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Tender is the night. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Учим английский, читая мировую классику

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He stood up with sudden restlessness (беспокойность, неугомонность; нетерпеливость), stretching himself (вытягиваться) with one sharp (резкий) movement. He was a few (несколько) years younger than Diver or North. He was tall and his body was hard (крепкий) but overspare (худощавый; тонкий) save for (за исключением) the bunched (собранный, сгруппированный) force gathered in his shoulders and upper arms (плечо). At first glance (на первый взгляд) he seemed conventionally (условно) handsome (красивый) – but there was a faint (слабый) disgust (отвращение) always in his face which marred (портить, ухудшать) the full fierce lustre (блеск) of his brown eyes. Yet one remembered them afterward, when one had forgotten the inability of the mouth to endure (выносить, терпеть) boredom (скука) and the young forehead (лоб) with its furrows (глубокая морщина) of fretful (капризный, нетерпеливый; раздражительный) and unprofitable (не приносящая дохода) pain (боль).

«We found some fine ones in the news of Americans last week,» said Nicole. «Mrs. Evelyn Oyster and – what were the others?»

«There was Mr. S. Flesh,» said Diver, getting up also. He took his rake (скребок, грабли) and began to work seriously (серьёзно) at getting small stones out of the sand.

«Oh, yes – S. Flesh – doesn’t he give you the creeps (драга)?»

It was quiet alone with Nicole – Rosemary found it even quieter than with her mother. Abe North and Barban, the Frenchman, were talking about Morocco, and Nicole having copied her recipe (рецепт) picked up a piece of sewing (шитьё). Rosemary examined their appurtenances (принадлежность; аксессуары) – four large parasols (зонт от солнца) that made a canopy (балдахин; навес, тент) of shade, a portable (переносной) bath house for dressing, a pneumatic (пневматический) rubber (резиновый) horse, new things that Rosemary had never seen, from the first burst (взвыв, вспышка) of luxury (роскошь; предмет роскоши) manufacturing (производство) after the War, and probably in the hands of the first of purchasers (покупатель). She had gathered (сделать вывод) that they were fashionable (модный) people, but though her mother had brought her up to beware such people as drones (трутень; тунеядец, дармоед), she did not feel that way here. Even in their absolute immobility (неподвижность, покой), complete (абсолютный, совершенный) as that (неподвижность, покой) of the morning, she felt a purpose (цель), a working over something, a direction, an act of creation (творение) different from any (отличное от какого-либо вида творчеста) she had known (которое она знала раньше). Her immature [?m?’tju?] mind (незрелый ум) made no speculations (предположение, догадка, умозрительное построение) upon the nature of their relation to each other, she was only concerned (её заботило лишь) with their attitude (отношение) toward herself (к ней самой) – but she perceived (чувствовать) the web (паутина, сеть) of some pleasant interrelation (взаимосвязь), which she expressed with the thought that they seemed (как казалось) to have a very good time.

She looked in turn (по очереди) at the three men, temporarily (на некоторое время) expropriating (экспроприировать) them. All three were personable (хорошо сложённый, привлекательный) in different ways; all were of a special gentleness (мягкость; доброта) that she felt was part of their lives, past and future, not circumstanced by events (не обусловленный событиями), not at all like the company manners of actors, and she detected (замечать, открывать, обнаруживать) also a far-reaching (далеко идущий; влекущий серьёзные последствия; имеющий большие перспективы) delicacy (деликатность, такт, учтивость, утончённость) that was different from (отличаться от) the rough (грубый) and ready (имеющийся наготове; в состоянии готовности) good fellowship (товарищество, братство) of directors, who represented the intellectuals in her life. Actors and directors – those were the only (единственный) men she had ever known (которых она когда-либо знала), those and the heterogeneous (гетерогенный, разнородный, разнотипный), indistinguishable (неразличимый) mass of college boys, interested only in love at first sight (с первого взгляда), whom she had met at the Yale prom (студенческий бал, место для гулянья, променад) last fall (прошлая осень).

