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Captive mistress. English-language novels

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Her mother told her to sit down: «Arabella,» she began: – do Not forget that you were born in the family of the Duke, which is particularly important at the court of his Majesty the king. And don’t you dare call yourself a commoner, even thinking about this I forbid you. And to the ball you go.

– But I have nothing to wear – sadly shrugged the young Mademoiselle.

– Pick up dress from mistress of Bandung. It is visited by rich sites and has hundreds of different outfits.

In the hot afternoon Arabella went to the estate ladies Bandung. The girl took her modest dress, sewn from rough satin and gold earrings in the form of elongated drops. French not felt joy, going to the Palace of the king. Perhaps the witty intriguer will laugh because of modesty, Arabella.

The next night, the Duke’s daughter, North road in Berlin, ordered the coachman to drive to the Palace of his Majesty the king of France.

Chapter 2

The court of Louis XIII was in the center of Paris. It was a huge, marble estate, surrounded on all sides by parks. Near the gate was a crowd of dozens of people. Quietly played with the court orchestra consisting of the best musicians of France.

The Butler bowed and took Arabella to the throne room, where he welcomed their guests at the king.

The girl saw standing in a row, pairs. Men dressed in glittering uniforms and trimmed with Golden ribbons, trousers tucked into high boots. Their clothes could not be called simple, but it attracted universal attention, as women looked defiantly expensive, silk dresses with plunging necklines and bare backs looked far not starchy. Unlike the ladies, Arabella was dressed in a fully closed dress, whose only ornament was stamped belt, tight thin waist. The young woman quietly mingled in the crowd.

The Herald, knocking three times on the drum, solemnly proclaimed: His Majesty the king!

Everyone bowed in deep curtseys and low bows. The hall majestically entered himself Louis. His resignation was accompanied by several squires of the noble, foreign families. The monarch never looked, stood along the wall, the crowd, but this time he cast an attentive gaze to Arabella, though she was barely visible from the last row. Having sat on a gilded throne, Louis loudly said: «Dear guests! I with great joy welcome you to their outdated Palace! I’m pleased to announce that the ball will be held in honor of the construction of new estates in the heart of Paris! The will of God, our Creator, I am allowed to start the celebration!

All the couples swirled in a waltz, but only Arabella stood by indifferently and watched. She loved to dance, and who will invite the «gray mouse» at such a delicate dance? She decided to go to the Palace gallery. There on the walls hung hundreds of paintings depicting members of the Bourbon dynasty. But the young woman drew attention to the portrait of Henrietta Maria of France, the younger sister of the king. The artist accurately depicted her elegant beauty and fragility.

More admiring the portraits, the young woman did not notice that she was approached by Louis. Shuddering from his touch, Arabella hastily made a curtsey, bending in the squat and slightly raising the hem of the dress.

– Your Majesty, – timidly said the girl, "I’m Sorry, I didn’t see You.

«Nothing terrible,» the king held it to her face chandelier: – Your beauty has eclipsed my mind, my dear Mademoiselle. I’ve never seen such fiery hair. It seems that the hot fire melted the gold, and adorned them with these lovely locks. And Your eyes have no equal. They settled delight and playfulness. If I had my way, I would have concluded myself in Your sweet captivity.

Blushing to the roots of the hair, the girl shyly lowered her eyes.

– I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass You. I rarely had a chance to meet with You, but in those precious minutes, as a boy, I admired You, but was silent. And now I had become a slave of love. Have mercy on the poor in love, fallen from the arrows of Your unforgettable eyes, the king wanted to touch Arabella’s lips, but suddenly moved away from her and with a commanding view said: – Follow me – young woman with downcast eyes, went behind the king. He made a guest in his luxurious, huge room. Dropping into a chair, the king motioned Arabella to sit down.

– Mademoiselle, "he began: – I would like to know where You live and who You raised. Because I know that Your mother died in childbirth and his father died in the war. Who was lucky enough to adopt You?

The girl lowered her, flushed with sudden tears the eyes. She remembered his mother, who sacrificed his life for her, and Arabella’s heart clenched in pain. She never went to the cemetery to see his parents, never talked about them, his mother believed Antonia, although the light made the girl Juliet.

