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The Way You Love Me

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Bailey’s mouth dropped open. Justin was a Lawson. Her temples began to pound.

“My father and my mother, Sylvia, God rest her soul, made all of this possible. He set the foundation for the Lawson family, and I hope that we have made and will continue to make him proud by carrying on the great tradition of the Lawson family. Happy birthday, Dad.” Branford raised his glass as did all of the guests as Clive Lawson slowly made his way to the front of his family.

Clive Lawson, even at eighty-five, was a powerfully built man. He still had a head full of snow-white hair, and the hard lines etched in his deep brown face told of his years of intense work and struggle, but the sparkle in his eyes told the real story. Pride.

Branford handed the microphone to Jacqueline, who passed it to her father.

Clive took in the eager faces. “Thank ya’ll for coming. I ’preciate it.” He nodded his head while he formed the words. “A man’s family is his legacy, and I couldn’t be more proud of mine.” He glanced behind him and smiled at his assembled family. “I know I can’t be here forever, but when I do leave, I know that I’ve done all I could. All I’ve ever asked is that my children and their children be true to themselves and make things better for the next. Thank ya’ll again. Now, let’s party!”

The room erupted in cheers and applause as the family stepped away from the stage, and the guests swarmed around Clive to wish him congratulations.

Addison appeared next to Bailey. “Big family, huh?”

Bailey was still in stunned silence.

Addison nudged her with her elbow. “Hey, you okay?”

“It’s him.”

“Him who?”

“Justin. The Justin that I told you about.”

Addison’s eyes widened. “Say what? Your Justin is the Justin Lawson?”

Bailey numbly nodded her head. “Yeah, the Justin Lawson.”

Chapter 4 (#ulink_e3277345-8676-5b45-be6b-dfa31f85116f)

For the rest of the evening Bailey performed by rote, going through the motions and keeping a painted smile on her face, but her mind was elsewhere. She periodically scanned the room for a glimpse of Justin, but at the same time she didn’t want to see him. His date’s comment about talking to the help still stung, and it certainly made her question his choice of companions. What was clear was that this was not her life. It was so far removed from her reality. The rooms reeked of money and power. And Justin was part of it.

It was nearing 2:00 a.m., and the crowd had finally wound down. Addison was still in nonstop motion, checking on every detail that was under her supervision. She worked with drill-sergeant efficiency in getting her staff to wrap up the festivities, clean up, pack supplies and load them onto the rented vans.

“Whew, what a night,” Addison huffed as she leaned against the counter. “We did it, and thank you so much for pitching in.”

“No problem,” Bailey murmured as she stacked glasses in boxes.

“You okay?”

“Fine. Just tired, that’s all.”

Addison studied her friend’s contemplative profile. “It’s more than being tired. What’s up? Is it about Justin Lawson and that woman?”

Inside she flinched. “No. Of course not. I was surprised to see him here, that’s all.”


“And nothing.” She kept her gaze averted.

“Did you talk to him?”

“No. Why would I?”

“Because the few times that I did get a glimpse of him, he was looking in your direction, but his date was holding on to him like he was pumping air into her lungs.”

Bailey couldn’t help but snicker. “That she was. It doesn’t matter. If I even thought for a minute that there was any possibility for us to see each other, that went out the window tonight.”

“Why, because of that chick?”

“Mainly...and...just look at this place, the people who were here tonight. They come from a completely different place than me.”

Addison pushed out a sigh. “Girl, you don’t give yourself enough credit. Take off the diamonds and that designer gown, and you have the woman beat hands down.”

Bailey turned to Addison with a slight smirk. “You have to say that because you love me.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t make what I said any less true.”

* * *

By the time Bailey pulled into her parking spot, it was almost four in the morning. She was bone tired. All she wanted to do was take a hot bath, get into her bed and sleep for two days. Thankfully, she wasn’t on duty until seven that evening, and she intended to spend every minute of it off her feet.

* * *

The Mercury Lounge was already busy by the time Bailey arrived. Although there wasn’t a waiting list for tables, she knew that wouldn’t last long. She waved hello to her coworkers and walked through the space to her back office. She quickly reviewed the roster for the evening and verified the schedule. Satisfied that the lounge was fully staffed for the current shift and the following day, she changed clothes to her standard black blouse and slacks and headed out front. Vincent was off tonight, so she had double duty to manage the bar as well as run the restaurant. She did a quick walk-through on each of the levels, chatted briefly with the staff and floor managers and visited the kitchen to check in with the chef. Thankfully, there were no private parties going on tonight that she had to worry about. All systems go.

Addison had promised to drop in later on and hang out for a while to chat. She was looking forward to seeing her friend. They hadn’t had a chance to catch up and gossip since the party. The party. A twinge tightened her stomach. She still had a hard time believing how it all went down with Justin. First to find out that the man she’d been fantasizing about was a member of one of the most wealthy and powerful families in the state of Louisiana. Second, he was clearly involved with someone else. She shook her head in resignation. It was a nice fantasy while it lasted. She tied the apron around her waist and went to work. Soon she was fully involved in chatting up the customers and mixing drinks. And then there he was, coming through the front door, and she wanted to go through the floor.

Justin spotted Bailey right away and strode purposefully in her direction. Her feet felt glued to the ground.

“Hey.” He slid onto the bar stool.

“Hi. What can I get you?” She refused to engage in eye contact.

“Jim Beam. No ice.”

She gave a brief nod and turned to the row of bottles behind her.

“Ohhh, I see Mr. Fine is back,” Mellie said, sidling up to Bailey.

“Yep,” she said noncommittally. She reached for the bottle and nearly dropped it because her hands were shaking so badly. She managed to fix the drink and place it in front of him.

“Here you go. Anything else, let me know.” She started to turn away, and Justin grabbed her hand.


She glanced down at his hand covering hers. Electricity skidded up her arm. Her lips parted slightly so that she could breathe.

“I want to apologize about the other night.”
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