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He merely nodded.


“This.” He leaned his head down and just like that he pressed those incredible lips against hers. Not demanding, but not at all tentative. Just testing…exploring…finding out…whatever it was he needed to find out.

And it seemed the most natural thing in the world to respond, to lean into the kiss and do some exploring of her own. He tasted fresh, with a little salty tang from the sea air. She felt a moan build in the base of her throat as he opened his mouth and coaxed her to do the same. She had an almost desperate need for him to touch her. Her face, her hair, anywhere. This simple touching of lips was almost excruciating in how it could be so overwhelming…and yet make her feel so deprived at the same time. She wanted more.

He teased his tongue into her mouth and the moan was wrenched from her as she accepted it—almost greedily. She couldn’t have rightly given her middle name at the moment, her thoughts had scattered so rapidly the instant his mouth had touched hers. The world had tilted somehow and everything that made sense was suddenly all jumbled up. When she didn’t think she could stand the sweet torture one second longer, he finally—mercifully—slid his hands to her shoulders, turned her fully into him, leaning back against the Jeep so he could accept the weight of her body framed so perfectly against his.

She was sinking in the blissful cloud of ecstasy he’d created, completely willing to forget she was standing in a public parking lot, kissing a perfect stranger. Perfect. God knew the kiss alone was as close to perfection as she’d ever come. Come.

Dear Lord, could she ever.

Images of doing just that sprang fully realized into her mind at the same instant he settled her weight between his thighs. The contact was electric…and had the effect of splashing cold water on a hot wire. Sizzle and steam…and the fear of getting burned. She pulled away, gasping in a breath of air as the reality of what they were doing, where they might have taken it—right there in the parking lot, no less—sank in.

She couldn’t act horrified, though part of her—the part that had spent an entire lifetime understanding the role proper decorum played in the life of a public figure—wanted to. It had been too incredible, and she’d been too obviously enjoying it, to pretend otherwise. Sean pushed away from the Jeep and reached instinctively for her hips, to steady her as she stumbled a step back from him. As soon as she had her balance, he let her go.

She stemmed the urge to look around the lot, to find out just how big an audience they might have had. It wasn’t all that hard. She couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away from his.

“I suppose I should apologize for that,” he said, his voice now delectably hoarse. “Or at least tell you that I don’t make a habit of kissing women I’ve only just met.”

She smiled, suddenly not caring who was watching. Sean Gannon had a way of looking at her that made her feel as if she was the only person in the room…or parking lot, as the case may be. And she decided maybe it was time to let go of a lifetime of proper decorum and do what she’d come here to do…relax. Enjoy life. Leave all her worries behind. “Actually, I’m more interested in finding out if you resolved that other bet you made with yourself.”

His smile twitched to a grin and his eyes flashed in that dangerous way. “I did. Except I lost this one.”

Surprised, she said, “Oh?”

He reached out, snagged the edge of her hand with his, hooking his finger around her pinky and pulling it up between them. “I bet you couldn’t taste as incredible as I imagined you could. And I was wrong.”

She looked down at their loosely linked hands, thinking it was almost a more intimate gesture than his kiss. But she liked the way he had the urge to continue touching her, connecting himself to her in some way. She understood the need, because she felt it herself. “Wrong?” she asked, lifting her gaze back to him and thinking, God, how long has it been since I so shamelessly flirted with a man?

Never, was the instantaneous—and honest—answer. But then, she’d never been alone on an exotic island. Alone with a man like Sean Gannon.

He tugged her pinky, just a little, but she shuffled a step closer. “Completely wrong,” he said, his smile lazy and the light in his eyes distinctly and unapologetically predatory.

She knew she had a decision to make, and that she had to make it fast. But in her day-to-day life, decisions were weighty matters, only being handed down after intense scrutiny and in-depth analysis of all the presented facts. Now, however, she didn’t have that luxury. Sean Gannon wanted her. Right here. Right now. And damn if she didn’t want him back. It should be more complicated than that.

But certainly he was a man who understood boundaries, a man who had built a life based on a code of conduct, knew that rules were made for a reason. A man who wouldn’t pursue beyond what she was willing to give. Which was, of course, the big question here.

What was she willing to give?

Everything, her body and mind screamed. At least for the next couple of hours. Maybe the next couple of days. Surely she could afford herself that luxury, here of all places. The luxury of letting go, of taking what she wanted. With no regrets. Only intensely wonderful memories of a place out of time, spent with a man far outside of her world.