Wiping his tears, Arabella said: «I was brought up by the maid Antonia, the girl could not say: «My mother was a noble woman.» It would have been an insult to the dead Juliet. But Louis did not listen to the words of their guest. He was struck by the idea that the Duke’s daughter, lived under the care of the housemaid whose business was the management of the household and inconspicuous existence in the house of lords.

– What?! You, noble lady, brought up some pathetic girl with dirty streets?! – roared the enraged and shocked by Louis: – And You, my lady, without shame, say about this? These words You desecrate the memory of their deceased parents! A sudden burst of anger filled the heart of Arabella de Frase. The girl screamed and jumped up: – I have not defiled the memory of parents! And do not dare to call Antonia a girl with dirty streets! Yes, I agree that she is poor and no title could not give me, but she is a woman, due to that I live in this world. Mother many years ago, received very risky, adopt me. You still did not exist in this world… So do not judge her… If its about the act of the learned justice, it would be executed, and I was sent to a shelter. In fact the law forbade and forbids the commoner to take under his wing a girl from a rich family. But Antonia did!

The king, smiling, drank crimson wine poured into a crystal glass, and with a furrowed look said: – you Know, Mademoiselle, You are still too young and do not know much about. Yeah, I’m not older than You, but thanks to the title of king, I know a lot about the past… Your mother. It still holds the stigma of sin, which turned a woman’s life is turned on its head. Youth can be silly, but not to this extent.

Arabella could not understand. What sin could make this a chaste woman?

– Tell me about her faults before God. Please – humbly asked the girl.

– No, it’s a long story and a young lady her need to know.

– Do not forget, sire, that Antonia became my mother, and I have the right to know everything about her.

Unable to restrain himself in front of brilliantly blue eyes, Louis XIII sighed: – well, Well, You asked for it. Now listen, pause, the young man began his story: «Your foster mother was an ordinary girl from a poor family. She had everything for full happiness: loving but strict parents, younger sister and brother. But in fifteen years the mother has decided to give his daughter in marriage to a wealthy Baron. Of course, such an age unsuitable for marriage, but Antonia was raised in a constant obedience, not knowing the word «no». Of course, she didn’t want this marriage, but, fearing the wrath of parents, agreed. Held modestly engagement and Antonia expected a quick wedding. But one day near the river, she met the son of a blacksmith. It was a tall, handsome young man. It also attracted the young woman. So Your mother was secretly go out with that guy. They have long sat by the river, talked, laughed, swam in the cool water, caressing the body. But suddenly their friendship turned into a blazing passion of love. Antonia left the house late at night and returned at dawn. Parents are either fast asleep after a hard working day, or away on business.

Of course, love is fine, but the woman found out that is under the heart of a child. Again the night Antonia went to a meeting with her beloved, but she tracked down an old friend. The traitor told all Celeto Mr. and Mrs. Sineer. The girl’s father was infuriated by this news. And with the said Antonia: «you Decide is wrong, either you get rid of the baby and will marry the Baron, or I’ll kill you with my own hands, like the apostate from the parent of the decision and a woman and a disgrace to your family and trample on the part of the family. So what do you choose? But know, your bastard will never appear in this world, because death will befall you before.» Parents Your foster mother, miss, were originally from Iraq, and raised my daughter under Muslim laws. Antonia became a Christian only because of the desire of her grandmother, living in France and who served as the maid of honor of my mother. The woman told her son to move to Paris and to baptize Antonia according to all the commandments of the Bible. Kilat, respecting his mother agreed, but after her death they hated this country and his own family: Sineer, Antonia, and two children.

It is time to make the decision. She wanted the child growing in her womb, was born alive and healthy, but the cruel customs and manners of the country were forbidden to maintain the fragile life.

– How will you look people in the eyes if you have this child? – whispering a resident of the village: – What do you give this kid? Huh? This child is the son of a blacksmith. He was his father. And this shame is known to all the inhabitants of the area. Flush with yourself and with your family is a stain.

