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Way Too Much Drama

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“Misalo, stop making up stuff in your head that isn’t true. I swear, that is not what happened.” I attempted to put him back on the right track.

“You expect me to think that you actually snuck out of the house? I’ve asked you to do that for me countless times and you never would, Maya.”

“I did it that one time, okay. It happened,” I said more forcefully.

“Whatever,” he said. I could tell that he didn’t believe me.

“Now my turn,” I said, turning the tables.

“Your turn?” Misalo seemed surprised that I had an issue with him.

“Yes. I have questions of my own for you,” I said.

“I didn’t do anything,” he said.

“Ah, yes, you did. The photos that I sent to you. Why didn’t you delete them? Why did you lie to me like you had? You’ve humiliated me, Misalo. So many guys have tried to have sex with me because of those photos.”

“Okay, that technically wasn’t my fault. I didn’t really know that Viviana had gotten ahold of my phone and did that.”

“Dude! You should have deleted the pictures. She would not have had anything to forward had you done what you were supposed to do,” I raised my voice at him.

“I was stupid, okay. I never thought they’d ever leave my phone.”

I shook my head disapprovingly at him.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I know I messed up.”

His apology didn’t seem sincere to me. I felt tears swelling. “Then you stooped so low by dating my cousin, Viviana. How could you even think that was cool?”

“It happened by accident,” he said.

“By accident! Are you joking! Do you understand what you’ve done to me?” I angrily barked at him.

“You guys are getting a little too loud over here,” Keysha spoke in a loud whisper as she walked past us. I had not noticed that she had come down from her perch.

“What was I supposed to think, Maya? Everything that I saw indicated to me that you and Carlo were an item. I even heard rumors that you and him had gone all the way.”

“What! I can’t believe you just said that to me. You should know me and know that rumor was a lie!” His words hurt me.

“I don’t know, Maya. I thought you’d never sneak out of the house, but you did. I never thought you’d date another guy, but you have. It’s hard for me to believe that you did not go all the way with him,” Misalo said as he began backing away from me.

“And what about you and Viviana? What does dating my cousin say about you as a person?” I fired back at him.

“So it is true. You did go all the way with him.” Misalo seemed transfixed on how far I’d gone with Carlo.

“Why do you even care? You were so busy running behind Viviana like she was the best thing that ever happened to you. How did you feel when you found out how she had played you for a fool?” I bluntly asked. My question left Misalo speechless and his ego bruised.

“I’ve got to go,” Misalo said and swam away to the other end of the swimming pool. He got out of the water, dried himself off and then left. I tried to hold on to my tears, but it was of no use. I buried my face in my hands and cried. I wanted Misalo back. I wanted the love we had to restore itself, but I didn’t know if we could forgive each other.



I had just finished styling my hair and covering up my bruised skin with makeup. I put on a pair of sexy blue jeans and a nice top. I wanted to look as decent as I could because I had to speak to Misalo. I needed him to understand that everything I did and said regarding Maya was fully justified. After he heard what I had to say, I was certain he’d forgive me, and we could continue dating.

Once my hair and makeup were flawless, I called Misalo. I didn’t get an answer, but that did not stop me from calling him several times. After calling him at least ten times without an answer, I decided I’d go to his house and beg for five minutes of his time. As I walked out of the house, I saw Maya, who had just returned from the swimming pool. She looked as if she’d been crying, but I didn’t really care about her emotional state. I only cared about reclaiming Misalo before she tried to sink her hooks into him.

“Slut!” Maya spat the word at me as she walked past me. I flipped up my middle finger as I moved on out the door. While I walked toward Misalo’s house, I called him again, but still got no answer. As luck would have it, I caught up with him as he was exiting a local pizzeria.

“Misalo,” I called out his name as I quickened my pace to catch up to him. When he turned in the direction of my voice, his facial expression turned sour.

“What do you want, Viviana?” he asked disdainfully.

“I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to be,” I began speaking at a fast pace.

“I don’t have anything to say to you.” Misalo turned his back to me and started walking toward his car.

“Please just give me five minutes to explain,” I begged him.

“Explain what, Viviana? You’re a sneaky liar, and I don’t like being around people like you. End of story.” Misalo’s words stabbed my heart.

“I deserved that and you’re right. I was sneaky and I stretched the truth in order to get back at Maya, but aren’t you curious as to why?” I asked, hoping he would be interested in understanding my justification.

“No.” Misalo opened his car door. I hustled over to the passenger door and pulled the handle. Thankfully the door was unlocked and I got in the car with him.

“What the hell, Viviana. Get out!” Misalo shouted at me. I didn’t move. I sat in the car with my head slumped submissively between my shoulders. I felt horrible about how I’d misled him, but I didn’t want him to hate me for it.

“Get out of my car, Viviana,” he yelled at me again. I looked at him and sniffled. Misalo met my gaze only for a moment and then turned away. “I’m not hearing it, girl. Get out before I come over and yank you out of the car seat.”

“Please, Misalo. Just let me get this off my chest.” My voice trembled and I smeared away the tears that were trickling down my cheeks.

“Viviana, get out of my car!” Misalo clenched his teeth as he spoke. I sat still and refused to move. I was going to make him hear me out one way or the other.

“Listen to what I have to say and then I’ll get out,” I promised.

“Talk.” Misalo released a deep sigh and finally gave in.

“Maya and I have been enemies for a long time. Because of her, my father is dead and I hate her for it. Because of her, my life was ruined. Being forced to live with her is the hardest thing ever.”

“So you used me to get back at her. I got it. Now get out,” Misalo said.

“No, it’s not like that. I mean—” I paused and tried to determine if I should be 100 percent truthful or continue to lie “—yes. At first, I only wanted to break up your relationship because I had gotten so sick and tired of hearing her brag about how perfect you were.”

“Wow, with a cousin like you, who needs enemies?” Misalo’s words stabbed me deeply.

“I’m not an evil person, Misalo. I only tempted you by showing you a different way of looking at your relationship with Maya. That’s all. If you trusted her fully and were truly in love with her, nothing I said should have mattered.”

“You manipulated me,” Misalo said.
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