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Cameron: Practically a Conservative

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The patrician spirit (#litres_trial_promo) of the Mounts is neatly captured in a story about David Cameron’s great-great-great-grandfather William Mount, an MP (then unpaid) for an Isle of Wight seat and a man of some wealth. He employed a young boy – whose father had died – as a bird-scarer in his fields, and presented the boy with a book (‘the first book I had ever owned’). The boy remembered the gesture and in later life wrote gratefully to Mount’s son, William George Mount: ‘You will always be a means of doing good and exerting influence in quarters as unexpected as in my case.’

‘W.G.’, as he was known, was a barrister, ‘gentleman and landed proprietor’ (of Wasing Place, Berkshire), and became MP for Newbury. Perhaps the most formidable of the Mount ancestors, like most MPs at the time he had little truck with godlessness. In 1851 the family invited Samuel Wilberforce, the Bishop of Oxford, to stay. He, famously, was a vigorous opponent of Darwin’s theories of evolution and was later to cross swords with T. H. Huxley at a meeting of the British Association when he provocatively asked his opponent whether it was from his grandmother or his grandfather that he claimed descent from a monkey. In the 1880s, W.G.’s eldest daughter Elizabeth, every bit as devout as her father, took a weekly Bible class, which was attended by the groom’s boy, the schoolroom maid, the upper laundry maid, the laundry maid and the house, kitchen and scullery maids, as well as the butler, doorman and members of the Mount family. Staff were obliged to attend, and were excused only when beaters were needed for a shoot.

According to the 1880 census, W.G., by then running the Wasing estate, employed thirty-two men to look after his 500 acres and a further fifteen servants to staff the house and attend to his six young children. One of these children was William Arthur Mount (educated at Eton and New College, Oxford, and also a barrister), who in 1900 succeeded his ailing father, unopposed, as Conservative MP for Newbury, before losing it to the Liberal candidate six years later. ‘Billy’ worked diligently and regained the seat in 1910, frequently speaking out against Home Rule for Ireland, until he stood down twelve years later. He continued in public life as chairman of Berkshire County Council and as chairman of the South Berkshire Hunt. He was made a baronet in June 1921 and died in 1930 at the age of sixty-four. He had three sons, the eldest of whom, William Malcolm Mount (the second baronet, known as Bill), succeeded to the title at the age of twenty-six.

‘W.M.’ was David Cameron’s grandfather. He too was educated at Eton and New College, Oxford, where he played cricket with Alec Douglas-Home, later to become Prime Minister. He was a keen fisherman and horseman and became joint master of the South Berks hounds and chairman of Newbury Conservative Association. He had three daughters, the middle of whom, Mary, was born in 1934. As a lieutenant colonel he fought impressively in the war with the 61st Reconnaissance Regiment (Royal Armoured Corps), but was invalided out, having been shot in the thigh the day after D Day. His wife Lady Nancy was also active, taking a leading organisational and welfare role in the Women’s Land Army, a loosely structured band of 200,000 women who worked ploughing, dung-spreading and threshing. During the war, the young Mary, her two sisters and mother moved out of the big house at Wasing, which was to be used by evacuees from London, to a neighbouring farm. In February 1945, Wasing Place was virtually burned to the ground and many works of art were lost. Two years later, possibly in part to help pay for the restoration, W.M. placed over a thousand acres of family land at Thatcham on the market. Mary’s mother Nancy took a prominent role in the rebuilding of Wasing Place, and eventually she and her husband returned to the house that the Mount family had owned for nearly 200 years.

In 1947, William Mount served as Sheriff of Berkshire, the fourth Mount in 170 years to hold the title. He was also president of the Newbury Show, a governor of the Royal Agricultural College at Cirencester and served on the Council of the County Landowners Association, which enabled him to sustain his interest in timber. He was also appointed Berkshire County Scout president and originated the Berkshire Supporters of Scouting, which raised money for Scout troops, as well as opening up the Wasing estate for use by Scout camps. In 1952, in a comparable act of public-spiritedness, ‘Lieutenant Colonel Sir’ William Mount took command of the 3rd South Berkshire Home Guard, which aimed to afford some protection to the civilian population in the event of a nuclear attack. The proximity of Aldermaston, the home of Britain’s nuclear weapons, and the political protests that accompanied its setting up in 1950, may have had a good deal to do with that.

