To expose to danger
A tool shed
To come to the door to open it
If things go sideways
To go crazy/nuts
To itch
A huge amount of money
To feel like scratching
To jeopardize
A hospital for those who are mentally ill or insane
To get the door
A building where one keeps axes, shovels and hammers
To go totally off the rails
Some magical visions or hallucinations
Corrupt guards
To keep sth under control
To keep sth contained
Security staff that can be bribed
Ex. 4. Answer the questions related to the plot of the episode:
How do Nancy and Robin manage to penetrate into the asylum where Vecna’s victim is kept?
How is their deceit exposed?
What happens to the agents guarding Mike and his friends? Who unintentionally saves them?
What story does the survivor in the asylum tell Nancy and Robin?
How do Steve, Lucas and Dustin rescue Max from the dark sorcerer?
Ex. 5. Sum up the episode.
Ex. 6. Speak about music in your life. What genres do you prefer? What kind of music do you listen to when you are in a sad mood? Or, vice versa, in high spirits? What music would you play to a person who has been deaf all his/her life and now has regained his/her hearing? What music would you play to an alien?
Episode 5
Ex. 1 Find English equivalents of the following:
Подтяжка лица, в переносном значении «косметический ремонт»
Могло бы быть хуже
Будет трясти (о поездке, полёте)
Соня (человек, любящий поспать)
Выяснить что-то
У него от травки крыша поехала
Родиться мёртвым
Искривлённая спина (позвоночник)
Выкуривать кого-то (слэнг)
Перелопатить от и до
«Расколоть» дело
Трата времени
Хрупкий груз