These three were different (другой). Barban was less civilized (воспитанный; изысканный), more skeptical (скептический) and scoffing (насмешливый, издевательский), his manners were formal (формальный; официальный), even perfunctory (небрежный, формальный). Abe North had, under his shyness (застенчивость), a desperate (доведённый до отчаяния; безрассудный) humor that amused (развеселить; смешить, забавлять) but puzzled (озадачивать, приводить в замешательство) her. Her serious (серьёзный) nature distrusted (не доверять) its ability (способность) to make (произвдить) a supreme (высочайший, предельный) impression (впечатление) on him.

But Dick Diver – he was all complete (совершенный) there. Silently (про себя, молча) she admired (восхищаться) him. His complexion (цвет кожи) was reddish and weather-burned (обветренный, обгоревший), so was his short hair (такими были его короткие волосы) – a light growth of it rolled down his arms and hands. His eyes were of a bright, hard blue. His nose was somewhat (немного) pointed (заостренный) and there was never any doubt (сомнение) at whom he was looking or talking – and this is a flattering (хвалебный, лестный) attention, for who looks at us? – glances (взгляд) fall upon us, curious (любопытствующий) or disinterested (лишенный интереса), nothing more (ничего более). His voice, with some faint (легкий) Irish (ирландский) melody running through it, wooed (привлекать, обхаживать, завлекать) the world, yet she felt the layer (слой) of hardness (твёрдость) in him, of self-control (самокотроль) and of self-discipline, her own virtues (добродетель, достоинство). Oh, she chose him, and Nicole, lifting (поднимать) her head saw her choose him (увидела, что она выбрала его), heard the little sigh (вздох) at the fact that he was already possessed (быть захваченным; стать чьей-то собственностью).

Toward noon (ближе к полудню) the McKiscos, Mrs. Abrams, Mr. Dumphry, and Signor Campion came on the beach. They had brought a new umbrella that they set up with side glances toward the Divers, and crept (вползти) under with satisfied (удовлетворенный) expressions (выражение лица) – all save (все, кроме) Mr. McKisco, who remained derisively (иронически, с насмешкой) without. In his raking (очистка со скребком) Dick had passed near them and now he returned to the umbrellas.

«The two young men are reading the Book of Etiquette together,» he said in a low (тихий) voice.

«Planning to mix wit de quality,» said Abe.

Mary North, the very tanned (очень загорелый) young woman whom Rosemary had encountered (встретить) the first day on the raft (плот, паром, наплавной мост), came in from swimming and said with a smile that was a rakish (щегольской; лихой, ухарский; небрежный) gleam:

«So Mr. and Mrs. Neverquiver have arrived.»

«They’re this man’s friends,» Nicole reminded her, indicating (указывать на) Abe. «Why doesn’t he go and speak to them? Don’t you think they’re attractive (привлекательный)?»

«I think they’re very attractive,» Abe agreed. «I just don’t think they’re attractive, that’s all.»

«Well, I HAVE felt there were too many people on the beach this summer,» Nicole admitted. «OUR beach that Dick made out of a pebble (галька, булыжник, гравий) pile (куча, груда).» She considered (взвешивать, обдумывать), and then lowering (понижать) her voice out of the range of (вне предела досягаемости) the trio of nannies (няня) who sat back (позади) under another umbrella. «Still, they’re preferable (предпочтительнее) to those British last summer who kept shouting about (которые всё время кричали): „Isn’t the sea blue (Разве море не голубое)? Isn’t the sky white (Разве небо не белое)? Isn’t little Nellie’s nose red (Разве нос у маленькой Нелли не розовый)?“»

Rosemary thought she would not like to have Nicole for an enemy (в качестве врага).

«But you didn’t see the fight,» Nicole continued. «The day before you came, the married man, the one with the name that sounds like a substitute (заменитель, субститут) for gasoline (газолин, бензин) or butter – »


«Yes – well they were having words and she tossed (бросить) some sand (песок) in his face. So naturally he sat on top of her and rubbed (начищать, втирать) her face in the sand. We were – electrified (наэлектризованный, на грани). I wanted Dick to interfere (Я хотел, чтобы Дик вмешался).»

«I think,» said Dick Diver, staring down abstractedly (рассеянно, отвлеченно) at the straw mat (соломенный матрас), «that I’ll go over and invite them to dinner.»

«No, you won’t,» Nicole told him quickly.

