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One Night With The Billionaire: Sparks Fly with the Billionaire / The Nanny Plan / Second Chance with the Billionaire

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One Night with the BillionaireSparks fly with the BillionaireWhen Mathew forecloses a loan for his childhood circus he is taken aback by the Amazing Mischka. She won’t allow a man to evict her family… no matter how gorgeous he is!The Nanny PlanBeing a father to his infant niece is out of billionaire Nate’s comfort zone, luckily his new nanny Trish is a natural at motherhood. But long glances and slow kisses are strictly off-limits…Second Chance with the BillionaireConor enjoys a challenge and he’s never encountered one more arousing than Ellie. Once, she broke his heart but now she's back in town he can't seem to stay away…
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