Mary’s cousin Ferdinand Mount, a journalist and former adviser to the Thatcher government (who inherited but does not use the title), confirms the impression offered by the family history: ‘The Mounts are very old fashioned (#litres_trial_promo), slightly stiff, you might say…They had a very comfortable upbringing. They were churchgoing, I don’t think any of them have ever been divorced. They are straitlaced and full of a sense of duty.’ But let those who are suspicious of parvenu politicians be further reassured. W. G. Mount’s mother was a Talbot, as was the first Earl of Shrewsbury, John Talbot, who, in his late seventies, died with his two sons in the final battle of the Hundred Years War. The admiring French called him the ‘the English Achilles’. The journalist William Rees-Mogg (#litres_trial_promo), no less, calls the Talbots ‘one of the great families’ of English history, like the Cecils or the Churchills, only much older. Among the later Talbots were one of Sir Robert Walpole’s Lord Chancellors, a Bishop of Durham, a Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, another medieval Archbishop of Dublin, the great building heiress Bess of Hardwick, and William Fox-Talbot, inventor of photography.

There was even a Talbot who became Prime Minister, or the equivalent (before the title was coined). Charles Talbot, the 12th Earl and the first and only Duke of Shrewsbury, born in 1660, did several stints as First Minister, first under William III in 1689, after the Glorious Revolution, and again under Queen Anne and yet again under George I. How did he do it? According to Rees-Mogg’s researches, by charm and moderation. Dean Swift called Shrewsbury ‘the finest gentleman we have’, while Bishop Burnet wrote that he had ‘a sweetness of temper that charmed all who knew him’. Women loved him. A political moderate, he was decisive when the revolutionary situation required it, but was one of those politicians who stand above parties and are seen as relatively non-partisan.

David Cameron was born on 9 October 1966. In a typically Mountian display of honour towards their forebears, the parents gave the newborn the names of their fathers, William and Donald. He was Ian and Mary’s third child. Their first, Alexander, had been born the year after their marriage (and had been given the Christian names of Ian’s uncle), with their second, Tania, arriving nineteen months later. The latest Cameron was christened at Wasing, attended by his godparents Tim Rathbone and Ben Glazebrook, Ian’s friends from Eton, and Fiona Aird, a former flatmate of Mary. Also present was John Sumner, with his wife Heather, also old friends of Mary. With three children under the age of four, Mary had her hands full, but she had help, and of a singularly old-fashioned and British kind.

Gwen Hoare is a key figure in the life of both Mary and David Cameron. Born just west of Swindon, the daughter of a market gardener, she had been ‘in service’ with the Mount family all her adult life, had never married, and had looked after Mary – thirteen years her junior – as she was growing up. For nearly twenty years after the war, she lived in a variety of houses at Wasing. Then, in her early forties, she moved to join the family in Phillimore Place, Kensington, to help look after Alexander.

When, in 1969, the family moved to Peasemore, a village in Berkshire, Gwen Hoare moved with them. The move required Ian Cameron to make the daily train trek from Didcot Parkway to the City of London, where he added a directorship of the estate agency firm John D. Wood to his work for Panmure Gordon. It meant leaving the house before seven in the morning, and not returning until after seven in the evening. Mary Cameron meanwhile was often out, sitting as JP in Newbury, or doing other good works locally. It was, therefore, David Cameron’s nanny who oversaw much of his early upbringing. ‘Gwen pretty much brought (#litres_trial_promo) them up,’ says a family friend. ‘She was always a hugely important figure in that house,’ says another. ‘She was much more than an old-fashioned nanny. She was a real rock in that family, as if there weren’t enough already.’ Five years after the birth of David, Mary was delivered of her fourth child, Clare, and Gwen Hoare had another charge. By this stage the second son had followed his brother in attending Greenwood pre-preparatory school near Newbury, and was driven there every day by a rota of local mothers.

Lying six miles north of Newbury, there can be no more quintessentially English country village than Peasemore. At its centre is the church of St Barnabas, built in the eighteenth century and embellished a hundred years later. And the Cameron family are central to the life of the church – Ian Cameron used to be a church warden, and Mary remains on the flower-arranging and cleaning rotas. Little wonder that David, who was brought up in the splendid Queen Anne rectory close by, has said, ‘When I think of home, I think of church.’ Home was decidedly old-fashioned if not notably bookish (‘They are very county,’ explains one friend). Dinner was served upon the return of Ian Cameron promptly at 7.45 p.m. His children, once old enough to graduate from tea with their nanny, were expected to display immaculate manners. It was a house, recalls a guest, that still played parlour games. After dinner parties ‘the ladies’ would withdraw to another room. But the Old Rectory was also hospitable, its swimming pool and tennis court always at the disposal of the children’s friends (if not of other villagers, a cause of resentment among some).

