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Cardinal Newman as a Musician

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By the late Sir John Lambert, K.C.B., and published by Burns in 1849. Its Preface is well worthy of attention, and we note with pleasure his remark, "that while pleading for the restoration of the Ritual Song as the Church system and the music of the people, and as the basis of all that is really grand and ecclesiastical, the writer would not wish to be understood to object to the superadding of the most elaborate music where it can be properly executed, if it does not supersede the Church Song, and is of a character to harmonize with it. Doubtless," he adds, "as the Church employs all the resources of art, as far as in accordance with her own spirit, the most perfect celebration of the Divine Office would be where both could be combined. All would then be impressed and edified, each person according to his peculiar sense, and God would be worshipped with all the magnificence which art can be made to minister." (p. xiii.)


S. Greg. Epist. xxxi. lib. xii. De expos. divers. rerum.


Thus M. Tonnellé, pupil of Father Gratry, of the Oratory: "Haydn et Mozart, c'est la foi Catholique, c'est la soumission naïve et spontanée, c'est la devotion tendre et vive," which can, of course, be truly said without implying that they are always perfection.


There was nothing, however, so really "magnificent," he said once (speaking of the wind instruments of brass and wood), as a military band.


The following have set "Lead, kindly Light" to music: Canon J. Ballantine-Dykes, Rev. H. Earle Bulwer, Dr. G.A. Macfarren, Dr. S.S. Wesley, Dr. A.R. Gaul, Dr. C.J.B. Meacham, Sir A. Sullivan, J. Barnby, F. Tozer, C. Pinsuti, W. Hamilton, W. Hume, M.A. Wood (Mrs. Harvey), Katharine Rowley, C.T. Gatty, T.W. Barth, A. Allen, F.G. Pincott, H.C. Layton, J. Tilleard, J. Otter, W.H. Walter, J.A. Gardiner, W. Nicholson, J.W.R., and three anonymous composers. We may add that Mr. Rowton has musically essayed the Dream of Gerontius; "J.W.R.," "Warnings" from the Lyra Apostolica; Dr. Macfarren a duet, "O God, Who canst not change" (breviary translation); "R.S.," "All is divine which the Highest has made;" E.W., "Softly and gently, dearly ransomed soul;" the Rev. C.E. Butler, "Praise to the Holiest;" Maria Tiddeman, the same; Mr. Bellasis, the "Haven," "Consolation," "Waiting for the Morning," "The Two Worlds," "The Watchman," and "Heathen Greece;" and an anonymous composer, "The Pilgrim Queen," "There sat a Lady," &c.


From the Lyra Apostolica, and a striking little poem, as indeed are all the few signed β, the music by a pupil of the Cardinal.


Verses on Various Occasions, pp. 80, 319; the latter written in 1862, the music by a pupil, and according to the Father "better than my words." The words also appear in the Birmingham book as a hymn (No. 67), entitled "Sacrifice."


Father Faber's Poems, No. 135, pp. 379-381, new edit. 1861. This is not in the London Oratory Hymn Book, but under the heading "Eternity" six of the quatrains (Nos. 1, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16) appear in the Birmingham book as No. 73, and are set to a tune in the minor from Beethoven's sixth trio (for flute, viola, and violoncello), taken andante.


Pope, Capecelatro, ii. 106.

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