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The Billionaire's Borrowed Baby

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“I’ll get Marilyn to contact you and set up a meeting. It will probably only take a couple of days. You need to go ahead and start packing.”

“Packing?” She was starting to sound like a slightly dense parrot. What had she gotten herself into? Luc was helping her, but with strings attached. She had known his every thought at one time. Now he was an enigma.

His half smile made her think of a predator anticipating his prey. “You and Deedee will be moving in here as soon as the wedding is over.”


Two days later, Luc tapped briefly at his brother’s office door and entered. Leo, his senior by little more than a year, was almost hidden behind piles of paperwork and books. A genius by any measure, Leo masterminded the financial empire, while Luc handled R & D. Luc enjoyed the challenge of developing new products, finding the next creative venture.

Leo was the one who made them all rich.

It was a full thirty seconds before his brother looked up from what he was doing. “Luc. Didn’t expect to see you today.”

The brothers met formally twice a month, and it wasn’t unusual for them to lunch together a few times a week, but Luc rarely dropped by his brother’s sanctum unannounced. Their offices were on different floors of the building, and more often than not, their customary mode of communication was texting.

Luc ignored the comfortable, overstuffed easy chair that flanked Leo’s desk and instead, chose to cross the room and stand by the window. He never tired of gazing at Atlanta’s distinctive skyline.

He rolled his shoulders, unaware until that moment that his neck was tight. He turned and smiled. “What are you doing on May 14?”

Leo tapped a key and glanced at his computer screen. “Looks clear. What’s up?”

“I thought you might like to be my best man.”

Now Luc had Leo’s full attention. His older sibling, though still a couple inches shorter than Luc’s six-three, was an imposing man. Built like a mountain, he looked more like a lumberjack than a numbers whiz.

He escaped the confines of his desk and cleared a front corner to lean on his hip and stare at his brother. “You’re pulling my chain, right?”

“Why would you say that?”

“Three weeks ago I suggested you bring a date to Carole Ann’s party, and you told me you weren’t seeing anyone.”

Luc shrugged. “Things happen.”

Leo scowled, a black expression that had been known to make underlings quake in terror. “I can read you like a book. You’re up to something. The last time I saw that exact look on your face, you were trying to convince Dad to let you take the Maserati for a weekend trip to Daytona.”

“I have my own sports cars. I’m not trying to pull anything.”

“You know what I mean.” He changed tack. “Do I know her?”

Luc shrugged. “You’ve met.”

“How long have you known her? It’s not like you to go all misty-eyed over a one-night stand.”

“I can assure you that I’ve known her for a very long time.”

“But you’ve just now realized you’re in love.”

“A man doesn’t have to be in love to want a woman.”

“So it’s lust.”

“I think we’ve gotten off track. I asked if you would be my best man. A simple yes or no will do.”

“Damn it, Luc. Quit being so mysterious. Who is she? Will I get to see her anytime soon?”

“I haven’t decided. We’ve been concentrating on each other. I don’t want to spoil things. Just promise me you’ll show up when and where I say on the fourteenth. In a tux.”

The silence was deafening. Finally, Leo stood up and stretched. “I don’t like the sound of this. When it all goes to hell, don’t come crying to me. Your libido is a piss-poor businessman. Be smart, baby brother. Women are generally not worth the bother.”

Luc understood his brother’s caution. They had both been burned by love at a tender age, but thankfully had wised up pretty fast. What Leo didn’t know, though, was that Luc had a plan. Revenge was a strong word for what he had in mind. He didn’t hate Hattie Parker. Quite the contrary. All he wanted was for her to understand that while he might still find her sexually attractive, he was completely immune to any emotional connection. No hearts and flowers. No protestations of undying devotion.

He was no longer a kid yearning for a pretty girl. This time he had the power. He would be calling all the shots. Hattie needed him, and her vulnerability meant that Luc would have her in his house … in his bed … under his control. Perhaps revenge was too strong a word. But when all was said and done, Hattie Parker would be out of his system … for good.

Hattie was ready to scream. Moving anytime was a huge chore, but add a baby to the mix, and the process was darned near impossible. She’d finally gotten Deedee down for a nap and was wrapping breakables in the kitchen when her cell phone rang. She jerked it up and snarled, “What?”

The long silence at the other end was embarrassing.

“Sorry,” she said, her throat tight with tears of frustration.

Luc’s distinctive tones were laced with humor. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you lose your temper. I kind of like it.”

“Don’t be silly,” she said, shoving a lock of damp hair from her forehead. “What do you want?”

“Nothing in particular. I was checking in to see if you needed anything.”

“A trio of muscular guys would be nice.”

Another silence. “Kinky,” he said, his voice amused but perhaps a tad hoarse.

Her face flamed, though he couldn’t see her. “To help with moving,” she muttered. “I wouldn’t know what else to do with them. This mothering thing is hard work.”

“Why, Hattie Parker. Are you hinting for help?”

“Maybe.” Deedee was a good baby, but being a single parent was difficult. Hattie no longer felt as panicked as she had in the beginning. Much of the daily routine of dealing with an infant seemed easier now. But Deedee had been restless the three nights since Hattie had dined with Luc. Perhaps the baby was picking up on Hattie’s unsettled emotions. And to make matters worse, Eddie had begun sending a harassing string of vague emails and texts. Clearly to keep Hattie on edge. And it was working.

Luc sighed audibly. “I would have hired a moving crew already, but you’re always so damned independent, I thought you would pitch a fit and insist on doing it yourself.”

“I’ve grown up, Luc. Some battles simply aren’t worth fighting. I know when I’m in over my head.”

“I’m sorry. I made a stupid assumption. It won’t happen again.”

The conversation lagged once more. She looked at the chaos in her kitchen and sighed. “Do you know yet when we’re going to sit down and go over the finer points of our marriage agreement?”

“I thought perhaps tomorrow evening. When does Deedee go down for the night?”

“Usually by eight … if I’m lucky.”

“What if I come over to your place then, so she won’t have to be displaced. I’ll bring food.”
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