From the youngest age, David Cameron lacked bashfulness. ‘He was very articulate,’ says a friend. ‘I remember him liking a good argument. He was quite precocious from a very young age. He certainly knew what he thought.’ A family member recalls that on holidays he was always ‘argumentative and interesting, holding court (#litres_trial_promo) the whole time’. After school, he, Alex and Tania would run around in the fields or feed Mary’s bantams. As they got older, they would go further afield, encouraging one of their Jack Russells to hunt down rabbit holes. Airguns would be in evidence too, but despite a profusion of rooks, rabbits and pigeons around the Old Rectory, shooting was carried out – or was meant to be – in a controlled environment. As the boys grew up, they would accompany their father on shoots, often at Wooley Park, the estate of Phillip Wroughton, later Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire.

Early on the boys developed an interest in tennis, playing frequently and with some élan. David showed a greater determination, or at least aptitude, tending to beat his brother, and it was at Peasemore that the seeds of competitiveness were first sown. ‘He doesn’t like not to win,’ says a lifelong witness of David Cameron the tennis player. ‘He gets very cross with himself. He’s very gracious in defeat because he is very old fashioned, but then he’ll secretly go and get his racket restrung.’ The annual cricket games, played between two teams captained by the brothers and played either at Wasing or on the Peasemore village pitch, would be equally hard fought, and provided David with the opportunity to exhibit a lusty death-or-glory batting style and medium-paced left-arm bowling. In later years the game, though still hard fought, took second place to the feverish competition in the preceding weeks to recruit capable ringers. Not that either of them had difficulty finding players. Those who played have idyllic recollections of the games.

The brothers, who shared a room, always got on well, teasing one another and fighting playfully enough. Their sister Tania, sandwiched in between, had to be something of a tomboy if she was to join in the fun, or else she played with Clare, six years her junior. An exception to this was horse riding, which Alex and Tania took to with enthusiasm, but which David, at that stage at least, didn’t enjoy to the same degree. The prevailing mood seems to have been one of contentment, rarely broken by parental displeasure. The boys went away to school from the age of seven, where a more explicit discipline would be taught, and the school holidays were something of a refuge from the pettiness of school. In any event, growing up with a large garden in a secluded part of Berkshire ensured that parental strictures would be minimal.

Yet there was always a keenness not to disappoint. Those close to the family remember few occasions when either parent was moved to anger. Both of them exerted an implicit but benign authority, an enviable degree of control, which meant that the children always knew where they stood. If standards had not been met, a quiet ‘I see’ and a knowing glance would be sufficient. Indeed, this seems to have been enough to instil a strong desire to succeed, to win parental approval. ‘In some homes, where there are bright children, they can get the better of the father, but Ian was definitely the boss – he ruled the roost,’ says a friend. It was, says Susan Rathbone, the widow of David Cameron’s godfather, ‘quite a tight household…you wouldn’t get away with just lounging on the sofa. No beer cans on the carpet. It was a lovely, comfortable, delicious home, but there was no slacking.’

This was true of school reports too, when the formality of the process alone would imply a certain seriousness. The children would be called in to see their father, who would read out the report before they had a chance to see it. Disapproval did not have to be obvious to be effective. It was clearly spelt out, though, on at least one occasion when, a family friend remembers, Ian had been informed of a misdemeanour at Eton. David Cameron was firmly told that his father was not paying the hefty school fees in order for him to break school rules.

While all families go through friction and periods of stress – and the Camerons have had their share of crosses to bear – their friends speak uniformly of their readiness to support one another. Neither parent can be said to be dominant, and David Cameron appeared to be equally respectful towards both. Ian and Mary Cameron ‘have a good, healthy relationship, thoroughly solid and practical’, says Susan Rathbone. ‘It’s a great image of marriage he has grown up with. They’re just very good at dealing with life.’ A former girlfriend of David agrees: ‘His parents are very cool, settled in themselves, very calm and sure of themselves. There are no psychological issues there. There’s something very wholesome, but not in a boring way.’ For Giles Andreae, whose mother had been a debutante with the young Mary Mount and who is one of David’s lifelong friends, there is something almost intimidating about the Camerons’ partnership: ‘That couple, they’re both so self-assured and magnanimous. They have so many friends. It’s almost quite scary if you’re not very confident yourself.’

While the parents wanted their children to be aware of how privileged they were, it must have been difficult for a playful, popular little boy to imagine how different ‘real life’ was for the majority of the population. In this Eden of cricket matches and gambolling through fields, it would have been understandable if the Cameron children had taken it for granted that the world is a pretty happy place. ‘It is a very natural age,’ says Giles Andreae, now a writer of children’s books. ‘Obviously you are aware that some people have big houses and some people have small houses, and that not everyone spends their time swimming and playing tennis. Privilege in itself is not a bad thing, it is how you deal with it that matters.’

