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The Determined Virgin

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“It would seem you do have a problem,” Tobias mused thoughtfully.

A plea entered Hesper’s eyes. “Aunt Eloise said that if anyone could find me a husband Grandmama DuPree would approve of, it would be you.”

“Pleasing my sister in even the smallest of matters has never been easy.” Tobias abruptly grinned. “However, I do happen to know of someone I believe might pass her inspection.” He rose, crossed to his desk and pressed a button on the intercom. “Have Garth come to my study,” he ordered when a male voice answered.

A minute later the door opened. Hesper stiffened as the man who had greeted her on the porch entered.

“In case you two didn’t introduce yourselves earlier, Hesper, I’d like for you to meet Garth Lawton, a trusted and valued employee. Garth, I’d like to introduce my grandniece, Hesper O’Grady.” Tobias headed toward the door.

Realizing he was leaving, Hesper felt a rush of panic. “Tobias…”

He turned back and smiled. “I’m sure you can explain your situation to Garth much better than I.” His gaze shifted to Garth. “My grandniece is in need of certain services. If you wish to aid her, I will allow you a leave of absence. In the meanwhile, I shall have Mrs. Gibbons prepare a room for her.” His gaze again turned to Hesper. “It is time we became reacquainted. You will, of course, stay for dinner and the night, at least.” Without allowing either of them a chance to respond, he completed his exit.

Outwardly Garth maintained an air of polite indifference. Inwardly he was holding an argument with himself. He owed Tobias. The career path he’d chosen, both in the military and now in civilian life, was fraught with danger. Twice Tobias had proved to be his guardian angel and had saved his life. For that reason, he knew he should help the woman with whatever problem she was having. But this particular woman had Trouble.written all over her.

Hesper’s gaze raked over him. “You aren’t at all what I’d have chosen.”

Garth was surprised by the sharp jab of rejection this statement caused. He never expected to be everyone’s top pick. Normally a remark like that would have run off his back like rainwater off a duck. Good exit line, he decided. “If that’s your way of telling me to get lost, consider it done.”

Mentally Hesper kicked herself. Just because her first impression of the man was that of a guntoting, cold-blooded goon didn’t mean she couldn’t be wrong. She’d come to Tobias looking for help. It would be foolish of her to spurn it without at least giving this man a chance. Stepping in, front of the door to block his exit, she said, “I didn’t mean that in a derogatory sense. I apologize.”

He didn’t like the idea of her thinking she’d offended him. His skin was a lot thicker than that. “No offense taken. I just didn’t see any reason to waste both of our times.”

“My aunt Eloise seemed to think that Tobias was the only person who could help me and he chose you. Could we, at least, talk?”

The temptation to continue out the door was strong, but he’d seen the hint of desperation in her eyes and couldn’t make himself walk away. “Sure. I’ve got nothing to do this afternoon.”

You got this off to a really terrific start, she chided herself, motioning for him to take a chair.

As Garth eased himself into the twin of the wing chair Tobias had occupied, his gaze again traveled over her figure. Nice shape, he again thought.

Hesper stood several feet away, studying him. She thought she’d seen a look of masculine appreciation in his eyes, then it was gone behind that cool facade. Or maybe his expression wasn’t a facade. “Are you always so cold?”

Garth schooled his features into an expression of sympathetic concern. This one always worked on elderly women he needed to extract information from. “Is this better?”

“An emotional chameleon.” Hesper began to pace the floor. “Grandmama DuPree won’t be fooled by pretense. She’s too sharp.”

Garth relaxed his guard letting his impatience show. “Why don’t we just get this over with? Tell me what your problem is, and I’ll tell you if I think I can help.”

Hesper read the harsh command in his dark eyes and knew she was seeing the real man now. She still wasn’t certain he would impress Jeanette DuPree but she had to admit to a stirring of interest within herself. Maybe Tobias knew his sister better than the rest of the family. Maybe Jeanette DuPree would also find Mr. Lawton intriguing enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. “I need a husband and, if we are successful, I’m willing to pay you one hundred thousand dollars for your time. If we are not successful, I’ll pay you ten thousand.”

Was she one of those women who felt her biological clock ticking, making her impatient for a child but not for a long-term husband? Garth wondered. He had to admit that the thought of taking her into his bed did appeal to him. It appealed to him a lot. But what did her grandmother have to do with this?

Hesper saw the brown of his eyes darken with masculine purpose. Embers deep within began to glow warm. No! her inner voice screamed. A few moments of physical pleasure weren’t worth a lifetime of agony. “The marriage will not be consummated,” she continued curtly. “However, other than Tobias and Eloise, you and I are the only ones who are to know that.”

No biological clock involved here, Garth mused. Just as well, he concluded. He’d already labeled her as trouble. With the biological clock eliminated, that left the grandmother. “Can I assume we’re getting married to satisfy a dying woman’s final wish and that there is an inheritance involved?”

