to Widow Monfrey’s old place?”

Susannah gave him a blinding smile. “I’ll be right with you, Russ.” She turned back to Riley, her voice urgent and pleading. “You won’t say anything, will you?”

“Why are you going out to the Monfrey place? It’s been empty for about three months.”

“Promise you won’t tell anyone about my ruse or the baby. Please?”

“Are you looking to live out there?”

“It’s none of your concern.”

“That place is run-down.” Riley turned and waved off Baldwin. “Miz Phelps isn’t going today, Russ.” The big man looked at her. “Ma’am?”

“I’ll be with you in one minute, Russ,” Susannah said with a forced smile.

“Go on, Russ,” Riley said. “I’ll take Miz Phelps wherever she needs to go. She did come to visit me, after all.”

“All right, Miz Susannah. If you change your mind, let me know.” He touched a finger to the brim of his hat and strolled off.

Her eyes sparked with anger and her lips tightened in a way that made Riley want to kiss her until they went soft beneath his. “How dare you!”

“You can’t stay with me,” he blurted, then cursed silently.

She stiffened. “I never asked—”

“I mean, it would be improper for you to stay with me,” he said in a more gentle tone, “but I can find you a place. I already know of one.”

“There’s no need,” she said hotly.

“I feel a need.”

“No,” she said.

“Let me make up for the way I acted yesterday. It was poorly done.”

She looked at him a long minute, then her features softened. “We were both under false assumptions. And you can rest assured Adam has already heard from me for his part in that.”

Wanting to coax a smile from her, Riley grinned. “I would’ve paid good money to see that telegram.”
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