The house of David Cameron’s childhood is now owned by his elder brother Alex, who lives there with his wife and children. Gwen Hoare, for whom the family built a flat in the Old Rectory’s stables (she had her eighty-sixth birthday in February 2007), is thus seeing a third generation of the family grow up. Ian and Mary Cameron live in a smaller house abutting its grounds. Both remain a strong influence on their now famous son. ‘Mary is one of the most compassionate people I know,’ says Susan Rathbone. ‘She’s level headed, not remotely impressed by froth and completely no nonsense.’

In the early 1990s Ian Cameron had to have one of his legs amputated and replaced by a prosthetic one, and in early 2006 he had the other one amputated, but as ever he minimised the inconvenience. In the latter year, he got an infection in one eye following an operation and lost the use of it. With two prosthetic legs and a walking stick, friends say admiringly, Ian would now, just, and with some reluctance, own up to being ‘disabled’. Giles Andreae says, ‘Ian is one of the most confident and self-assured people I have ever met. I don’t remember his disability ever being an issue. It wasn’t that it was not discussed out of good manners, it just wasn’t an issue. He’s a breezy, sociable, outgoing, affable man. Those are the qualities that would have had more effect on David.’ Yet the influence of Ian’s disability was enormous, if unstated. For a start, the children had a constant reminder that the petty everyday complaints of childhood were minor indeed. ‘Whingeing wasn’t on the menu (#litres_trial_promo),’ says one family member. It may be that Ian Cameron, while seeking to impart certain values, was anxious to protect his sons from the pressures – emotional and financial – that he had felt when growing up. ‘[David’s] parents were fantastic (#litres_trial_promo),’ says Pete Czernin, an Eton friend. ‘They were never pushy with their children; they gave them all implicit confidence without cockiness.’

Yet, for all the lack of witting parental pressure to succeed, Ian’s unstated determination made him a hard man to live up to. Without wishing it, he set a high bar. Susan Rathbone agrees that, tacitly, a standard was set. There may be, she says (#litres_trial_promo), ‘a subconscious drive that Dave has got from Ian’s incredible example. Ian has vast enthusiasm – which Dave has inherited – and a sort of unstoppableness which I’m sure is very inspirational to live with.’ When he was thirteen, Cameron is said to have told a friend: ‘He is my role model (#litres_trial_promo). Dad has never let his disability hold him back. He has proved you can do anything you want in life.’

HEATHERDOWN Prep school 1974–1979 (#ulink_54032dd0-5e2c-5ed8-b031-e49bc038a1bb)

At the age of seven David Cameron was sent to Heatherdown Preparatory School near Ascot in Berkshire. With just under a hundred pupils, Heatherdown was small but smart, with one former master claiming that it was ‘the most select school in the country’.

Its business was to take impressionable young boys from comfortably-off families and unapologetically mould them into little gentlemen of the old school. Prince Andrew and Prince Edward were both educated at Heatherdown. Their cousin Marina Mowatt has said: ‘I’ll never forget the smell of the place – pencil sharpenings, sausages and boys.’ David Cameron’s manners, confidence and sense of duty were all enhanced at Heatherdown. It may also have helped develop his mental and emotional resilience, and it certainly fixed him in the highest social milieu.

Today very few children are sent to boarding school so young, and thirty-three years ago it was beginning to fall out of fashion even among the rich. (Heatherdown itself closed while Cameron was still at Eton.) He says that it was an ‘absurdly young’ age to be required to leave home. It was some comfort to him that his elder brother Alex was already a pupil. And, like generations of other prep school boarders before him, Cameron seems to have adjusted to his new life, helped in his first few weeks by being just one of a group of seven-year-old boys a long way from home. He spent his first term in a pleasant adjunct to the main school called Heatherlea, where the boys could be gently acclimatised to life in a boarding school. ‘We were mollycoddled a good deal at Heatherlea,’ says an old boy. ‘Mostly what I remember is the endless pillow-fights and non-stop ragging in the dorm.’ After a term or two at Heatherlea, boys were confronted with a more forbidding and traditional dormitory of about a dozen boys in the main school. On arrival, new occupants were allowed to bring their own rug – to cover the Spartan wooden floorboards – and their own teddy.