“Not exactly.” Her tone businesslike, she told him about the deal she’d made with her stepfather. Wanting to protect her mother’s memory, she mentioned her only as the one who had left the trust and did not elaborate on her reasons for disliking her stepfather. “I’m simply trying to hold on to what is rightfully mine,” she ended.

Garth had to admit the thought of meeting Tobias’ sister, was intriguing, but he questioned the wisdom of involving himself in Hesper O’Grady’s scheme. His instincts warned him that she wasn’t telling him everything. However, he was certain Tobias wanted him to help her. Again, he reminded himself that he owed the man. “I’ll do my best to aid you.” As he made the commitment, in spite of his suspicions about her, the sudden thought that he’d like to do a lot more for her than she was asking flashed through his mind.

Again Hesper saw the flicker of lust in his eyes. And once again the embers within her began to heat. Her jaw firmed. “There’s one thing I want to make very clear. I’ve taken a vow of celibacy. I intend to die a virgin. If you force yourself on me, you’ll have to die.”

Startled by this pronouncement, Garth studied her mutely for a long moment. She wasn’t joking. She meant what she said. He owed Tobias, but not enough to marry a woman whose sanity he was beginning to question. It was time to get out before this went any farther. “I’ve never forced myself on any woman,” he replied coolly. “And I don’t like being threatened. But more important, I don’t think this is going to work. You and I will have to, at least, appear to like each other and that’s looking more and more impossible by the moment.”

Realizing the impression she’d made, Hesper breathed a tired sign and sank into a nearby chair. “I’m not a nut case.”

“That thought did cross my mind,” he confessed, finding himself believing her.

“I have very strong personal reasons for having taken the vow of celibacy. I apologize for threatening you. I simply wanted you to understand that I was not speaking lightly.”

Garth told himself he’d be smart to walk away right now. But he knew he could trust himself to adhere to her wishes. If she went looking for a husband on her own, she might get something she hadn’t bargained for. That he was feeling protective toward her shocked him. Hesper O’Grady didn’t need his protection, he assured himself. Still, he heard himself saying, “All right. You have my word, I won’t touch you except in the line of duty.”

“Then we have a deal?” She rose and extended her hand.

“We have a deal,” he confirmed, rising to accept her handshake.

His touch was like fire, sending flames streaking up her arm. Startled, Hesper jerked free.

“This isn’t going to work if you find touching me so repulsive,” Garth growled, her reaction causing a bitter sting of insult.

Hesper took a calming breath. “It wasn’t you.” She stared down at her hand. “You felt so warm, I was surprised.” Concern entered her voice. “Are you ill?”

“No.” He’d noticed an unusual heat himself just before she pulled free. “Maybe you’re running a fever.”

She felt her forehead. “No.” She gave her shoulders a shake. “But I am overwrought Tension can make a person more sensitive, I suppose.”

“It does heighten the senses,” he agreed.

She held out her hand once again. “Please accept my apology.”

“Apology accepted.” As his hand again closed around hers, Garth felt the warmth once again. It traveled up his arm and sparked a fire within. Attraction… blatant animal magnetism was what it was. And strong, too. He found himself wondering if he could change her mind about remaining celibate. Recalling the sincerity in her voice, he frowned at himself. Keep your mind on business! he ordered.

Hesper had prepared herself in case the heat was still there but even steeled against it, she could not ignore the way it traveled through her, this time igniting the embers she worked so hard to keep cold. The thought that perhaps Garth Lawton was the right mate for her played through her mind. Or maybe this was merely a physical reaction induced by hormones frustrated by neglect. She reminded herself of her mother and her aunt Eloise. It’s not worth the risk! she again told herself.

Breaking the contact with polite decorum, she said, “Are you free to begin tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” he confirmed, a part of him again questioning the wisdom of this. But he’d given his word and he would not turn back now.

As the door closed behind him, Hesper sank back into her chair. The feeling she was treading on precarious ground pervaded her. Maybe she should have simply split the money with her stepfather. Anger flashed in her eyes. She would never allow Peter Lowell to win without a fight!

Chapter Two (#ulink_a6edbabb-31d0-55d5-8136-2b6a85a530a7)

Hesper looked at the ring on her finger. Tobias had insisted she remain as his guest and he be allowed to make the arrangements for the wedding. It had been a small but very elegant affair, hastily accomplished. The only ones from her side of the family who could arrange to attend, other than Tobias, were Aunt Eloise and her son, Hagen. Although Tobias had kept his distance from others in the family, Hagen worked for him, making her cousin another who was privy to the truth of the arrangement.

As for Garth, he had no living relatives.

Now she and her new husband were on their way to her apartment in New York and from there to visit Jeanette DuPree. The elderly woman had sent her regrets that she was not well enough to travel to the wedding, but requested they come visit her as soon as possible after the ceremony. Trying not to think about what lay ahead nor the man beside her, Hesper studied the simple gold band. Garth had a matching one and Tobias had insisted on having their wedding date and their names engraved inside.
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