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Mila 2.0: Renegade

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Sometimes, when my feelings overwhelmed me, I wondered if I shouldn’t try to emulate Three, just a little. My android twin never struggled with terror—or fear—or the heartbreaking pain that made your phantom heart feel like it might crumble to pieces.

Sometimes, when the agony of Mom’s loss felt like someone had picked up a saw and excised the most important part of me, I wondered if maybe Three was onto something.

Then I pictured Hunter’s sleeping face and the thought slowly disappeared.


Where are you going?”

My hand was on the doorknob when I heard Hunter’s voice, a little roughened by the bit of rest he’d had. A part of me wanted to stay here with him, but everything was closing in on me. I needed to get out of this motel room.

“I couldn’t sleep. I thought I’d take a walk, tire myself out.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Mila, it’s late. I’m not letting you go out there by yourself.”

His protectiveness touched something deep inside me. If there were any dangers out there, I was better equipped to handle them, but he didn’t know that.

“Besides,” he added, “you still owe me a date.”

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Our little trip to the carnival a few weeks ago had been met with continual interruptions, including horrific memories of a past I didn’t know existed. As much as I wanted to be alone, I also hoped maybe this time our date would be normal.

I heard him tying his shoes, tugging at the laces hard, and then his soft footfalls as he approached. I opened the door and stepped out.

I gulped down huge breaths of salty humid air—useless, since my lungs weren’t really lungs, though I seemed to have a hard time remembering that. Not many pedestrians were out at this hour. Weeknight, off-season.

Hunter shut the door behind us and tested to make sure it was locked. Then he stepped up beside me and threaded his fingers through mine. “Let’s head down to the boardwalk.”

As we walked along, a little orange dot blinked on a map before me, showing my trajectory and every street option nearby. I was thankful that my internal GPS system had finally kicked in again after conking out for a while post-escape. Not that I needed the GPS right now. Hunter was guiding me.

We reached the boardwalk. The fragrance of the salt air seemed heavier, and a cool breeze surged off the ocean, whipping my hair in periodic bursts. An almost-full moon dominated the sky, lighting patches of inky water with a soft, silvery glow.

“Thank you for coming out here with me.”

Turning his head slightly, he met my gaze. “That’s why I’m here.”

As if summoned by his sincerity, the truth bubbled up in my throat. Right here, right now. I could end the subterfuge. I wanted to. Desperately.

I glanced back out at the ocean, at the secrets churning underwater, and the moment passed.

“What about school?” I asked.

He tipped his head to the side. “Fall break. We have a week before we have to be back. Not a lot of time to find your dad, but enough maybe.”

Maybe, and if not, I couldn’t ask him to flunk out because of me. But the thought of moving forward with no one to turn to—

“Hey, you’re shivering,” he said.

“Little cooler than I expected it to be out here.” Another lie.

In a gesture as natural as breathing, he slipped his arm around my shoulders, brought me in against his side. I put one arm around his back.

Suddenly, everything seemed so very … effortless.

We continued on down the boardwalk, the planks reverberating and echoing our footsteps. I could see the stationary Ferris wheel again.

“Shame the amusement park is closed,” he said.

“I don’t know. Our last date at the carnival didn’t turn out so good.” It had been going well—up until I recalled torture inflicted at General Holland’s hands.

A devious grin crawled across his face. All of a sudden, he removed his arm from around my shoulder, closed his hand tightly around mine, and started jogging down the boardwalk toward the amusement park. I was able to keep up easily, could have outraced him, but all I wanted was to stay near him.

It seemed there were even fewer people now than when we first stepped out of the hotel. Only an occasional straggler. Hunter slowed down, glanced around, then walked past the entrance and continued on down the street, taking a turn down a dark path that seemed meant for special personnel.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“Finishing our date from before.”

We stopped. I shifted my weight from foot to foot. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Just hold on.” He released his hold on me and began examining the wire fence in front of us. “Here,” he finally said. “I think we can get in here.”

“We’re going to break in?”

He shrugged.

“It’s illegal.”

“What’s the worst thing that could happen? They’ll kick us out. It’s not like we’re stealing, or damaging property.”

True. At least, that was the worst thing that could happen to him. He didn’t have my baggage with the law.

I chewed my lip. Even so, he had a point. If we were caught, surely they wouldn’t haul us in. But I didn’t know how far of a reach General Holland might have right now. Had he alerted authorities? Or had he hired some sketchy PI to track me down?

This seemed too risky. Until my sensors proved otherwise.

Search radius: 100 yards.

Human targets: Zero.

No threat detected.

Even so, I felt nervous.

“Look, if someone comes, you can tell them I coerced you.” Hunter bent down and intertwined his hands, providing me with a stepping place so he could vault me over the fence.
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