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“I guess you’re right.” She eyed him coyly surprising herself with her directness. “So what does that make us—exactly?”

He stepped closer, until he was near enough to feel the heat from her body, and was sure that she could hear his racing heart.

She felt the intimate caress of his eyes when he looked at her and held her breath as he spoke.

“I’d say that makes us two people who are on their way to something very—” he touched her chin with the tip of his finger “—very special.”

When she looked up into his eyes, he saw a mixture of longing and doubt. “What do you say to that?” he asked softly.

She hesitated, reluctant to say what she was truly feeling. Things were moving too fast.

“I’d say it’s time that we changed the subject.”

Trent smoothly recovered without missing a step, much to Noelle’s relief. The feelings she had about Cole Richards were coming too hot, too fast. She had to put on the brakes.

He grinned and shoved his hands in his pants pockets, reminding her of a little boy caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.

“And to what would you like to change the subject?”

Noelle breathed deeply. “What exactly did you do for Maxwell Enterprises?” She looked directly into his eyes.

Trent casually averted his gaze. “I was responsible for recommending particular aircrafts to suit the need.” He spread his hand in explanation as he continued. “I compared capabilities, costs, shopped around, kept up on the latest models, made necessary negotiations.” He shrugged, offhandedly. “Things like that.”

Slowly Noelle nodded while she absorbed the information. Then her head snapped up.

“Would that cover personal aircrafts as well?” Her pulse raced and so did Trent’s. He thought he knew where this was headed and he didn’t like the direction. But he couldn’t divert the inevitable collision.

“In some cases,” he replied with caution.

“Cole.” She stretched out her hand and clasped his arm. “I want you to find out what happened to my husband’s plane.”

“What?” That request he didn’t expect. “I—I, didn’t the FAA rule it as an accident?”

“I don’t care what the FAA said!” Her slender hands clenched into fists. “I have a feeling that something happened. Something that the FAA and my own investigator were unable to find. Jordan was too careful, too conscientious about everything. He never would have flown in a plane that had even the remotest problem.”

Her dark brown eyes locked with his. “And neither would Trent Dixon. Unless he knew…” Her voice trailed off with her thoughts.

“Knew what?”

She shook her head in uncertainty. “I’m not sure,” she said finally. “All I know is that I’ll never be able to go on with my life until I do know—for sure. And I believe that you’re the one who can help me.”

He read the silent plea in her eyes and he almost weakened.

“But you even said that you’d hired an investigator and he couldn’t come up with anything. The FAA couldn’t come up with anything. Why are you so sure that I can?”

Her features softened when she spoke. “You don’t have to answer me now. Just promise me that you’ll think about it.”

Trent briefly shut his eyes, realizing that at that moment, with her looking at him as if he was the only man on earth; if Noelle Maxwell had asked him to jump off of the Golden Gate bridge in his birthday suit he would have agreed. He nodded.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

With that aside Noelle took up their stroll again, heading back in the direction of the main house. She spoke softly as they walked.

“Sometimes,” she began, “I feel as though I’m trapped in some sort of limbo. Unable to go forward, unable to go back. My unresolved feelings have me locked into a fortress without windows or doors.”

“But you are moving on with your life. You’ve opened Liaisons. It’s obviously a success.”

She laughed a self-deprecating laugh. “This is all part of the fortress.”

His dark eyes squinted in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

She touched his arm lightly and instantly felt the heat spread through her fingers. “It’s a longer story than I care to tell.” She turned away.

For several moments he stood behind her, entranced by her solitary beauty. The iridescent glow from the half moon seemed to cast a halo around her black clad body, every detail of her form defined under the moonlight. He was spellbound by the sensuous voice, moved to undeniable arousal by her very existence in his life and pained by the fear and loneliness that was her life. Damn it Jordan! What have you done to her—to me?

He eased closer and turned her around into the circle of his arms.

“Maybe one day you’ll tell me,” he said gently. His eyes trailed languidly over her face and he felt her heart slam against his chest.

She stared at him, transfixed by an overwhelming anticipation that was almost unbearable. She struggled to control the spiraling emotions and failed as his head lowered. His mouth met her parted lips.

The contact was as fiery as an arson’s blaze. She felt her entire body ignite, yet she shivered in his arms. He pulled her closer, molding her body to his.

His own mind and body convulsed in a barrage of explosive emotion. His thoughts ran in circles as he tried to control the instantaneous passion that welled within him.

He felt as if he’d known her forever and then not at all. He wanted to taste every inch of her, make her his own. His eager tongue explored her mouth and when she willing responded he knew that he was lost.

Noelle searched his mouth. Her slender arms clung to him, her only means of knowing that she was still on earth finding herself within the warm cavern.

How long had she waited to feel this way? A day? A week—forever? Somehow she believed her search was over. Cole would show her what it was like to be a real woman.

Then reality stung her with vehemence. She couldn’t. Not with this man. Not with someone who knew Jordan. Then their long-kept secret would be discovered. She couldn’t do that to Jordan’s memory.

Without warning, she tore herself from Trent’s embrace. She shook her head warning off his spontaneous approach.

“No. Please. I shouldn’t have done that.” She turned away and started up the small incline toward the entrance.

Trent took off after her, reaching her just before she came to the door. He grabbed her arm. “I wanted to,” he said in a raspy voice.

Noelle remained with her back to him afraid to see the truth that she sensed would be in his eyes.

“I’ve wanted to from the moment I saw you, Noelle. So don’t blame yourself.”

Slowly she turned to face him. He saw the doubt in her eyes. He reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand.

“What are you so afraid of?” he asked gently.

She tilted up her chin, exhibiting a confident air. “You’ve got it all wrong. I just don’t want you to think that I was trying to…” She searched for the word.
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