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De perfectione spirituals vitae 26.

DUI Prooemium.

DUI Prooemium.

Simon Tugwell, O. P., Albert and Thomas: Selected Writing, The Classics of Western Spirituality (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1998), p. 226.

1. Brady, “John Pecham and the Background of Aquinas’ De Aetemitate Mun-di”, in A. A. Maurer (ed.), St. Thomas Aquinas 1274–1974: Commemorative Studies (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1974), vol. II, pp. 141–178.

См. Claire le Brun-Gouanvic (ed.), Ystoria sancti Thome de Aquino de Guillaume de Tocco (1323) (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1996), c. 47.

См, напр, ST Iallae 1. 5; 94. 2; SCG III. 3; QDV 21. 1–2.

QDV I. 1.

QDV I. 1.

ST la. 5. 1.

См, например, SCG I. 37; III. 3.

ST la. 5. 1.

См. например, ST Iallae. 1. 5; 94. 2; SCG III. 3; QDV 21. 1–2.

ST la 15. lc.

ST la 15. lc.

ST la 75. 1.

ST la 75.2.

QDA 1.

In Metaph. I. 1. 3–4.

ST la. 85. 2 ad 1.

ST la. 12.4.

ST la. 85. 1 ad 5.

ST la. 12.4.

In PA II. 20. 14.

ST la. 85. 5; In DA II. 12. 377.

SCG 1.3. 16.

ST la 85.5.

In PA I. 7. 5–8.

In РА I. 10; 33.

In РА I. 5.7.

In PA I. 2. 9.

Urbin, St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, Blackfriars edition and translation, vol. XII (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968), p. 82.

In PA I. 1.6.

ST la 80. 1.

ST la 81.3.

ST la. 81.3 ad 3.

Политика I. 2.

ST la 81.3 ad 2.

QDV 24. 7 ad 6.

См., например, ST la IIае 6. 4.

См., например, ST la IIае 9. 6.

ST la IIае 6. 17.

ST la IIае 1. 1.

ST la IIае 1. 8; 3. 8.

ST la IIае 18. 5.

ST la IIае 50. 5 ad 3.

ST la IIае 50. 5 ad 3.

ST la IIае 90. 4.

ST la IIае 94. 2.

ST la IIае 91. 3.

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