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A Place Called Home

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“Some sire, that.” Ellie had smiled as she and her parents watched the newborn foal wobble around in the straw on legs that seemed way too long for its body. Even then, though, in the very first hour of his life, Blue had had a proud, almost regal look to him; the look of eagles, her mother had called it. And he still had it now. Ellie reached up to stroke the big horse’s silken coat, as well. He had been iron gray when she last saw him, and the years had turned him almost white now, but he still had that same pride and class he’d always had.

“He’s done your mum proud,” murmured her dad. “Done us all proud. One of his offspring is shortlisted for the British Horse Trials team, you know, and another two have been sold to America.”

“So Dennis has a lot to live up to, I guess.”

“Not really. He’d already proven himself competing in show jumping when I bought him. Cost me an arm and a leg. That’s why Jake Munro was so keen to use him.”

“Jake Munro,” Ellie repeated. “Do I know him?”

“You must. He’s quite a bit older than you, but he was brought up around here, at Sky View. He went away to work on a show-jumping yard in the South not long after he left school. Then he came back a few years later, after his wife left him and their twins, to set up a yard at home.”

“I know who you mean,” Ellie said. “I heard about that. He was married to Tamara, the singer. Wasn’t there some kind of tragedy?”

Her dad shook his head sadly. “Terrible business. His mother and one of the children were killed in a car crash.”

A heavy weight settled on Ellie’s heart. “That must have been awful.”

“He was in a very bad place for a while, I believe.”

“Like you, then, Dad.” She needed to say it.

For the first time in years, Bob Nelson looked his daughter in the eyes without withdrawing his gaze. His face darkened, and for one horrible moment she thought she’d overstepped the mark. Well, if he told her to leave, she’d just refuse.

“I have to go and let the pup out,” he said, turning away. “He’s been locked in all morning.”

She followed slowly as he walked across to the barn and opened the door. The black whirlwind that hurled itself on them took her totally by surprise.

“How long have you had him?” she cried, crouching down to welcome the half-grown sheepdog that covered her in sloppy kisses.

“Quite a while now. He was part of the deal for Jake Munro’s mare’s stud fee.”

“What’s his name?”

“I call him Shadow. Jake’s fiancée, Cass, has his sister, Puddle.”

At the sound of his name, Shadow raced over to greet his master, tearing around him in crazy circles before waiting eagerly to be petted.

Bob rubbed the backs of the dog’s ears. Ellie hadn’t seen the same softness in his eyes for years.

“I’ve got a few sheep,” he told her, as if compelled to justify his acquisition. “I thought it might be useful to have a dog. I’m going to train him.”

“And he’ll be good company for you,” Ellie added.

“That, too,” he admitted. “To be honest, I haven’t felt like having company for a very long time.”

Ellie seized her opening. “I know exactly how you feel, Dad. But maybe it’s time to look back and move on. That’s what I’m trying to do, at last. That’s why I’m here. And your friend, Jake, seems to have managed to come to terms with his past.”

“I guess meeting him is what got me thinking. He’s been through some bad times, too, but now he’s got his training and breeding business up and running, and he’s getting married again. He’s even gone into partnership with his dad, converting some barns.”

“Perhaps I should stay around for a while,” Ellie suggested on impulse. “Help you get things in the house straight again.”

Her idea met a blank wall of silence.

“Dog needs some exercise,” her dad eventually muttered, turning abruptly away.

Ellie’s heart fell as she watched his slightly stooped figure walk off, closely followed by the dog. Then he paused, looking back.

“Come and see my new ewes if you like,” he said. “They’re in the fell meadow.”

As they headed, side by side, toward the imposing mass of the Lakeland Hills, the pup raced ahead, glancing back every now and then to make sure his master was following. Ellie studied his black face with its white stripe between two of the friendliest brown eyes she had ever seen. He appeared to be smiling, Ellie thought, her head already whirling with ideas for a new painting.

The black-headed ewes were as nervous as wild deer, rushing to the corner of the paddock when they saw the dog. Shadow slunk down, belly on the ground, his eyes firmly fixed on the sheep.

Now that would make a great painting—the keen expression on the young dog’s face and the startled eyes of the cautious sheep.

“You’ve started training him already, I see,” she exclaimed.

Her dad shook his head. “No, that’s just natural. It seems to be bred into him to know how quiet you have to be with these Fell sheep. They’re as wild as the hills. I’ve had to put wire all around the tops of the walls to keep them in.”

With a low whistle to Shadow, he turned back toward the stable yard, beckoning her.

“You haven’t met Dennis yet.”

CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_e1d7b833-8479-5fd7-9316-bb3071db64a8)

GRAND DESIGN WAS probably the most beautiful horse Ellie had ever seen. Not as noble as Blue, who would always hold a very special place in her heart, but classically perfect in his conformation. His gleaming, rich bay coat rippled beneath her fingers as she stroked his arched neck. She reached up to trace the outline of the large white star in the middle of his broad forehead. He tossed his head, moving to nip her arm, and she drew back.

“You’ve been spoiled by Blue, I’m afraid,” her dad said, smiling. “Not many stallions are as friendly as him. Dennis is a different ball game altogether. He’s pure Thoroughbred, for a start, and they’re often a bit feisty. You have to treat him with respect—if you don’t want to get bitten, that is. Fortunately, though, he’s very gentle with his mares.”

Ellie took hold of the stallion’s nose as she rubbed the backs of his ears, determined not to be daunted by his behavior.

“You know, I’ve already had two brilliant ideas for paintings since I’ve been home,” she said reflectively. “Shadow with the sheep, and the arrogant expression on Dennis’s face just now. I think maybe I could get lots of new ideas around here,”

“Best get some sketches done, then. Is that how it works?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes. Or I just paint from memory. I thought I might do a painting of Blue for you, too. Not in my usual style, but more of a classic painting. I might take some pictures of him before I go, so that I can really get his likeness.”

“Your mother would have liked that,” he said.

Were those tears in his eyes? Ellie had never seen her dad cry, not even at the funeral. Anger had driven him then. Now, though, he seemed different—softer and more approachable. Perhaps he saw in her something of her mother. She liked that idea.

“So you don’t mind if I stay over?” she asked tentatively.

“Plenty of room,” he muttered. “Bedding will want airing, though.”

Ellie felt a warm wave of happiness wash over her. Her timing had been right; she was home at last.

* * *
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