An Irresistible Temptation: Master of Fortune / The Temptation Of Rory Monahan
He nodded. “Damn straight. Now which place is yours?”
She pointed to a modern block of flats and he pulled into the parking lot. She reached for her door as he turned off the car. He got out and met her as she exited the car. It had started to drizzle on the drive, and the rain made her hair curl.
She stared up at him for a minute, chewing on her lower lip. “Thank you for the ride home. And for…well for being so nice about everything. You made seeing Daniel again bearable for me.”
“You’re welcome,” he said. He cupped her elbow and led her to the entrance of the building.
“Well, good night, then,” she said.
“Good night, Astrid,” he said. But instead of doing the smart thing and letting her enter her building, he touched the side of her face and lowered his head to kiss her.
* * *
Astrid leaned up into Henry’s kiss. He didn’t put his arm around her, but kept one hand on her face. His lips rubbed lightly over hers, and she stood on tiptoe to get closer to him. His lips were soft and provoked a slow burn.
The reaction of his mouth on hers sent tingles down her body and she opened her mouth on a sigh. She tasted the minty crispness of his breath before his tongue brushed over hers. Forgetting everything, she felt only his mouth on hers.
The hand on her face slid to the nape of her neck, and he held her firmly as he took complete control of their kiss.
She couldn’t think.
She didn’t want to. She’d watched Henry all day and night wondering what it would be like to be in his embrace, and now she knew. It was intense.
He smelled earthy and masculine. His cologne was expensive and crisp—she suspected it was customblended just for him. She closed her eyes to focus her senses in the experience.
He pulled back, and she opened her eyes to see him staring down at her. He said nothing but rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and then stepped away from her.
“Good night, then,” he said.
She watched him walk back to his car and realized she was still standing there like a ninny. She unlocked the lobby door to her flat building and walked in without looking back at him.
Danger loomed—real danger of falling for Henry Devonshire. A man who would never see her any differently than Daniel had. How could he? His mother was a pop star, his father was a billionaire entrepreneur and she was the daughter of a schoolteacher and a taxi driver.
When was she going to learn?
Why did she have a weakness for men who were…
“Not good for me,” she said out loud.
She kicked off her shoes as she entered and dropped her keys on the kitchen counter. It took her fifteen minutes to get ready for bed, but once she was there she couldn’t sleep. She just kept reliving, not the encounter with Daniel, which she’d expected, but the kiss with Henry.
She’d never been kissed like that before. It had been too intense. Her vows to herself about not getting involved with men she worked with melted away.
She drifted off to sleep and woke early for work. She dressed in an ultraprofessional suit that she’d worn to her interview with Malcolm Devonshire’s assistant Edmond. That suit was her armor when she needed to be professional. Bethann called, but Astrid let it go to voice mail because Bethann could always tell when something was going on in Astrid’s life. Her older sister had known her affair with Daniel had gone wrong just from the way Astrid had said hello.
The train was busy, but that was normal for the morning. She knew she was going to have to figure out an alternate way to handle her commute once she started going out at night with Henry. She tried to fill her mind with to-do lists and other meaningless tasks, but the one thought that kept circling around was what would happen when she saw Henry.
How was he going to treat her today?
Her mobile rang again and she hit the quiet button. The part of the train she was on was a quiet zone, so she couldn’t talk to Bethann even if she wanted to. A minute later she received an instant message on her Smartphone. They each had a BlackBerry so could use the Messenger on that.
Bethann: Stop ignoring my calls.
Astrid: I’m on the train, Bethann. I can’t talk just now.
Bethann: Where were you last night?
Astrid: Working.
Bethann: I left you a voice mail at home…I’m worried about you. I think you should have taken a job in my office.
Astrid hadn’t even seriously considered working with her sister at the law office where Bethann was a solicitor. She loved Bethann, but the other woman was demanding and very bossy. If they worked together, Astrid was afraid she’d lose it and say something that would hurt her sister’s feelings.
