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The Runaway Nurse

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“Back spasms?” Summer asked, setting down the tea tray. “How long have you been getting them?”

“Most of the day. They’re not bad. Just annoying, because every time I get comfortable, I have another one.” Edie flinched. “Just like that.”

“When Rafe went down to the paddock with the girls, did he know you were having back spasms?” She pulled her cellphone from her pocket.

“I didn’t tell him. He’s been saint with me, and I’ve been complaining about so many things lately, I thought he needed the time away. And like I said, they’re more an annoyance than anything else.”

Summer glanced at her watch, then punched in a number, waited for a ring, and heard it coming from the table next to the front door. Rafe had left his phone behind. “Well, ready or not, I think you’re going to have a baby in a little while,” she said, punching in another number. “You’re probably having back labor,” she said, as the ringer on the other end kicked in.

“It’s only little twinges.” Edie protested. “Labor’s supposed to be … painful. These are just …” Another twinge hit, and she readjusted herself on the sofa. “It really couldn’t be labor, could it?” she said a moment later.

“Well, I’ve been timing your twinges, and they’re coming pretty regularly, and less than a minute apart,” Summer said. “Hey, Rick,” she said when he picked up on the other end. “I’m at Gracie House. Edie’s contractions are less than a minute apart, Rafe’s down at the paddock with the girls … Oh, and his phone is here. So, is Jess still there? I saw him heading down the hall on my way out earlier.”

“He’s on duty at the firehouse,” Rick said. “And we got word they’re out on a run, about halfway over to Jasper. Car wreck, minor injuries.”

Now she was getting concerned. “And the ambulance is tied up at the wreck?”

“On its way back in with a patient.”

“Well, I don’t think I can get Edie into my car …” She glanced down at Edie, who was already well into another of her “twinges”. “So, with the rate she’s speeding up here, and given the fact that this has been in progress for several hours now, this could be a home birth. And unless I miss my guess, she’s ready to push.” “Ever done a home birth?”

“No, but I assisted in a few births when I was a student, and did one on my own. One, Rick. That’s all.” She desperately wished Rick was there. Or Rafe. Or Jess. Truth was, in trying to keep up a calm facade for Edie’s sake, she was turning into a quivering heap of nerves inside. Delivering babies wasn’t her thing. She loved taking care of them, but had never really gained much experience helping them into the world. Other than that one delivery done as a nurse, and having Alyssa, she was totally inexperienced in this.

“Um, Summer …” Edie said. “I think maybe you’re right about me needing to push. I’m beginning to feel a lot of pressure …” This time the grimace came with a groan.

Well, this was going to be her third time. So, what was it they said about the third time being a charm? She was keeping her fingers crossed that would be the case. “Look, Rick, I need to go find some towels …” She turned away from Edie. “Real fast,” she whispered. “Edie’s labor has done a major acceleration, and this baby is fighting to get out. As in right now!”

“Towels are in the laundry room, off the kitchen,” Edie panted.

She turned around, nodded at Edie, then broke into a dead run, talking to Rick on the way. “So I need someone here as fast as you can get them. Someone more experienced at this than I am. And see if you can find someone to go get Rafe. He should be here for this, too. Oh, and don’t hang up on me, Rick,” she said, grabbing an armload of freshly laundered towels and running back to Edie. “I need someone to talk me through it. The last time I even went near a birthing, other than Alyssa, was ten years ago.”

“Ten years? Then you should be good to go,” he teased.

“Easy for you to say,” she quipped, then dropped the load of towels down next to Edie.

Edie began to pant. “Are we going to do this right …?” Another twinge, this time much harder than the others.

“Rick is sending help,” Summer said, then clicked the phone over to speaker and set it aside. “In the meantime, I need to take a look to see what’s going on. So if you don’t mind …”

Edie not only didn’t mind, she squirmed herself into the position as fast as she could.

“Help is on the way,” Rick’s voice cracked out on the wobbly phone connection. “Ten minutes … sooner … I’ll be …”

Rick was coming? Was that what he was trying to tell her? Somehow, Summer felt better already. “OK, Edie,” she said, removing the shade from the lamp sitting on the table next to the sofa. “Let’s see what’s happening.”

One look told her everything. Edie was fully dilated. Ready to crown. And one feel to Edie’s abdomen confirmed it all. “So, are you ready to be a mother?” she asked. “Because we’ve got a little work to do now.” Summer had to remember that even though Edie held an important position at the hospital, she wasn’t considered medical staff and hadn’t had medical training outside some basic first-aid skills. Her position, as Child Life Specialist, was more about stepping in as the go-between, the person who helped the child through the whole hospital experience, explained the procedures in the way a child could understand them. “I know you feel like pushing, and we’ll get to that in just a minute. But I’d like to wait as long as we can, since …”

“No waiting,” Edie gasped, grabbing the edge of the couch so hard her knuckles went white. “I want this baby born. now!”

