l h?:t sa?ndz, ?kr?p?'te??
nz ?nd r?:lz ?n ?? l?nz].
By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the outlines or the enlargement of the organ, swelling, edema and existence of growth [ba? p?l'pe??
n ?? 'd?kt? d?'t?:m?nz ?i:l?'st?s?ti ?: r?'??d?ti ?v ?i '?bd?m?n, ?i 'a?tla?nz ?: ?i ?n'l?:?m?nt ?v ?i '?:??n, 'sw?l?n, ?'di:m? ?nd ??'z?st
ns ?v ?r???].
Percussion reveals dullness of sound and distribution of fluids in the body [p?'k??
n r?'vi:lz 'd?ln?s ?v sa?nd ?nd ?d?str?'bju:?
n ?v 'flu:?dz ?n ?? 'b?di].
The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the patient has or has no temperature [?? 't?mpr???r ?z 'te?k
n ba? mi:nz ?v ??'m?m?t? tu: ??s?'te?n 'w??? ?? 'pe??
nt h?z ?: h?z n?? 't?mpr???].
The blood pressure is measured by means of monometer to find out whether the patient is suffering from hypertension or hypotension [?? bl?d 'pr???r ?z 'm???d ba? mi:nz ?v monometer tu: fa?nd a?t 'w??? ?? 'pe??
nt ?z 's?f
r?n fr?m ?ha?p?'t?n?
n ?: ?ha?p??'t?n?
The patient's pulse is felt to determine whether the pulse rate is normal or accelerated. The normal rate is 65-70 beats per minute [?? 'pe??
nts p?ls ?z f?lt tu: d?'t?:m?n 'w??? ?? p?ls re?t ?z 'n?:m
l ?:r ?k's?l?re?t?d. ?? 'n?:m
l re?t ?z 65-70 bi:ts p?: 'm?n?t].
The usual laboratory studies are various blood tests, urine analyses, stool studies and sputum, bile examinations [?? 'ju:?u?l l?'b?r?t
ri 'st?diz ?: 've?ri?s bl?d t?sts, 'j??r?n ?'n?l?si:z, stu:l 'st?diz ?nd 'spju:t?m, ba?l ???z?m?'ne??
Patient’s swabs or smears are taken for cytological examination. If the patient suffers from any kind of allergy it is necessary to make allergy tests ['pe??
nts sw?bz ?: sm??z ?: 'te?k
n f?: s?t?'l???kl ???z?m?'ne??
n. ?f ?? 'pe??
nt 's?f?z fr?m '?ni ka?nd ?v '?l??i ?t ?z 'n?s?s
ri tu: me?k '?l??i t?sts].
Biopsy specimens are taken to detect the character of tumor ['ba??psi 'sp?s?m?nz ?: 'te?k
n tu: d?'t?kt ?? 'k?r?kt?r ?v 'tju:m?].
In order to detect lesions in the bones or tissues patients are X-rayed [?n '?:d? tu: d?'t?kt 'li:?
nz ?n ?? b??nz ?: 't??u:z 'pe??
nts ?:r '?ks're?d].
The results of physical examination and laboratory investigations are recorded into patient’s case history [?? r?'z?lts ?v 'f?z?k
l ???z?m?'ne??
n ?nd l?'b?r?t
ri ?n?v?st?'?e??
nz ?: r?'k?:d?d '?ntu: 'pe??
nts ke?s 'h?st
Emergency Medicine Неотложная медицинская помощь
Emergency medicine and critical care Неотложная медицинская помощь и реанимация
Emergency medicine and critical care [?'m?:?
nsi 'm?ds
n ?nd 'kr?t?k
l ke?] Неотложная медицинская помощь и реанимация
Flulike, flu-like – гриппоподобный [flu:la?k]
Enterovirus [ent?r?(?)'va??r?s] энтеровирус, энтеровирусный
Это может вызвать симптомы, похожие на лихорадку, и крайнюю, затяжную усталость. It can produce flulike symptoms and extreme, lingering fatigue [?t k?n pr?'dju:s flu:la?k 's?mpt?mz ?nd ?k'stri:m, 'l?n?