Astrid: I like working in the music industry. My stop’s next. Daniel contacted me and threatened to tell Henry awful things about me.
Bethann: I’m going to contact his office today. We filed a wrongful termination.
Astrid: I know but the fact that I settled makes it seem like there was something untoward between us.
Bethann: There was.
Astrid: Stop being a cow about that. I need you to just tell me everything’s going to be okay and the one mistake I made falling for that man isn’t going to ruin the rest of my life.
Bethann: Love, don’t say things like that. You are on a better track now. Sorry for being bossy.
Astrid: No problem. Sorry for getting all emotional.
Bethann: Have a good day, sis.
Astrid: You too. TTYL.
She entered her office to find three e-mails from Henry, the last one saying he’d be in the office later this morning.
She stashed her handbag and started to work. Tried to get into the flow of the office. There were a couple of coworkers that she’d started being friendly with in the kitchen area where the coffeepot was kept, but this morning she kept to herself. Stayed at her desk and just worked.
She had made mistakes with Daniel. At first their relationship had been like this one with Henry, and now she was afraid of repeating those same mistakes. She refused to let that happen.
Just because they spent every eight hours together in the office and then most evenings together didn’t mean they were growing closer. She had to remember he’d been happy last night because she’d helped convince Steph to sign with Everest Records.
Daniel had been happy with her too, and then she’d started to fall for him. Or rather let him seduce her. She couldn’t make that mistake again. Henry was her boss and unless she wanted to go back to Farnham with her tail tucked between her legs she needed to make this job work.
She wasn’t going to have that fairy tale happily-ever-after with Henry even if he was different from Daniel. She had to remember that she wasn’t like other women—not anymore—and she didn’t have the option of being a wife and mother to fall back on. For her it was a career or nothing.
She needed to keep to her vow. She needed to remember that if she had to leave this job, her only option might be working for her sister.
She didn’t want to have to start over yet again. The only way she was going to keep this job was to be firm with herself and focus on doing the best she could.
She almost believed herself that she could do it, she could keep her vow—until Henry walked through the door.
“Morning, Astrid. Have you got any messages for me?”
She looked up into his bright blue eyes and forgot what he’d asked. All she could remember was the way his shoulders had felt under her hands last night. The softness of those firm lips of his against hers. And the way he’d twisted his fingers in the back of her hair.
“Yes, Henry.”
“Messages?” he asked.
She handed him the messages and realized she’d done it again. Allowed her crush to interfere with her professional career.
* * *
Henry had taken one look at the button-down suit that Astrid had on and realized that kissing her last night had been a mistake. He knew he had to retreat. Had to give her room to regain the confidence she’d had the day before. He should have known that a woman who’d been badly burned by an office affair wouldn’t want to jump into another one with her new boss.
But the moonlight had been too entrancing.…Hell, the moonlight had absolutely nothing to do with why he had kissed her. It had been Astrid—her lips, her body and her sexy smile that had tempted him. That and the fact that he didn’t like that Daniel Martin had touched her. That the other man had at one time claimed Astrid as his own.
He was first and foremost a competitor. The need to win had been burned into the fabric of his being at a very young age. His mother had often blamed Malcolm for the fact that he was so competitive, but she was just as aggressive when it came to her career.
There was a rap on his door.
“Come in.”
“Sir, I mean, Henry. Davis from accounting is here to see you.”
“Close the door, Astrid,” Henry said.
She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. “Yes?”
“Does he have an appointment?”
“No. But he says its urgent. You do have ten minutes if you wanted to see him. Just a reminder—Steph Cordo is due here in twenty minutes and I know you want to be available then.”
He smiled to himself. She was very efficient and the best assistant he’d ever had. Okay, the only one, but she was still good.
“Thank you. When Steph gets here, escort her to the conference room. We’ll bring in everyone she needs to talk to. Also, Steven will be stopping by toward the end of the hour with her.”