«I think it would be a very good thing. They’re here – let’s adjust

(приспосабливать, регулировать) ourselves.»

«We’re very well adjusted,» she insisted, laughing. «I’m not going to have MY nose rubbed in the sand. I’m a mean (неподдающийся, трудный), hard (жёсткий, негибкий) woman,» she explained to Rosemary, and then raising her voice, «Children, put on your bathing suits!»

Rosemary felt that this swim would become the typical one of her life, the one that would always pop up (неожиданно возникать) in her memory at the mention of swimming. Simultaneously (одновременно) the whole party moved toward the water, super-ready (готовый, предвкушающий ужин) from the long, forced (вынужденный) inaction (бездействие), passing from the heat to the cool with the gourmandize (гурманство) of a tingling (покалывающий, пощипывающий) curry (карри) eaten with chilled (охлажденный) white wine. The Divers’ day was spaced (расписывать, распределять) like the day of the older civilizations to yield (давать плоды, получить) the utmost (всё, что модно) from the materials at hand (под рукой, подручный), and to give all the transitions (переходный период) their full value (цена), and she did not know that there would be another transition presently (в скором времени) from the utter (полный, абсолютный; крайний) absorption (погружённость; поглощённость, сосредоточенность) of the swim (плавание) to the garrulity (словоохотливость, болтливость) of the Proven?al lunch hour (обеденный час). But again she had the sense that Dick was taking care of her, and she delighted (радоваться) in responding to (отвечать) the eventual (конечный, возможный) movement as if (как если бы) it had been an order (приказ, распоряжение).

Nicole handed (протянуть, вручить) her husband the curious (любопытный) garment (предмет одежды, одеяние) on which she had been working. He went into the dressing tent and inspired (вызывать) a commotion (суматоха, шум, нервное потрясение) by appearing (появиться) in a moment clad (облаченный) in transparent (прозрачный) black lace (кружевной) drawers (панталоны, рейтузы, кальсоны). Close inspection (тщательный осмотр) revealed (обнаружить, показать) that actually (самом) they were lined (оторочить) with flesh-colored (свежевыкрашенный) cloth (ткань).

«Well, if that isn’t a pansys trick!» exclaimed Mr. McKisco contemptuously (презрительно) – then turning quickly to Mr. Dumphry and Mr. Campion, he added, «Oh, I beg your pardon.»

Rosemary bubbled (журчать, булькать) with delight (восторг) at the trunks (купальные трусы, плавки). Her na?vetе responded whole-heartedly to the expensive (дорогой, дорогостоящий) simplicity of the Divers, unaware (не знающий, не ведающий) of its complexity and its lack (отсутствие, недостаток) of innocence (невинность), unaware that it was all a selection (выбор) of quality (качество) rather than (а не) quantity (количество) from the run (функционирование, работа, ход, режим) of the world’s bazaar; and that the simplicity of behavior also, the nursery-like peace and good will (добрая воля), the emphasis (эмфаза, акцент, ударение) on the simpler virtues (добродетель), was part of a desperate (отчаянный) bargain (сделка) with the gods and had been attained (достигать) through struggles she could not have guessed (догадываться) at. At that moment the Divers represented (представлять) externally (внешне, явно) the exact furthermost (отдалённый) evolution of a class, so that most (большая часть, большинство) people seemed awkward (неуклюжий, неудобный) beside them – in reality a qualitative (качественный) change had already set (установиться, организоваться) in that was not at all apparent (явный, очевидный) to Rosemary.

She stood with them as they took sherry (херес, шерри) and ate crackers. Dick Diver looked at her with cold blue eyes; his kind, strong mouth said thoughtfully and deliberately (нарочно, намеренно, умышленно):

«You’re the only girl I’ve seen for a long time that actually did look like something blooming (цветущий).»

In her mother’s lap (колени) afterward Rosemary cried and cried.

«I love him, Mother. I’m desperately in love with him – I never knew I could feel that way about anybody. And he’s married and I like her too – it’s just hopeless (безнадёжный). Oh, I love him so!»

«I’m curious (мне интересно) to meet him.»

«She invited us to dinner Friday.»

«If you’re in love it ought to make you happy. You ought to (надо, следует) laugh.»