As he progressed Cameron’s school day was bookended by God. Before breakfast every day, senior boys would gather for ‘scripture’ in the school library. Here the headmaster, James Edwards, would ruminate on a text from the Bible (‘The Sadducees didn’t believe in Jesus, so they were sad, you see’ was one of his lines). After cereal and a cooked breakfast, boys would meet for a ten-minute chapel service before the curriculum classes began. The education was determinedly traditional. Even by the mid-1970s, Heatherdown saw little advantage in following what it would have seen as fashionable new methods. The teachers themselves were mostly products of English public schools and the war. The much respected Maths and Geography teacher, Monty Withers, had been at Harrow, the Science teacher, Frank Wilson, had been at Sedbergh, the headmaster was a Radleian and Christopher Bromley-Martin, the French master, an Old Etonian. These were the core staff around whom the school revolved, and to whom a succession of younger, short-staying visiting teachers (some very young and ill-qualified) deferred, to varying degrees. What had served that senior echelon well would do the trick for the new generation.

The school’s head was a remote, forbidding figure who, with his wife Barbara (‘Bar’), a devoted gardener, ran a conservative regime. Edwards would insist – at an early stage – that boys learn to recite the Kings and Queens of England and their dates on the throne. The same went for the names of all the books of the Old and New Testament. R. V. Watson’s La Langue des français and Ritchie’s First Steps in Latin were considered unimprovable introductions to their subjects, and there was little truck with ‘the new Latin’ or ‘the new Maths’, which other comparable schools were beginning to investigate. After lunch (liver on Thursdays, fish on Fridays) boys were expected to rest on their bed with a book, a break rich with opportunities for insubordination and mischief, followed by games – cricket in the summer, soccer from September and rugby in the Lent term. Tea, as might be expected in so resoundingly comfortable an institution, was a meal of some importance. Boys would take it in turns to sit next to matron, who would wearily insist on faultless table manners.

The academic day ended as it had begun with another ten-minute chapel service, except on Sundays when the service was rather longer. The last meal, a light supper, could be light indeed. On Thursdays it consisted of a single brick of Weetabix. At one point a looming revolt by parents was bought off by the introduction of chocolate and biscuits to fill the gap between the early supper and bedtime. Nevertheless, David Cameron, who admits that he was ‘rather tubby’ as a boy (#litres_trial_promo), says he ‘lost a stone every term because the helpings were so small’.

He seems otherwise to have been happy, however. His easy affability, which has since helped smooth his path, was early in evidence. A contemporary remembers him as ‘bright, bushy-tailed and good fun. He had a good ability to get on with people.’ ‘My memory is of someone who was always smiling, very social and chatty,’ says Rhidian Llewellyn, who, as an eighteen-year-old doing his gap year, taught Cameron briefly (having been a boy at Heatherdown himself) and went on to teach at Arnold House, the Dragon and Papplewick. ‘Both he and Alex had a lot of charm, although David was the noisier of the two. He was quick-witted, full of jokes, a natural boarding school boy. They were terribly easy to get on with, and I imagine very easy for their parents to bring up. He was a bright boy, but at the time no brighter than many of his contemporaries. Among all those titled children, Cameron was one of the most normal. He was just a middle-class boy from a nice family.’

‘The parents all knew each other, of course,’ says Daniel Wiggin, a former pupil, and a good number of the boys saw one another during the school holidays for cricket games, for example. ‘It was quite smart,’ says Wiggin, ‘very much one of the grandest. The Kleinworts, the Hambros, the royals, the St Andrews. But they weren’t there to be smart. They were there because a lot of the fathers had been there themselves.’ When Prince Andrew was sent to Heatherdown, it was partly on the recommendation of Lord Porchester, the Queen’s racing manager, whose two sons had flourished there. Evidently satisfied, the Queen sent Edward there as well. David Cameron was two and a half years younger than Edward, but the prince and Alex Cameron were contemporaries and friends. The Queen could occasionally be seen driving a green station-wagon, dropping her sons off at the end of a weekend at home or at the beginning of term, sometimes stopping by for a cup of tea with the headmaster. More often, though, the royal presence (#litres_trial_promo) was indicated by the series of low-key royal detectives.