“My half brother. We are going to set up an in-store performance for Steph at the Everest Mega Store located in Leicester Square.”
“Sounds good. Do you want me to interrupt if Davis isn’t out of here in ten minutes?”
“That’d be great.”
She turned to leave, and though he was trying to keep his mind on business, he couldn’t help but notice the way her slim-fitting skirt hugged the curves of her backside.
She paused in the doorway. “After Steph’s appointment, I’d like five minutes of your time.”
“What for?”
“We can speak later. I don’t want to mess up your schedule.”
“Davis can wait. Tell him I’ll have time tomorrow morning and then come back in here.”
“I’ve made my mind up.”
She left without another word. It was good to be the boss. Since he’d earned the top spot on the team and here at the office, he got things his way. Something that Henry freely admitted he liked.
She reentered his office less than a minute later, closing the door behind her, but remaining in the doorway.
“Sit down.”
She did.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Last night.”
“What about it?”
She took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye. His respect for her rose a notch.
“I like you, Henry. But this job…I’m aware that this is probably my last chance to make a go at the music industry. And I don’t want to mess this up.”
“Why would last night have anything to do with that?” he asked. “I’m not your last boss. If I kiss you, I’m not going to fire you.”
She glanced down at her lap where her fingers were tightly laced together. “I wasn’t fired due to our affair. Daniel kept me on after things ended. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of Daniel.”
Henry didn’t like her defending the other man. That reaction made little sense to him so he ignored the source. “Why then?”
“I was sick. And I did take a lot of time off from work. That was what made him sack me.”
“Did you find it difficult to work with him after your affair ended?” he asked. Then realized he was prying into very personal areas. He could work with Astrid, kiss her and whatnot, without knowing any of the details of her past. Except he wanted to know more.
“No. It was something else entirely. But I like you and I really like this job. I don’t want to make another decision based on lust and end up regretting it.”
Henry leaned back in his chair. “So you lust after me?”
“Henry, please, I’m trying to be serious.”
“Sorry, Astrid, but you brought up sex and I’m a guy. That means my mind is going to automatically shut down.”
She smiled. “You are more than some sex-crazed maniac. That’s why I’m talking to you. I know you want to beat your half brothers and I think we have a chance of doing that, but only if we both concentrate on business.”
“This is all in my best interest?” Henry asked.
“Well, it’s not going to be bad for me, either,” she admitted.
His respect for Astrid rose even more. And he realized she wasn’t the kind of woman he’d always been attracted to. She was so forthright. She wasn’t just out for herself and what she could get.
That was more refreshing than he would have imagined.
“I just want us both to be successful,” she said.
He stood up and walked around to the front of his desk, leaning back against it so that he faced her. “Thank you, Astrid. I will do my best to keep my baser instincts in check, but I’m not sure I’ll be successful.”
“I’m going to keep dressing in my ultraprofessional suits,” she said.
He laughed. It wasn’t the clothing or her sexy body that was making him want her, though they definitely played a part. It was the woman she was, but he doubted telling her would help either of them.
* * *
It was a late night almost three weeks into her tenure at Everest Records. She’d been on the phone with a number of radio stations throughout the U.K. and Europe to make sure that everyone had received the packages she’d sent out about Steph.
Henry had been out doing his nightly club thing, and she was sitting in the office by herself.
“Another late night?”
She looked up to see him standing in the doorway. “My boss can be a slave driver.” She smiled.
“Really? I thought I was easing up a bit. Giving you room to grow and all that.”
“Is that what you are trying to do?”
“I think so. You said that you wanted a career in music so I’ve been introducing you to all the departments—A & R, marketing.”
“It has been smashing,” she said.
“Well, it’s different than what I did for Daniel. I mean, for him I was just his assistant, but you are giving me my own responsibilities. I’m enjoying it.”
Henry nodded. “Good. Then maybe you can start to relax here at the office.”
