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If I Were Your Woman

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Barbara scrunched up her nose. “He hasn’t seen it yet.” She lowered her voice. “Just had it done this morning. You think he’ll like it?”

“Well, if he doesn’t you can always buy some hair until it grows back.”

Barbara tossed her head back and laughed. “You got that right.” She slowly sobered. “We really need to have a girls’ night. She added with a chuckle, “So much has been going on, between broken engagements, divorces, new men, old men, we need to catch up. We haven’t had a night for just us since we all got back from our romantic getaways. And this place keeps us all so busy.”

“You know, you’re absolutely right. We do need some ‘we’time. How about this weekend?”

“Fine with me. I’ll check with Ann Marie and Elizabeth.”

“Would you mind if I invited Terri to join us?”

“It’s okay by me. What’s one more plate?”

“Great. As a matter of fact, she’s meeting me here today around one. I’ll mention it to her.”

“Okay, well, let me get busy. I took a half day from the hospital. One of my regular clients can’t make it in the evenings. So I told him I’d squeeze him in during the lunch hour. He should be here any minute.”

“Barbara, when are you going to quit your job? You’re killing yourself running back and forth like this.”

Barbara heaved a sigh. “I know, girl, I know. But to tell you the truth, I’m still in shock about the spa. Some days I wake up and can’t believe we actually did it and that it’s making money. I guess there is that old-school part of me that firmly believes never to put all my eggs in one basket. My job at the hospital is secure. But even though I hit fifty, I’m too young to retire and get my full pension. Anyway, I love what I do. I like my coworkers.” She shrugged. “So I guess I’ll do both for as long as I can.”

“Hmm, that makes sense especially about the retirement part and wanting to ensure your future.” She looked into Barbara’s all-wise eyes. “That’s why it’s so important for me to make my own business work. I want that same kind of security, ya know.” Her eyes zipped around the room.

“I totally understand, sis. And we’re behind you. So don’t even worry about it. How is everything working out?”

“Well, once Terri and I work out the terms of our partnership we can get busy.” She pulled in a breath and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I have several clients pending and of course we still have the ‘Pause Man’ campaign.”

Barbara tilted her head to the right side. “Are you sure something isn’t bothering you, Steph? You seem edgy.”

“No, really, I’m fine.” It was bad enough that the reason why they had to hire security for the spa was that Conrad decided to show up there and they didn’t want any trouble. The last thing she needed the girls to know was that she was still being harassed, maybe threatened by his wife now. She told them weeks ago that she was going to have her number changed. But she hadn’t gotten around to it. She’d figured that once they were served with the restraining order, her harassing phone calls and Conrad’s impromptu visits would stop. She’d stayed at Tony’s place for a few weeks and had only recently started staying back at her own apartment.

“Well, for the record, I don’t believe you. So if and when you want to talk, I’m ready to listen.” She gave her a smile and a pat on the shoulder before walking off toward the massage rooms on the lower level.

Stephanie took a moment to pull herself together, grabbed her briefcase from on top of the registration desk, and walked toward the office to prepare for her meeting with Terri.

When she opened the office door she was surprised to find Ann Marie sitting behind the desk on the phone. Her back was to the door, but she spun the swivel chair around to face Stephanie. She gave her a smile and a thumbs-up signal.

Stephanie angled her head in question, then eased the door closed and took a seat opposite Ann Marie.

Ann Marie flashed a self-satisfied grin on her cherub face when she finished with her call. “Well, you can t’ank me now or you can t’ank me lata.”

“What exactly am I thanking you for?”

“I used all me skills and contacts and found you an office for your business for cheap!” She grinned triumphantly.

“An office?” Her stomach muscles knotted. On any other day it would have been fabulous news.

“Yes, chile, an office. You can’t run a real business in this tiny box. How’re you going to entertain your big-time clients?”

Ann Marie had been instrumental in getting Stephanie’s business license and supporting her dream of starting her own PR company after she’d quit her job at H. L. Reuben. Of all the girls, it was Ann Marie who surprised her most when she’d come to her aid and encouraged her to step out on faith. Over the years she and Ann Marie had been like oil and water.

At times she thought it was simply Ann Marie’s feisty Jamaican roots that rubbed her the wrong way. But Ann Marie had changed, she’d mellowed, the bristle around her edges had softened. As a result Stephanie lowered the barrier she’d kept between herself and Ann Marie and they’d finally become real girlfriends.

Stephanie tossed her head. Her shoulder-length weave fell into perfect waves to frame her face. She held up her hand. “Wait, you got me an office?”

“You goin’ deaf? That’s what me said, mon.” She sucked her teeth in mock annoyance.

Stephanie pushed out a breath. “Ann, I don’t know if I’m ready…for an office.” Her voice faded with each word.

Ann Marie frowned and leaned forward. “I thought you would be excited. Ya look like someone stole something from ya.”

Stephanie tried to play it off, but it was too much trouble. She glanced over her shoulder to be sure the door was closed. She drew her chair closer to the table, the wooden legs scraping across the floor.

“I got a call today.”

“From who?”

“Conrad’s wife.”

“Oh, damn.” She threw her hands up in the air. “What she wan’now? Guess law and order don’t mean not’ing to ’er.” She jumped up from her seat and began pacing, her high heels popping like bullets against the floor. She stopped in midstep and swung a look at Stephanie. “Well, what ’appened?”

“I mean she said the same crap she’s been saying except…”

“Except what?”

“I don’t know, Ann,” she said, sounding defeated. “It was different. Kinda scary. I haven’t been able to shake it all morning.” She visibly shuddered, then looked up at Ann Marie. “To tell you the truth—and not that I don’t appreciate your efforts, but I’d just feel safer—here for a while.”

Ann Marie pursed her lips and blew out a measured breath then slowly sat back down. “Did she threaten you?”

“Not anything like an ‘I’m gonna kill you’ kind of threat, but…she said it wasn’t over. The thing is it’s not so much what she said, but how she said it. It was creepy.”

“Did you tell Tony?”

She shook her head. “He’d already left for work. He had a meeting with a new client.”

“Listen, she can’t be crazy enough to really bother you. You have a restraining order against ’er. Call the police and let them know.”

“I want the whole thing to go away!” She slapped her palm down on the table. “Damn it.” She covered her face with her hands.

Ann Marie got up and came around to the other side of the table. She knelt down next to Stephanie. “It’s going to be okay. The office space can wait.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “You can’t let ’er get to you.”

“I know, I know.” She lifted her head toward the ceiling. “I’m just being silly. Probably PMS.”

Ann Marie pushed herself up to a standing position. “Yeah, that’s probably it.” She squeezed her shoulder.

There was a light knock on the door.

“Oh, that’s probably Terri,” Stephanie said, sniffing hard, then shaking her head. She drew in a breath and stood up. She went to the door and opened it. “Hi, Terri. Right on time.”
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