‘I think it is fair to say that the headmaster used to choose according to the stable rather than the colt,’ says Llewellyn. ‘If you were of the right sort of background, it wouldn’t have been terribly difficult to get in. You didn’t have to be brilliantly clever. Certainly there was no formal exam. Its business was to get boys into Eton, which was via the Common Entrance exam.’ Among the eighty or so sets of parents of David’s contemporaries, there were eight honourables, four sirs, two captains, two doctors, two majors, two princesses, two marchionesses, one viscount, one brigadier, one commodore, one earl, one lord (unspecified) and one queen (the Queen). One former pupil, the son of a mere MP, said, with only some exaggeration, that the place was so full of titled people that he was one of the few boys there whose name didn’t change – as he inherited some title – during his time there. At the school’s annual sports day, two or three helicopters bearing smartly dressed parents would land on the playing fields. Instead of the customary signs for Ladies and Gents, Heatherdown had a third category: Ladies, Gentlemen and Chauffeurs. ‘It was deadly serious – the drivers were not supposed to mix with the other guests,’ says a former teacher.

The school attached great importance to good manners. One Wednesday in the mid-1970s, the headmaster James Edwards decided that standards were slipping, so after games, instead of giving the boys their customary free time, he stood in the middle of the rugby pitch and made the boys walk around doffing their caps to the corner flags and saying ‘Good afternoon, Sir.’ The importance attached to courtesy sprang from deeper values that the school was trying to instil. ‘It was about the ability to get on with people of all backgrounds. The notion of noblesse oblige was very strong, both for the school and David Cameron at home, I think,’ says Rhidian Llewellyn. Alexander Bathurst, who later became a consultant on leadership, agrees: ‘It was very much small-“c” conservative, with good principles – honesty, enthusiasm, upholding the honour of school, family and friends.’ Dan Wiggin says the school sought to cultivate ‘a sense of duty, Christian moral responsibility and awareness of people around you and how to behave properly’. The relative lack of academic pressure allowed the inculcation of such values to be something of a priority.

Nor was Edwards squeamish (#litres_trial_promo) about the use of corporal punishment in fostering those values. Carrots, as well as sticks, were deployed. A boy who did a good deed or commendable work, or who behaved particularly nicely, would be given what was called an ‘Alpha’. If he won three Alphas, he was given a Plus and a reward. If, though, he misbehaved, he would get an ‘Omega’. Too many of those meant a certain beating – with a clothes brush on the trousers. This would be administered by Edwards, pipe clenched between his teeth. The punishment was followed by a manly handshake as if to wipe the slate clean. ‘It stung a bit,’ remembers Llewellyn, ‘but James Edwards wouldn’t have been unusual in that respect at the time.’ Some crimes carried a beating without question. One Cameron classmate, Rupert Stevenson, remembers that that was his punishment for talking in chapel.

But to speak to the school’s old boys is to gain the impression that they thrived on defying authority. There was no stigma, physical or otherwise, to being beaten – rather the opposite. Alexander Bathurst says that he and his contemporaries used to ‘see how many petty rules we could break. We weren’t supposed to read comics after lights out, for example, so you could be quite sure that is exactly what we would try to do. But it is still fair to say that you did rather live in awe of the senior masters and matrons.’ One former boy remembers that there was a regular opportunity for misbehaviour, charmingly mild though it was. Early on Sunday evenings, when only one teacher was on duty, boys would tune in to Radio 1 to listen to Alan Freeman’s Pick of the Pops, dancing on desks and chairs, playing air guitar. The Boomtown Rats’ ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’, which topped the UK singles chart in Cameron’s last term at Heatherdown, was a particular favourite.

Whereas over half a century earlier the actor David Niven had got into trouble with the Heatherdown head – in fact, he was expelled – for a misdemeanour with a marrow, the cause of David Cameron’s downfall was strawberries – or more particularly the strawberries grown by Bar Edwards. Determined groups of small boys, David Cameron prominent among them, repeatedly mounted midnight raids on her kitchen garden, with a view to devouring her produce back in the dorm. This classically jolly jape ensured hours of hilarity spiced with the fear of discovery. Deep into the night, formidable matrons with torches would patrol the sleeping quarters in the knowledge that those whose beds were empty would most likely be found whispering among the soft fruit. Cameron more than once felt the sting of the clothes brush.

Because it was a small school, all the pupils knew one another, giving an air of intimacy that some more soulless establishments of this type might have lacked. Former Heatherdown boys remember with fondness the woods and the lake. Here, dressed in distinctive green boiler-suits, pupils would make dens, arrange mock fights and generally play. In many respects, it seems to have been idyllic and carefree. ‘It was a very happy place, a great school,’ says Alexander Bathurst. ‘One or two might not have been well suited to it, but the majority would have certainly enjoyed it.’

Both Cameron boys played for the school’s cricket First XI, Alex with marginally greater accomplishment. David was a stylish, medium-pace bowler with a good eye. ‘He was the sort of person who just knew how to throw a ball,’ said a friend later of the way sports came easily to him. Cricket was his strongest team sport, with rugby his weak spot. ‘He didn’t have the physique of a great sportsman, but he didn’t hang back. He was quite a brave little boy; he wasn’t windy at all,’ recalls one who knew him well.