“Completely wrong?” she repeated.

He dropped her pinky and reached for her hips, pulling her to him in one smooth yank, settling her weight on him, his grip just firm enough to discourage her from stepping away again. Not that she would have. Everything lined up so perfectly, so…She shuddered as she braced her hands on his chest.

“You far surpassed anything I could have dreamed up,” he murmured, already lowering his mouth to hers. “Are you a dream, Laurel Patrick? You sure taste like one.”

A shiver raced over her when he brushed his lips along hers.

“Maybe dreams aren’t such a bad thing to have,” she murmured, moving her lips to the sandpapery smooth skin of his jaw. His swift intake of breath when she pressed a kiss just beneath that hard curve was as intoxicating as it was seductive.

“Yeah,” he murmured, his voice a hoarse rasp. “Because, occasionally, one of them comes true.”

He slid one hand around her neck and moved her mouth back to his. This time the kiss was demanding, consuming. And she didn’t even consider holding back. She let her hands slide up his chest and leaned more fully into him. He was rigidly hard…everywhere. It made her feel soft, feminine and eminently desirable. Not a familiar feeling for a woman who spent most of her time in a shapeless black robe, dealing with men who mostly just waited for her to make the slightest hedge in passing judgment, to give them the slightest indication of a weak spot.

Well, Sean Gannon had only been in her company for less than an hour or two…and he’d found just about every weak spot she had. Certainly the sweetest ones anyway.

When he finally lifted his mouth from hers, they stayed where they were, all but mesmerized by one another. For how long, she couldn’t have said. But not too many seconds later yet another bell sounded, indicating the last water taxi had not only left, but they’d been tangled up in each other for so long, another one had arrived.

“About this resort,” Sean murmured. “Do you really think—”

Laurel smiled, judgment decided upon, ruling made. She would never have another opportunity like this one. Besides, she’d already asked herself the crucial question: would she regret it if she didn’t?

And didn’t she already have enough regrets in her life?

“I’m thinking that if a judge and a U.S. Marshal can’t figure out a way to get you on that island—” she began, but he stopped her.

“Actually, I was going to ask if you’d be willing to skip the shower and change.” He looked directly into her eyes in that way he had, and her fingers dug into his chest of their own volition. “Because the clothes don’t matter. And we’re just going to get sweaty all over again.”

Her pulse shot up like a skyrocket. And the muscles between her legs clenched almost painfully in response. “Are we now?” she asked, unsure why she was continuing to provoke him. Except to find out what would happen when she pushed him too far.

He slid his hand up from her neck and slowly pulled the soft band from her ponytail. Her hair dropped down to her shoulders in a wavy bob, which he pushed away from her face with surprisingly gentle fingers.

“Aren’t we?”

She knew what he was asking, just as she knew he already knew the answer. But she liked that he wanted them both to state their intentions. “I believe we are, yes.”

He skimmed his fingers along her jaw, then rubbed the tip of one across her lips. “Well then, I think we should ditch this little scooter and go find someplace to have a nice, quiet dinner.”

She was already nodding, assuming what he’d been about to say. It took a second or two for his words to register. “What? Dinner?” She’d already been mentally undressing them both and—

Now the wolf smile came out in full. “It’s a long night.”

Dinner as foreplay. The idea should have made her impatient. She was ready now, dammit. And it should have made her a bit worried. Worried that with too much time, she’d talk herself out of what she’d just finished talking herself into. Only the idea of getting to know him better intrigued her just about as much as the idea of letting him put those hands, and that mouth, on her.

“Yes,” she finally responded. “It certainly is.” And yet Laurel was pretty damn sure it was all going to go by way too fast. Maybe he had the right idea, after all. Savor each moment. Drag it out. Make it last.

Because when it was over…it was over.


WHAT IN THE HELL had he been thinking, asking her to dinner first? The wine hadn’t even been served and he was already dying to get her out of there and out of those brand-new vacation clothes…and into his bed.

He’d thought to stop at Sam’s, sit on the rear deck, eat broiled snapper as the sun set, and get to know each other better. He needed to understand if this unmanageable desire he suddenly had for her existed simply because she was an appealing and willing woman? Or if it was because of her, specifically…and he was just incredibly lucky that he’d stumbled across her at a time when he had nothing better to do than get to know her better. That made him think about the topic that had been occupying his mind just before he’d almost run her over. His earlier conviction that when he met the right person, he’d just know.
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