“Let me see what I can do.” Summer felt Edie’s abdomen again, while the next contraction hit, trying to discern the baby’s position. “OK, I think your Mary Grace is as impatient as you are, because she’s not waiting.” Although Summer wanted to wait for Rick, for Rafe, for anybody.

“So give the ladies what they want,” Rick said from the phone, sounding almost breathless.

He was on his way. Running, she thought. She knew it. More than that, she felt it. Somehow, that made everything feel better, feel right. Rick being on the other end of the phone that was the only reason she was getting through this and appearing reasonably steady. “I think I will. So, let’s get you in a little better position. Try sitting up as much as you can. Then draw your knees up. And … I see her! I see your daughter, Edie. At least the top of her. Which means, on your next contraction, go ahead and push.”

Edie struggled into place, with Summer’s help. Then, winded, she laid her head back on a cushion and shut her eyes for a moment. “Remind me to renew my gym membership. I didn’t know I was so out of shape.”

“Neither did I when I went through this,” Summer said, as she placed a few extra pillows behind Edie’s back. “And let me warn you, while it’s a beautiful thing, and I’d do it all over again, several more times actually, afterwards I ached for days in places I didn’t know could ache. But it’s worth it.”

“Just get her out,” Edie begged. “Just, please, get her out of me!”

Summer took a quick pulse, wishing she had something to monitor fetal progress. So far, this process had taken mere minutes … minutes that seemed like hours. “Rick, I’m going to attempt to lift the baby’s head. Anything you want to tell me?”

“Um … good luck?”

Summer laughed. “And for that you got your medical degree?”

“Are you two …?” Edie began, then another contraction hit, and this time she pushed hard. The baby progressed, but not all the way, and Edie fell back into the pillows.

“Next time,” Summer said, taking a second to unclench her clenched muscles. “A couple?” Edie managed. “What?”

“Are you and Rick together? You seem so in tune … Oh, oh …” Another contraction hit, and at that exact moment the front door finally, literally burst open, Edie screamed the scream of her life, and Mary Grace Corbett made her entry into the world in one grand whoosh.

“She’s beautiful,” Summer gasped. “Ten fingers, ten toes …” Then she handed Rafe’s daughter over to Rafe, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Rick, and collapsed on the floor, a bundle of nerves, a flood of happy tears. With some very gentle arms wrapped around her.

“You did it,” Rick said, holding onto her, rocking her like she was a child to be protected. “Summer, you did it all by yourself!”

She glanced up at Mary Grace as the next wave of medical workers hurried in to whisk mother and daughter off to the hospital. “I did,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Laying her head against Rick’s chest, glad to be there, glad for the support, she drew in a deep breath. Smiled. This was a nice place to be. All of it. Everything. A very nice place to be.


“SHE’S beautiful,” Summer murmured, looking through the nursery window at Mary Grace, who was swaddled in a pink baby blanket and sleeping peacefully. The nostalgia was overwhelming Summer. She truly had never thought about having another baby, but looking at the one she’d helped into the world was doubling her maternal instincts. Another baby girl, or a boy, for her to hold in her arms would be wonderful. A perfect dream. Maybe someday … If, and only if, her life ever got straightened out.

“For someone who’s delivered only one baby by herself, you did a good job,” Rick said. “Actually, you did a great job. You’ve got exceptional instincts, picking up on Edie’s labor when Edie didn’t even know she was in labor, let alone how far along into it she was.”

“Labor is different for everybody. If you’re expecting pain, and you don’t get it, I can see how you wouldn’t recognize what those little twinges were, like Edie was having.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you were there, and did see the situation for what it was.”

Summer turned around, with her back to the glass, and leaned. Felt exhausted, which didn’t matter. Looked a mess, which did, because she didn’t want Rick seeing her like this. Sure, they’d logged time together in the stables, grooming horses, cleaning up messes. But that was different. They’d been in it together. He’d looked as bad as she did. Here, though … she really wanted to look better. Probably her new position as Nursing Supervisor in Pediatrics finally making its mark. “You know what? I need to go home, clean up … spend some time with Alyssa. She wants to hear all about the baby, and I promised her we’d make spaghetti for dinner. So I have to run to the grocery store to pick up a few things for the sauce.”

“Home-made sauce?” Rick asked, his eyes widening. “You can make that? The only sauce we ever get comes from a jar. You know, open it up, heat it in the microwave.”

Summer laughed. “Well, there’s that. And there’s the real thing. You know, chopped vegetables, cook down the tomatoes, add lots of garlic, mushrooms, peppers … My grandmother was Italian and she would have fainted at the sight of commercially prepared sauce.”

“I don’t suppose you make your own pasta, do you?”

She nodded. “It’s easy. Even Alyssa knows how to make pasta.”
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