Rhidian Llewellyn was dutifully raking a long-jump sandpit on the school’s sports day in 1978 when he was approached by Mrs Gordon Getty. She was making plans for her son Peter (grandson of the oil billionaire John Paul Getty) to invite four classmates to the USA, and would he like to accompany the boys, by way of looking after them? As the young teacher was barely out of school himself and had never flown, he jumped at the opportunity. The trip turned out to be even more lavish than he can have dreamed. One of the lucky four friends of Getty was David Cameron, and such a dizzying glimpse of the high life may have contributed to his perception of wealth. Years later, answering claims (#litres_trial_promo) that his was a life of privilege, he said he wasn’t rich because he didn’t ‘own a private jet and I have no friends with a private jet’.

At lunchtime on 21 July 1978, two days after the end of term, Getty, Cameron, Simon Andreae (brother of Giles), Peter Romilly and Fergus Wylie, accompanied by their eighteen-year-old minder Rhidian Llewellyn, boarded BOAC Flight 579 (Concorde, as it happened) at Heathrow to fly to Washington DC. As the excited boys tucked into their caviar, salmon and beef bordelaise, Llewellyn turned round to check that all was well and that his charges were more or less behaving themselves. He was met with the sight, a few rows behind, of David Cameron, eleven years old, cheerily raising a glass of Dom Pérignon ’69 and exclaiming ‘Good health, Sir!’ ‘Sir’, only seven years older than Cameron, was so disbelieving of his own good fortune that he felt it would be churlish to challenge Cameron’s cheek. This willingness to nudge jovially at the barriers of authority (rather than to throw stones at them, for example) comes from Ian Cameron, and generally seems to have been carried off disarmingly. ‘There were times when you needed to tell him to shut up,’ says Llewellyn. ‘Like any ten-year-old, he would get a bit out of line and need a bit of a metaphorical cuffing, but I was never irritated by him and often amused by him.’

Washington was going through a heatwave that summer, but no matter. For four days the excited boys from the UK were conveyed to all the capital’s most celebrated sights in an air-conditioned Lincoln Convertible. It also took them to a French restaurant where they enjoyed the spectacle of roller-skating waiters. From Washington they went on to a further three days of sight-seeing in New York, where they were based at the Hotel Pierre. The itinerary included the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center. They then flew on to Disneyworld in Florida, roller-coasters and all, and, to celebrate Peter Getty’s twelfth birthday, to the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral. Next it was Las Vegas, where the temperatures reached 120ºF, which somewhat curtailed the sight-seeing, restricting them to hanging round the MGM Grand Hotel’s pool and investigating the hotel’s gaming devices. The tour was rounded off with three days at the Grand Canyon, including a helicopter flight, followed by a trip to Hollywood. They regained their bearings with a week based at Pacific Heights, the Getty home overlooking San Francisco’s Golden Gates and Alcatraz.

At Heatherdown there wasn’t a great push, as there is at many schools nowadays, to get children into a certain public school. It seemed part of the natural order of things that it would go on doggedly churning out boys who got into Eton (and less often Harrow), and it saw no reason to change. The only scholastic pressure that most boys felt came in the last year, when the exam was nearly upon them. But this began to change in the late 1970s. Eton started making greater demands of its pupils and upping its standards. Heatherdown was shaken when one or two boys started to fail the Common Entrance exam (often being taken away to a crammers to retake it, generally with success). David Cameron was fortunate that only at the end of his spell at the school was Common Entrance beginning to be a problem. In any event, he applied himself to the task with what has become his customary efficiency and in the summer of 1979, he was accepted at Eton.

ETON Public school 1979 –1984 (#ulink_7eb34117-caeb-5b97-9961-dd26f7f154b7)

Asked in 2004 whether he thought his schooling would hold him back politically, David Cameron sighed heavily. ‘I don’t know. You can try (#litres_trial_promo) and be logical about it and say the upside is a terrific education, the downside is the label that gets attached and mentioned in every article. Or you can just think to yourself: I am what I am. That is what I had, I am very grateful for it.’ Cameron, by his own confession a late developer, has good reason to be grateful. Eton unearthed rich talents in a boy who at first seemed remarkable only for being thoroughly average.