Rosemary looked up and gave a beautiful little shiver (дрожь, трепет) of her face and laughed. Her mother always had a great influence on her.


Rosemary went to Monte Carlo nearly as sulkily (надуто, угрюмо, мрачно) as it was possible for her to be. She rode up the rugged (труднопроходимый) hill to La Turbie, to an old Gaumont lot in process of reconstruction, and as she stood by the grilled (огражденный решёткой; с решётчатым ограждением) entrance (вход) waiting for an answer to the message on her card, she might have been looking into Hollywood. The bizarre (странный) dеbris (осколки, обломки; обрезки; лом) of some recent picture, a decayed (распавшийся; разрушенный) street scene in India, a great cardboard whale (кит), a monstrous tree bearing cherries large as basketballs, bloomed there by exotic dispensation (Божий промысел), autochthonous (автохтонный, местный, коренной) as the pale amaranth (амарант, щирица), mimosa, cork oak (пробковый дуб) or dwarfed (карликовый) pine. There were a quick-lunch shack (будка) and two barnlike (амбар; сарай; подсобное помещение) stages (подмостки, помост; платформа; сцена) and everywhere about the lot (масса, уйма), groups of waiting, hopeful (полный надежды), painted (раскрашенный) faces.

After ten minutes a young man with hair the color of canary (канарейка) feathers (перо) hurried (поспешить) down to the gate (ворота, калитка).

«Come in, Miss Hoyt. Mr. Brady’s on the set (съёмочная площадка), but he’s very anxious to see you (очень хочет увидеться с вами). I’m sorry you were kept waiting, but you know some of these French dames (дамочка) are worse about pushing themselves in – »

The studio manager opened a small door in the blank wall of stage building and with sudden glad familiarity Rosemary followed him into half darkness. Here and there figures spotted the twilight, turning up ashen (пепельно-бледный) faces to her like souls in purgatory (чистилище) watching the passage of a mortal (мертвый) through. There were whispers and soft voices and, apparently from afar, the gentle tremolo (дрожь) of a small organ. Turning the corner made by some flats, they came upon the white crackling (треск; потрескивание) glow (отсвет) of a stage, where a French actor – his shirt front, collar, and cuffs tinted (тонированный) a brilliant pink (розовый) – and an American actress stood motionless (неподвижный) face to face (лицом к лицу). They stared (уставиться) at each other with dogged (упрямый, упорный, настойчивый) eyes, as though (как будто) they had been in the same position for hours (часами); and still for a long time nothing happened, no one moved. A bank (ряд устройств; блок) of lights went off with a savage (дикий) hiss (шипение), went on again; the plaintive (заунывный) tap (стук) of a hammer begged (просить, умолять) admission (пропуск) to nowhere in the distance; a blue face appeared among the blinding (слепящий) lights above, called something unintelligible (не разборчивое) into the upper blackness. Then the silence was broken by a voice in front of Rosemary.

«Baby, you don’t take off the stockings, you can spoil ten more pairs. That dress is fifteen pounds.»

Stepping backward (отступая назад) the speaker ran against Rosemary, whereupon (на что) the studio manager said, «Hey, Earl – Miss Hoyt.»

They were meeting for the first time. Brady was quick and strenuous (напряженный). As he took her hand she saw him look her over from head to foot, a gesture she recognized and that made her feel at home (комфортно), but gave her always a faint (слабый) feeling of superiority (превосходство) to whoever made it. If her person was property (собственнность) she could exercise (осуществлять) whatever advantage was inherent (присущий, неотъемлемый) in its ownership.

«I thought you’d be along any day now,» Brady said, in a voice that was just a little too compelling (неотразимый, мощный, напористый) for private life, and that trailed (тянуть, тащить, волочить) with it a faintly (слегка) defiant (вызывающий; дерзкий, непокорный) cockney (кокни) accent (акцент). «Have a good trip?»

«Yes, but we’re glad to be going home.»

«No-o-o!» he protested. «Stay awhile (недолго) – I want to talk to you. Let me tell you that was some picture of yours – that „Daddy’s Girl.“ I saw it in Paris. I wired the coast right away to see if you were signed (отмечать, подписывать).»

«I just had – I’m sorry.»

«God, what a picture!»

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