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The Jarrods: Inheritance: Taming Her Billionaire Boss

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The thought was moot, she told herself, swallowing hard and concentrating on what he’d said. “I’m not staying up here all day, Blake. I can sit on the couch downstairs and do some work.” It didn’t feel right to go to bed in the middle of the day. Not unless …

He stopped at the door, his eyes firm. “I won’t let you work, but you can lie on the couch.”

“Good of you,” she joked, trying to ease the tension in the room.

He didn’t smile. He had a hard flush on his face. “I think so,” he muttered, then left her to it, shutting the door behind him and giving her some privacy.

Swallowing, she had to move or he might come back and decide to help her undress the rest of her clothes. And that wouldn’t be such a bad thing on her part, but clearly he didn’t want to right now. She appreciated that he was thinking of her, even as her body craved to be a part of his.

First, she went into her bathroom, groaning when she saw a streak of blood on her cheek and the mess of her hair. Carefully she lifted the T-shirt over her head. Unable to stop herself, she stared at her lace-clad breasts, her cheeks reddening as she thought of Blake seeing the invitation of her body like this.

Filling the sink with warm water, she grabbed a washcloth and cleaned as much of the blood out of her hair as possible, then very gently combed it into place over the cut. She was pleased with the result. If she didn’t know better, and if her head hadn’t been sore, it would be hard to believe she’d just had an accident.

But if she was going to be an invalid today, she may as well be comfortable. She changed into denim jeans and a long-sleeve blouse that buttoned up so she didn’t have to lift it over her head. Blake tapped on the door as she stepped into a pair of slides.

“Come in,” she called out, half-surprised he’d knocked, considering he’d appeared to have taken charge of her welfare.

He pushed open the door then stood there, inspecting her from the face up. “You look much better.”

“I feel better. Thanks.”

Then his gaze traveled downward and a curious look passed over his face. “I don’t remember seeing you in jeans before.”

One glance from him and she could feel how much the jeans hugged her figure. Her stomach fluttered. “I usually only wear them at home.” If they were staying at a hotel, Pine Lodge included, she wore stylish clothes even when going casual. She considered dressing right a part of her job.

“You should wear them more often,” he said, his eyes blank but his voice tight again. He stepped back. “Come on. There’s a couch waiting for you downstairs.”

She avoided his gaze as she walked forward, then went past him in the doorway, but she could feel his presence like a soft touch.

Thankfully soon she was lying on the couch with cushions behind her back and a throw over her body. Did she want a book to read, he asked. A movie on the DVD player? A magazine?

“Perhaps some magazines,” she said, though she didn’t actually feel like doing anything but lying there and being with Blake. “You don’t have to do this,” she said as he went to get them from the rack.

He came back with a selection, his mouth set. “I told you. It’s my fault you were injured in the first place. I shouldn’t have taken you with me.”

“But you were only wanting to show me the bungalow location before I left Aspen,” she said in a flood of words, then saw his mouth tighten further. She understood. She didn’t want to be reminded that she was leaving soon either. “Anyway, what’s done is done. I don’t blame you but if you want to make it up to me, then I’d love a hot drink. A hot chocolate would be nice. With marshmallows.”


She blinked. “Why not?”

“Because you shouldn’t be drinking or eating for a few hours. It could make things worse.”

She realized he was right, but, “I’m really thirsty, Blake, and I’m feeling fine now. How about some peppermint tea? That shouldn’t hurt.” She watched him consider that.

He nodded grudgingly. “Only a very weak one, then.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

He set off for the kitchen and she could hear him moving about in there. Her family used to cosset her like this at times, and she had to admit she liked being taken care of by Blake.

He soon returned with her hot drink, then he moved to the table in the corner where they’d set up the office. For a time it remained quiet as she flipped through the magazines and sipped at her tea. Then she began feeling sleepy. Eventually she finished her drink and made herself more comfortable, being careful with her sore head as she curled up on the couch. Her eyes closed and she found herself thinking about her and Blake back on the mountain. She could still remember the feel of his lips against …

The phone woke her with a start and she heard Blake swearing as he snatched it from the handset. She sat up and tidied herself, listening to his conversation, knowing someone in his family was inquiring about her. He soon ended the call.

“Sorry about that,” he told her. “It was Guy checking to see how you were. He’d heard about the accident from Avery.”

“Oh, that’s nice of him.”

The phone rang again and Blake reached for it. “Yes, she’s fine, Gavin, but I’ll be keeping an eye on her anyway.” She saw Blake listen, then dart a look at her, before turning away. “You’re a funny guy, Gav.” Then he hung up.

Curious, she asked, “What did he say?”

“Nothing much.”

Had Gavin made a brotherly comment about keeping an eye on her? Not that she minded. It might work in her favor. “That’s good of your family to be checking on me.”

“You’re supposed to be resting. I don’t want them interrupting that.”

His comment warmed her as she glanced at the wall clock, surprised to see the time. “I must have been asleep a while.”

“An hour.”

So he’d been keeping an eye on her. “That long? I didn’t realize.”

“I did.”

The phone rang again and he muttered something low. This time it was Trevor. No sooner had he hung up than they heard car doors slam shut and Blake strode over to look out the window.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“Melissa and Shane.”

She watched him start toward the front door and quickly called his name. He stopped to look at her. “You will let them in, won’t you?”

His mouth tightened. “For a short while.”

“Be nice,” she chided gently, and he shot her a look saying that was a given. “You know what I mean, Blake. I think it’s wonderful of your family to be concerned for me.”

His mouth softened a little. “Yeah, they’re pretty good when they want to be.”

Soon Blake’s sister Melissa and her new fiancé, Shane McDermott, came into the lodge, bringing a breath of crisp, fresh air.

Melissa’s long, wavy, blond hair flew behind her as she made a beeline for the couch. “Samantha! We heard you’d had an accident. Are you okay?”

Samantha was touched that they’d thought to drop by. “I’m fine, Melissa. Thank you for thinking of me.”

“She’s fine for the moment,” Blake said, standing closest to the door, as if ready to open it in a moment’s notice. “But she needs to rest as much as possible.”
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