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Mrtin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). Книга для чтения на английском языке

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2. Martin had not been permitted access to the precious volumes.

3. The creative spirit in Martin flamed up.

4. The return voyage to San Francisco was like a dream.

5. He did not let Ruth know he was back.

6. He mailed his work to the San Francisco Examiner.

7. He had his programme for a week.

8. Ruth noted the change in Martin.

9. She did not approve of Eden’s idea.

9. Answer the following questions.

1. What was the end of Eden’s expedition?

2. How did Martin get a complete Shakespeare?

3. What did Martin decide?

4. How did he want to win Ruth?

5. What was he going to describe first of all?

6. Why didn’t he let Ruth know he was back?

7. Where did he mail his manuscript?

8. What was his next work about?

9. What did Ruth notice in Eden?

10. Why didn’t Ruth approve of Eden’s idea?

10. Correct the statements.

1. Martin did not earn enough to stay on land.

2. Martin did not like the eight months spent on board the ship.

3. He did not know what to tell Ruth about his voyage.

4. The return voyage to San Francisco was like a nightmare.

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