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Slade's Secret Son

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So that was it! He clung to Claudette because he was afraid to love again. Lisa studied the resolute line of his jaw. She would never be able to break through the barrier he’d created around his heart. She’d tried once and ended up getting hurt. There was no doubt in her mind the same thing would happen again. “Once was enough for me, too,” she muttered under her breath. Jerking free from his hold, she headed across the street. Hearing a car’s engine start up, she glanced to her left and saw a black sedan pull out of a parking space. She picked up her pace to get out of its lane.

Slade hung back, deciding to let the car pass before he crossed. He couldn’t blame Lisa for wanting more than he was willing to give, but he wasn’t ready to abandon the idea of them making a life together. He enjoyed her company and he wanted to be an everyday part of his son’s life.

A sudden prickling, the kind he always experienced when something wasn’t right, jerked his attention to the oncoming vehicle. It was speeding up and heading directly toward Lisa. Reaching her on the run, he caught her by the waist and carried her with him through the space between her car and the one behind it. The sound of metal impacting metal filled the air as they tumbled to the ground unbalanced by Slade’s rescue.

“Ouch.” Lisa groaned when her body impacted with the hard earth, sending a jolt of pain through her.

“Sorry,” Slade apologized, quickly getting to his feet in time to see the sedan speeding away.

Lisa shifted into a sitting position. “What was that all about?”

Slade moved to where he could get a look at the damage done to the side of her car. “Someone just tried to run you down.”

She stared at him in disbelief. “Run me down?”

“Sure looked that way.” He headed back to her. “Stay down.”

Lisa’s first instinct was to disobey, to prove to him that she could take care of herself. Then she thought of Andy and remained where she was.

“I assume you have a gun. Is it in your purse?”

“I didn’t bring it with me.”

Slade’s gaze hardened. “It looks like that sniper might not have missed his target, after all.”

“I can’t believe this,” Lisa muttered. “Who would want to kill me?”

A man came running out of the building they’d exited. “I saw the whole thing. Looked like that guy was trying to hit you.”

A couple of other people were also rushing toward them from other directions.

“I’m not sitting here on the ground with a crowd gathering around,” Lisa said, beginning to work herself to her feet.

Agreeing that her staying down would serve no purpose now and remaining immobile could even place her in danger, Slade gave her a hand, keeping her close and shielding her as much as possible with his body.

Reaching them, the man studied Lisa worriedly. “You look pretty shaken. Couldn’t believe the way the guy barreled down on you.” Abruptly he grinned. “I got part of the license plate.”

Keeping Lisa between himself and the car, Slade opened the passenger side door. “Get in and duck down,” he ordered. “Could be your sniper wasn’t the driver and he’s hidden somewhere to finish the job in case the driver missed.”

Lisa obeyed. She was scared and hurting and glad Slade was there. He was bull-headed and too authoritative at times, but right now he made her feel safe.

“She hurt?” the man asked.

“She’s pretty shaken.”

“I called the police and an ambulance,” a woman said, joining them, a cell phone in her hand.

More people began to gather.

“Did any of you see the driver?” Slade asked.

“I think it was a man,” a slender man offered.

“Who could tell?” The pale-blond woman beside him gave him a wry look. “Whoever it was was wearing a hat pulled way down and sunglasses.”

“It was just an impression.” The slender man defended himself.

Further arguing between the two was cut short by the sound of approaching police and ambulance sirens.

Slade was getting more and more uneasy by the moment as the crowd grew. “Stay back,” he ordered those approaching. “This is a crime scene.”

“Yeah, he’s right.” The man who’d gotten part of the license plate spread his arms, forming a barrier, and eased people back.

Opening the car door, Slade looked in at Lisa crouched low in the seat. “How do you feel? Do you need the paramedics to take a look at you?”

“No. I’m just shaken, but I’m fine,” she assured him.

“Good. The less exposure, the better.” Closing the door, he continued to rake the crowd with his gaze, looking for anyone who might pose a threat to Lisa.

“What happened here?” one of the two patrolmen who had just arrived demanded, approaching Slade.

“Someone tired to run my fiancée down,” he replied. His attention shifted to the paramedics who were coming on the run. “She doesn’t need medical attention.” Returning his gaze to the policeman, he added, “I think it would be best if I get her someplace sheltered.”

The second of the two patrolmen eyed Slade skeptically. “You say you think someone purposely tried to run her down? Who?”

“That I don’t know.”

The skepticism on the patrolman’s face increased. “Why, then?”

“We’re not clear on that point, either.”

“Then what makes you think this wasn’t just some drunk driving erratically?”

“Not too long ago someone shot her and nearly killed her. I think he was trying to finish the job today.”

The policeman’s expression became less skeptical and more interested. “You say someone shot her?”

Lisa had rolled down the window a crack to listen. “Contact Detective Overson,” she called. “He’s working on the case.”

“I want to get her away from here as quickly as possible,” Slade said with command.

The patrolman nodded. “If your suspicions are true, we’ll need some paint scrapings from your car and some photos of the scene. I’ll have Jack take you home. You want me to have the car towed somewhere afterward? Looks like the front fender might interfere with driving it.”

Lisa gave him the name of her garage. Then with Slade hovering over her like a protective shield, she moved from her car to the police car. Once there, the patrolman contacted Detective Overson.

“He’s on his way,” the dispatcher informed them after a couple of minutes.

Detective Overson arrived fairly quickly, made a quick appraisal of the scene, then came to stand by the window of the patrol car to speak to Lisa. “Maybe you were the target the first time, but most likely not,” he said. “The feds are certain the sniper was a pro. This was definitely amateurish…” He paused then added, “If it even was an attempt on your life. Could have simply been a drunk driver.”
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