To any boy on the threshold of his teens, arriving at Eton is a daunting experience – even for prep school boarders like Cameron, used to being away from home from the age of seven. Six and a half centuries of history crowd around new arrivals. Cameron, short for his age and a little overweight, could at least take refuge in a room of his own, his first private space either at home or at school. This was in John Faulkner’s house, JF, situated near the end of Eton’s Common Lane, one of twenty-five houses of around fifty boys each that make up the school. Each one is its own universe, a more intimate home from the buffetings of the wider school. The refuge of having one’s own room is not unassailable, but an Eton boy can generally shut out as much of the rest of the world as he wants. To a newcomer, this can be invaluable, a quiet place to learn the school’s arcane names, rules and acronyms and for coming to terms with wearing a tailcoat every school day for five years.

One of the distinctive features of Eton is ‘private business’, when a handful of boys meet a master – known, in the first three years, as their Classical Tutor – allocated to them for a weekly meeting to discuss a range of extra-curricular topics. For new boys at Eton, this can be one of the best ways of talking informally with a master and getting one’s bearings. As was the practice in several houses, John Faulkner himself played the role of Classical Tutor to the new boys in his house. This was in part to provide a forum in which to get to know the boys in his charge, something not always easily achieved in the hectic day-to-day life of running a house.

When Cameron arrived at Faulkner’s house in late 1979, he once again had the implicit protection of his brother Alex, three years above him. A friend describes the older Cameron as a ‘glamorous, popular and arty’ presence at the school, which would have gone some way towards smoothing the younger boy’s path. In his first terms Cameron was ‘precocious and naturally self-confident and clearly enjoyed having a popular and well-known brother in the school’, says a friend. Alex’s presence would have offered a sense of belonging to the ‘new bug’. This protection was not without its downside, though. David was intensely aware of the swathe his elder brother had cut through the school, something which might have cast a pall on a less assured sibling. Nonetheless the extent to which David and Alex might ‘by being in the same house, tread on one another’s toes’, as one family member puts it, was a slight concern. Cameron himself has said (#litres_trial_promo) he worried that he might never escape his brother’s shadow. Cameron was spared ‘fagging’. By the time of his arrival the practice of serving older boys had been all but phased out. Only the vestigial obligation for younger pupils to deliver the occasional message for their older housemates remained.

Alex might have afforded protection but he had also set an academic standard that David could not at first match. Cameron minor, although described by some close to him as having a good brain, scarcely set the school on fire academically. New boys go into F year, and for each subject are graded, with the brightest boys going into F1 and the least promising into, say, F7. For most subjects Cameron was around halfway down his year. At that stage, he hardly made an impression on his French teacher, Tom Lyttelton (‘he wasn’t at the top of the class and wasn’t at the bottom’), although their paths were to cross higher up the school. Bob Baird, who taught Cameron Maths in that first year, says that of all the boys he taught who went on to become famous, Cameron was the only one he couldn’t recall.

By Lent term 1980, Cameron had in effect moved up slightly, having survived Trials, the end-of-term exams which determine progress in the next term and which arouse much fear in boys of lesser ability or lesser application. When Cameron moved into E block, in his second year, an English teacher, Jeff Branch, became his Classical Tutor in place of John Faulkner. Branch’s preference was for a smaller group, so Cameron joined just four other boys for the weekly sessions. The emphasis was on drawing out boys in artistic areas they might not have experienced elsewhere, to discuss issues of relevance to the school and the wider community. Branch remembers them as being ‘a pretty accomplished group, urbane and bright’, in which the articulate Cameron was well able to hold his own. ‘He showed a lively interest in literature, music and art, and was generally forthcoming and perky. I had few worries about him. He seemed to be heading for a place at a decent university. At that stage there was no special sign of an interest in politics’ (unlike, he says, an earlier pupil of his, Oliver Letwin).

Academically, a boy’s first three years at the school required a level of proficiency in a wide range of subjects. Before he could embark on his A-levels he would be required to pass five O-levels, and this represented quite a hurdle for some. Although from his prep school days Cameron had been regarded as bright, that intelligence had been more evident in person than in his academic work. Around this time he told a friend of his concern that he might not make the grade.

Notwithstanding the size of the school, in Cameron’s first term a quick familiarity would have been achieved among those he encountered. It might not have been apparent at the time, but many of these boys were to become friends for decades (quite a few he knew already, from Heatherdown and elsewhere). In F year in Faulkner’s house, for example, there were just nine other boys, at least half of whom can call themselves good friends of Cameron to this day. The names James Learmond, Simon Andreae, Roland Watson, Tom Goff and ‘Toppo’ Todhunter crop up throughout Cameron’s life, as does that of Pete Czernin, in the same house but the year above.
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