Antonia agreed to get rid of the child, fearing the wrath of parents. But with abortion, something was broken, and the midwife told Your mother that she will never be able to have children. Sorrow did not give Antonia the rest. But shortly before the wedding, the Baron learned that his bride was pregnant from the poor boys and had shamed the family. The man refused to marry the girl, the parents chased her out of the house. Your mother wandered in the mountains and lived with poor people, ate one dry bread, wheat porridge and water. Soon the city was attacked by the Tartars and was taken prisoner by Antony. In the slave market it was bought by a slaver, and gave as a gift to Your father – the Duke of Eduardo de Frase. Antonia served in his house for several years, and after the death of Madame Juliette, the Duke gave You to her. It was a real fortune. But Antonia is not worthy of happiness woman. I knew that she adopted You, and so wondered how You feel about it. Unfortunately, You didn’t know anything about the past of his foster mother…

Chapter 3

Arabella was sitting in a deep daze. She couldn’t believe heard! As Antonia dared to get rid of the baby, which he wore under the heart?! These burning like fire, words do not reach the consciousness of Arabella. Of course, the truth was too bitter to accept it.

– You’re lying! – desperately cried the girl.

Louis jumped up from the chair, came up to Arabella: – Calm down, please, "the man tried to take the Frenchwoman’s hand, but the Duke’s daughter resolutely moved aside: – No,… You’re lying! My mother could not do that!

– Remember, Arabella, Your mother is Juliet – Louis gently stroked her cheek: «I understand Your pain. But You must not close your lovely eyes to the truth, – the monarch moved away from her and uttered, "Leave the house, leave Bern. I want You to become the lady of the court, lived in the Palace. I beg You, do it for me, for my respect for You.

His voice sounded neither like an order of the king, but as a human please. Such a proposal shocked the young woman, but of course, she was forced to refuse: «No, I can’t, my house is not here. Excuse Me, Your Majesty…

«Arabella, please, agree.

– This is out of the question, sire. I grew up in other traditions and laws. All sixteen years of my life, I didn’t see anything apart from his village. I don’t know how to dance at balls, flirt with men with dignity wear precious jewelry, to put on expensive dresses, sheathed in gold and silver, do not know how to apply makeup on face, to have maids. I can’t learn to live in this lavish Royal residence. My life is there, in Bern, together with the foster mother, "sighed the Frenchwoman.

The king looked at her with tenderness and timidity: «Oh, God, this touching creation hides a strong character, common sense and unstoppable willpower. She is like an angel, innocent creature with heavenly eyes, silky hair and with a timid smile. Oh, God, do not deprive me of this lovely vision. Even if it would stop beating my heart, but my eyes looking to Arabella, never goes out,» thought the ruler of France.

– Arabella – gently he said: – You like the rays of the sun, illuminated my heart. Your light will also light up this Palace, and the heat will warm up the ice wall. For Pete’s sake, stay, agree to become a court lady.

Charming beauty could no longer resist the order of the son of Maria de Medici and Henry IV. Still Arabella agreed.

The maid took Mademoiselle de Frase in a spacious room on the second floor. It was luxurious, comfortable quarters, containing a large bed, crisp white sheets and covered from prying eyes silk, airy four-poster bed and several pieces of furniture. Near the window there was a fireplace of Medieval times, painted with exquisite drawings. On a small table mahogany rested a platter of juicy, exotic fruit. The walls are made of pure marble, ceiling – gypsum… Arabella sighed dreamily. If she hadn’t lost her parents, everything would be different…

Suddenly the girl noticed a huge chest with gold buckles:

– What’s in it? curiosity asked the French have a brittle, gray-eyed maid Jesse.

The maid, with downcast eyes, replied: – the Books of king Henry IV. After the death of her husband, Marie de Medici ordered to collect all his most precious belongings in this trunk. These were the books, still remembered in its pages a tender touch of his Majesty’s… For many years Louis XIII did not allow anyone to touch the chest, but today his order, he gave it to You, Mademoiselle, "the Duke’s daughter said nothing, but deep down she felt surprise, and also fear.

At sunset, a dinner, the girl was going to sleep. Jessie lit a night lamp and asked politely: «Mademoiselle, can I help You to undress?

– No, thank you. I myself. You’ve already come, the day was hard, good rest, refused Arabella, removing hair with gold studs. The young maid wished him good night, quietly withdrew to his tiny room.

In the morning Arabella threw up. In the room «was» unbearable heat. The girl opened the window. Fresh air wave rolled across the room. Court lady wanted to change the bed, but suddenly saw a bouquet of white roses, standing in a Golden vase on the table. But Arabella did not attach any importance to this. She thought that yesterday because of fatigue are simply not noticed the flowers.

Early morning in the French quarters came the maid Jesse. The young maid looked tired and exhausted. Always burning gleam in his eyes went out, like stars at dawn: «Good morning, Madam.
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