“I already have,” she said. It surprised her. She’d kept her guard up and tried not to see Henry as anything other than her boss. But he was a stand-up guy behind the celebrity profile. She fielded a dozen questions a day from magazines and newspaper reporters about where he was going to be. Some of the information she leaked because Henry wanted some extra coverage for a group or for his friends.
“Good,” he said again, leaving her to go into his office. She just sat there and tried not to think too much about the fact that he was treating her like an employee and he hadn’t tried to kiss her once since that night at her flat. Which was perfect, really, since she wasn’t interested in him as a man. At least that’s what she kept telling herself.
* * *
Astrid borrowed her sister’s car for the evening and left it parked near Waterloo Station so she could have Henry drop her off there if she needed to. She didn’t want to risk having him at her flat again. They were hitting another string of clubs tonight. It had been four weeks since she’d talked to him in his office. For the most part he kept his hands to himself. But his gaze often lingered on her lips or her figure.
And she found herself wishing she’d kept her mouth shut. She wanted to feel his arms around her. Each night in her dreams she relived that brief kiss he’d given her at her door. She wasn’t going to allow herself to pine for him, but a part of her—the part that she sometimes thought would never come to her senses—longed for Henry.
She took the Underground to Covent Garden and walked to Bungalow 8. The exclusive club had been known to turn away even celebs, so she was a little intimidated to approach the bouncer.
“Can I help you?”
“I’m meeting Henry Devonshire,” she said. “I’m Astrid Taylor.”
“Of course, Ms. Taylor. He asked that you join him in the VIP area. The hostess will direct you once you are inside.”
The electronica music pulsed through her body as she followed the hostess to the VIP area. She should be getting used to so many late nights, but she wasn’t. And when she approached Henry’s table, she noticed that it was full of people. She’d realized quickly that part of Henry’s charm was his easygoing manner.
No wonder the bouncer had simply let her in. She was probably one of fifteen people who’d used Henry’s name to get in the door tonight.
He looked up when she approached and gave her a half smile. He gestured for her to have a seat at the end of his table and she sat down next to a man she’d seen on TV and Lonnie from their office. She chatted with the TV guy— “call me Alan”—until he left with a group of three women. Henry waved her down to a seat next to him.
“Have you been listening to this group?”
“Hard not to,” she said. Since the music even in the VIP section was blaringly loud, it made conversation impossible.
“What do you think of it?”
She turned her head toward the sound and closed her eyes. One of the first things she’d realized about good music was that it had the power to entrance a person. Make someone forget about the problems of everyday life. The band didn’t spark that feeling.
“It’s nice.”
“But not great,” Henry said.
“Exactly. They are a good band and I bet they’d do well for one album, but I don’t think they have the kind of sound that would sustain a lasting career,” she said.
“Good. I like your instincts.”
“Thanks,” she said.
“The next band is the one that Roger recommended to me. I think you’ll like them.”
“Why?” she asked. She wanted to know what Henry thought she’d like and why. Did he really know her? It had only been a few weeks, though she’d come to know him pretty well since they’d spent so much time together.
“Because they have a nice sound with a pop groove but there’s something retro about their lyrics. They talk about real emotions, which I’ve noticed you like as I’ve been listening to the tapes of the bands you want me to sign.”
“I noticed you noticing,” she said. Over the past two weeks he had paid a lot of attention to her at work, asking her opinions on bands, giving her decision-making power on booking groups for radio tours and whatnot. Mostly he’s treated her like a respected peer, and that was all she’d needed.
“Good. I wanted you to see that I’m not like Daniel,” Henry said.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I’m going to kiss you again, Astrid, and this time I don’t want you to run.”
She felt foolish when he said it like that. But then she was human, she thought. And resisting temptation, especially the type that he offered, was too hard.
“I’m not going to make another foolish mistake,” she said, not sure if she meant the words for Henry or for herself.
