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Blazing the Way; Or, True Stories, Songs and Sketches of Puget Sound

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Forest-fallers, reigning kings,
In that far time that memory brings.
Nor savage beast, nor savage man,
Majestic forests’ frowning ban,
Could palsy arms or break the hearts,
Till wilds gave way to busy marts;
You served your time and country well,
Let tuneful voices paeans swell!
O, steadfast Pioneers!
Bowed ’neath the snows of many years,
Your patient courage never fails,
Your strong true prayers arise,
E’en from the heavenly trails
To “mansions in the skies.”
To noble ones midst daily strife,
And those who’ve crossed the plains of life,
Far past the fiery, setting sun,
The dead and living loved as one,
(Tolls often now the passing bell)
We greeting give and bid farewell.

O Mother Pioneers!
We greet you through our smiles and tears;
You laid foundations deep,
Climbed oft the sun-beat rocky steep
Of sorrow’s mountain wild,
Descended through the shadowy vales
Led by the little child.
Within, without your cabins rude
As toiling builders well you wrought,
With busy hands and constant hearts,
And eager children wisdom taught;
Long be delayed the passing bell,
Long be it ere we say “Farewell!”

Beloved Pioneers!
Whom glory waits in coming years,
You planted here with careful hand
The youngest scion in our land
Cut from the tree of Liberty;
To fullest stature it shall grow,
With fruitful branches bending low,
Your worth then shall the people know.
When all your work on earth is done,
Your marches o’er and battles won,
(No more will toll the passing bell)
They’ll watch and wait at Heaven’s gate
To bid you Hail! and nevermore, Farewell!



Ruffed grouse.

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