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The Browning Cyclopædia: A Guide to the Study of the Works of Robert Browning

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42. Miss Helen Ormerod on The Musical Poems of Browning.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Sixth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part X. (being Part IV. of Vol. II.). [1888-9.

43. Mr. Revell on Browning’s Views of Life.

44. Dr. Berdoe on Browning’s Estimate of Life.

45. Prof. Barnett on Browning’s Jews and Shakespeare’s Jew.

46. Miss Helen Ormerod on Abt Vogler, the Man.

47. Miss C. M. Whitehead on Browning as a Teacher of the Nineteenth Century.

48. Miss Stoddart on “Saul.”

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Seventh Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XI. (being Part V. of Vol. II.). [1889-90.

49. Dr. Berdoe on Paracelsus: the Reformer of Medicine.

50. Miss Helen Ormerod on Andrea del Sarto and Abt Vogler.

51. Rev. W. Robertson on “La Saisiaz.”

52. Mr. J. B. Oldham on The Difficulties and Obscurities encountered in a Study of Browning’s Poems.

53. Mr. J. King, Jun., on “Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau.”

54. Mrs. Alexander Ireland on “A Toccata of Galuppi’s.”

55. Mrs. Glazebrook on “Numpheleptos and Browning’s Women.”

56. Rev. J. J. G. Graham on The Wife-love and Friend-love of Robert Browning.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Eighth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XII. (being Part I. of Vol. III.). [1890-91.

57. Prof. Alexander’s Analysis of “Sordello.”

58. Dr. Furnivall on Robert Browning’s Ancestors.

59. Mrs. Ireland on Browning’s Treatment of Parenthood.

60. Mr. Sagar on The Line-numbering, etc., in “The Ring and the Book.”

61. Mr. Revell on The Value of Browning’s Work (Part I.).

62. Mr. W. M. Rossetti on “Taurello Salinguerra.”

List of Some of the Periodicals in which Notices of Robert Browning have appeared since his Death.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Ninth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XIII. (being Part II. of Vol. III., 1890-93). [1891-92.

63. Mrs. A. Ireland on “Christina and Monaldeschi.”

64. Jón Stefánsson, M.A., on How Browning Strikes a Scandinavian.

65. W. F. Revell, Esq., on Browning’s Work in Relation to Life (Part II.).

66. J. B. Oldham, B.A., on Browning’s Dramatic Method in Narrative.

67. R. G. Moulton, M.A., on Browning’s “Balaustion” a beautiful Perversion of Euripides’ “Alcestis.”

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Tenth Annual Report, etc.


1812. Robert Browning born at Camberwell on May 7th. He “went to the Rev. Thos. Ready’s school at Peckham till he was near fourteen, then had a private tutor at home, and attended some lectures at the London University, now University College, London” (Dr. Furnivall).

1833. Pauline published.

1834. Browning travelled in Russia.

1835. Paracelsus published.

1836. Porphyria, Johannes Agricola, The King, and the lines “Still ailing wind” in James Lee published by Mr. W. J. Fox in his magazine The Monthly Repository.

1837. Strafford published.

1840. Sordello published.

1841-6. Bells and Pomegranates appeared.

1841. Pippa Passes published.

1842. King Victor and King Charles published. Dramatic Lyrics published.

1843. The Return of the Druses published. A Blot in the ’Scutcheon published.

1844. Colombe’s Birthday published.

1845. The Tomb at St. Praxed’s published in Hood’s Magazine, March. The Flight of the Duchess published. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics published.
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