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One Bride: Baby Included

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He paused at the display of sporting goods in the window, his mind busily working out a schedule for Amy’s tour. Absorbed in his thoughts, he moved on to the entrance of the shop, only to freeze in the doorway when he realized he was about to enter Victoria’s Secret.

Before he could back out again Amy caught sight of him. She waved something at him, calling out loud enough for everyone to hear, “Hey, J.R., what do you think of these?”

Blood rushed to his cheeks when he saw the scrap of purple lace dangling from her fingers. He noticed faces turning his way and cursed himself for not paying attention to where he was going. He stumbled backward out of the doorway and waited outside the sporting goods store, furious at himself, his mother and Amy. Especially Amy. She’d made him feel like that gauche, awkward teenager again. If she’d been anyone else but Ben Richard’s daughter, he’d tell his mother to find someone else to watch over her precious Amelia.

Inside the lingerie store Amy hurriedly made her purchases. After seeing the look on Georgie’s face, she felt bad about embarrassing him. She certainly hadn’t meant to make him uncomfortable. She just had to remember that not all men were as lecherous as her four brothers.

His face still appeared stern and unapproachable when she joined him outside the store. Ignoring the frosty gleam in his dark eyes, she said brightly, “I’m all done. You can take me home now.”

He flicked his gaze across her face, then away. “What about your groceries?”

“I noticed a convenience store a couple of blocks from the apartments. I’ll walk over there later.” She took one of the packages from him. “I’ll just order in a pizza or something for dinner.”

He marched along by her side without speaking until they were out in the parking lot. Just before they reached the car he said quietly, “You shouldn’t be eating alone in your apartment your first night in town. It will take you a while to settle in. I’ll take you out to dinner, if you like.”

Surprised by this unexpected gesture she smiled up at him. “Really? That would be wonderful! I’d love that!”

He nodded, and she was relieved to see the harsh lines of his face softening. He really was a good-looking man when he wasn’t scowling. And so sweet and thoughtful, too. It was really too bad he hadn’t stayed in Willow Falls. Maybe if he had, she wouldn’t be in the mess she was in now.

“There’s a good seafood restaurant over there,” George said, as they pulled off the freeway headed for home. “They do an excellent crab dinner.”

Amy shuddered. “Sorry, I don’t like crab.”

He looked at her in amazement. “Everyone likes crab.”

“Not when it makes you erupt in ugly red blotches all over your body.”

Something flickered in his eyes and his voice sounded a little husky when he said, “They serve other foods as well.” He took a hand off the wheel to gesture at the window. “There’s a really good steak house if you prefer steak.”

“I try to stay away from red meat.” Aware she was sounding picky, she added hurriedly, “I like chicken and fish, though.”

“Except crab.”

She gave him a weak smile. “Sorry.”


She shrugged. “Not really.”

His breath came out a little forcefully. “All right, I’ll take you to an excellent downtown restaurant. They have an extremely varied menu and a great wine cellar. I’m sure you’ll find something you like there.”

“It sounds great. Thanks, J.R. It really is nice of you to go to all this trouble.”

She was rewarded with a tight smile. “My pleasure.”

A few minutes later they arrived back at the apartments, and George helped carry her purchases inside.

“Just dump them on the couch,” she said, as he stood, looking a little unsure of himself, in the middle of her living room.

“Won’t you need this stuff in the…er…bedroom?”

It was on the tip of her tongue to suggest he help her make up the bed, but she stopped herself just in time. “Thanks, but I’ll take care of it later. I’ll let you get back to your errands.”

He flashed her a quick glance. “Oh, well, it was nothing important.” He dropped the heavy packages on the couch. “Sure you can manage?”

“Sure. Thanks a heap for taking me shopping.”

“Anytime. Though you will have to see about a car eventually. Our transportation services are pretty good, but if you want to get around outside the city you’ll need a car.”

“Oh, I plan to get one. I sold mine before I left Willow Falls. It was falling apart anyway.” She gazed up at him. “I could really use some good advice on buying a car.”

George coughed. “Well, I’m no expert, but I guess I could give you some pointers.”

“Super. We’ll check out some used cars.” She moved over to the door and opened it. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later?”


“For dinner?”

“Oh, right!” He hurried over to the door. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“I’ll be ready.” She beamed at him.

He bumped his shoulder as he went through the door. He didn’t seem to notice.

She closed the door behind him and leaned against it for a moment as her smile faded. George was a challenge and she’d enjoyed rattling his cage. For a little while life had been fun again. For a little while she’d forgotten why she’d left home to start life all over again in a strange town. For a little while she’d even managed to keep Luke’s face out of her mind, and the cruel words he’d flung at her that last day just before he’d roared off in a hot cloud of dust.

The pain was still there, and it hurt just as much now as it had then. But she was learning to deal with it. And soon she’d face her problem and do something about it. But not now. Not yet. Not until she couldn’t avoid it any longer.

Chapter Three

George arrived promptly at seven that evening, as Amy had known he would. Guessing that he was a stickler for punctuality, she’d made an effort to be ready for him. After a great deal of thought she’d settled on a short, sleeveless sheath in pale apple-green and covered it with a navy linen jacket. His expression, when she opened the door to him, was hard to judge.

“Nice,” he commented, as he stepped through the doorway. Since his gaze was focused on the couch at bright orange pillows that she’d bought that afternoon, she couldn’t be sure if he was complimenting those or her.

She decided not to respond, just in case. He looked pretty good himself. Dark-gray tailored slacks, a crisp blue dress shirt, no tie and a black jacket—very cosmopolitan.

She was admiring the cut of the jacket across his broad shoulders when he turned to look at her. Quickly adjusting her expression she grabbed up her purse. “Okay, I’m ready.”

He grunted something in reply and held the door open for her to pass through. All the way down in the elevator she could sense the tension in him. Obviously he regretted his impulsive invitation. The thought bothered her more than she wanted to admit. She was looking forward to her first outing in her new hometown, and the least he could do was show a little enthusiasm.

She waited until they were in the car and heading toward the city before saying, “This is so nice of you, Georgie. You were right, I was beginning to feel just a tiny bit lonely.”

There was an odd pause before he said somewhat acidly, “I imagine it will take you a while to feel at home…Amelia.”

She winced. “Sorry. J.R. I keep forgetting.”

“Yes,” George said deliberately. “You do.”
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