“Good,” he said. He reached under the table and took her hand in his. His big hand completely engulfed hers. They announced the band XSU. Sounded like some American university band and the guys looked the part.
In their denim jeans and faded vintage T-shirts they looked as though they were meant to be singing to university crowds instead of this very upscale and trendy club in London.
They introduced their first song and the music was…sex-disco. A pulsing beat that made her want to get up and dance. She was tapping her feet and noticed that Henry was moving to the beat, as well. The dance floor, which had been crowded before now, seemed to be a single solid wave of dancing bodies.
Henry used his grip on her hand to tug her to her feet. They were in the middle of the swaying crowd. Henry’s body brushed hers often as they danced, each brush reminding her that she’d done a poor job of keeping the distance she’d wanted between them.
She tried to be stiff, tried to keep a part of herself locked away but it was impossible. She wanted Henry. And this music reminded her that life was meant to be lived, not hidden away from.
She stopped thinking she had to be professional and just relaxed, allowing herself to just be herself. And that moment changed her. She looked into Henry’s impossibly blue eyes and saw more than she’d thought to see.
In taking the measure of the man, she knew that no matter what happened between them, she’d never regret the time they spent together.
Chapter 5
Something had changed in Astrid when XSU had started playing. She seemed to sparkle with life as she moved on the dance floor, and Henry wanted to be the only one who basked in that glow.
He kept one hand on her hip as they danced. Her body brushed against his, teasing him with each rhythmic move she made. He wanted more than those fleeting touches. He wanted her breasts pressed solidly against his chest, his hands holding her hips and that tempting mouth of hers under his.
The music stopped, but he scarcely noticed. The crowd applauded, and in the back of his mind Henry realized that he’d found the first group he’d sign to the Everest Records label, and he’d use a similar path to the one he developed with Steph Cordo. But he’d also found something else, he thought.
Astrid watched him with those big brown eyes of hers, and he leaned in and kissed her. He didn’t think about consequences or warnings. Didn’t think about winning or business. Just thought that this woman was temptation incarnate and he was tired of denying himself.
He lingered over her mouth. The last three weeks had been too long as far as his body was concerned. Blood flowed heavier through his veins. Her hands came to his shoulders, anchoring her as she rose on tiptoe to deepen their kiss.
The crowd swayed around them as the band moved on to the next song, but Henry felt the world narrow until he and Astrid were alone.
She tasted tangy and sweet and of something that was uniquely Astrid. There was an energy between them, and when he lifted his head she tunneled her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and brought their mouths together again.
She sighed as he kissed her. “I’ve been dying for your kiss.”
He took her hand and led her off the dance floor. “Have you?”
She nodded.
“I’m tired of pretending that I don’t want you, but that doesn’t mean I think this is right. You already guessed that my relationship with Daniel complicated my last job. I can’t afford to let that happen again.”
“What can I say to change your mind?” Henry asked.
“I’m not sure. I just…I’m not saying I don’t want you, just that I’m not sure it’s wise for me to get involved with you, Henry.”
“We will figure it out,” Henry said. “I want to go talk to the band. Want to come with me?”
She nodded.
He held on to her hand and he no longer felt that she was just his assistant. Now he knew she was his. And he liked that. He needed to make love to her before he’d really feel she was his.
The band had a small group of women hanging around them as he approached. Henry used his celebrity to get closer to the band. He approached the black-shirted bouncer protecting the backstage area, who was turning away scantily clad women and overzealous fans.
“I’m Henry Devonshire, and I’d like to speak to the band.”
“Henry Devonshire. I saw you score a converted try in the last minute of the London-Irish game—your last one.”
“That was a great game. Stan got that penalty and I thought we were going to lose.”
“But you didn’t. You were brilliant.”
“Thanks,” Henry said. “I’d appreciate it if you’d let us back to see that band.”
“Sure thing, mate.” The bouncer stepped aside and let them through.