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The Jarrods: Inheritance: Taming Her Billionaire Boss

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“How do you know what my style is, Blake?” she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

“I know what suits you and what doesn’t and I know he’s not the man for you.”

No, this man in front of her was the man for her.

“Oh, so you’re an expert on me now, are you?” she flirted, thrilled beyond her wildest dreams that he was finally noticing her. It was this dress. She had so much to thank Erica for. The other woman had …

“I’d like to think I know you very well, Samantha,” he said, suddenly looking very superior, very arrogant. “You wouldn’t be happy with Remy. Trust me.”


Clarity hit her like a bolt of lightning. What a fool she was in thinking anything had changed. This wasn’t about Blake wanting her. This was about him being his usual conceited self. The man wasn’t jealous. He was merely trying to stop her having a relationship with another man over the next two weeks so that she wouldn’t inconvenience him. Frankly, she deserved better than this.

“That’s your considered opinion, is it?” she said coolly now.

“Yes, it is.” His eyes told her he’d noticed her change in tone. “Are you going to tell him you’re leaving soon?”

She tried to think. She was so disappointed. “I’d prefer to keep that to myself for the time being. It’s no one’s business but my own.”

“And mine, of course,” he pointed out dryly. Then, “But you’re probably right in not telling him. I doubt he’s after a long-term relationship anyway.”

“Neither am I,” she said, taking pleasure in the way his face hardened. “In the meantime, I’m sure Joel and I will both manage to enjoy ourselves.”

He looked all-knowing. “I doubt you’ll have anything in common.”

She raised one eyebrow. “Really? Don’t forget I worked in a doctor’s office before coming to work for you. And my family runs a medical transcription business, so I used to have quite a bit to do with doctors.”

Blake’s lips twisted. “So you’ll talk about deciphering his handwriting? That’ll be a laugh a minute.”

Her fingers tightened on her clutch purse. He thought he was being clever, did he? She needed to wipe away that smirk. She gave him a sultry look. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of … other things in common.”

The smirk fell off his face. “Dammit, Samantha, you shouldn’t—”

The doorbell buzzed.

Samantha glanced over at the front door a few feet away and saw Joel through the glass panel. She tossed Blake an expressive look before going over to open it.

Joel stepped inside, his eyes sliding down, then up. “Wow! Don’t you look like a million dollars.” He grinned at Blake a few feet away. “I can’t believe this beauty is going out with me.”

“Neither can I,” Blake muttered, then as quickly gave a smooth smile but Samantha heard him. “I mean, she’s usually picky about who she goes out with.”

She blinked. Was that still an insult? Joel had a puzzled look that said he might be thinking the same thing.

She hurriedly forced a smile. “Thanks for the compliment, Joel.” She stood and looked him up and down, too. “For the record, you look like a billion dollars,” she joked, then realized she’d overplayed her hand when Blake sniffed, though she suspected it was more of a snort. She turned her head slightly so Joel couldn’t see her stabbing her boss with her eyes.

Blake ignored her. “So, where are you two dining tonight?”

Samantha was immediately suspicious. “Why do you want to know?”

He smiled. “No reason.”

Joel then mentioned a restaurant in the center of Aspen. “It’s only just opened and I know the owner. It’ll be very hard to get a reservation in another month or so.” He didn’t sound like he was bragging, at least not to Samantha, but she saw a glint in Blake’s eyes that told her he wasn’t in agreement.

She smiled at Joel. “That sounds lovely.”

He looked pleased. “And you, Blake? You’re off to dinner, too, by the look of things.”

Wearing a dark suit, Blake was the one who really did look like a billion dollars, Samantha had to admit, unable to stop herself from wishing she was going out with him instead of Joel, in spite of the fact that Blake was being an overbearing jerk.

“Just a business dinner in town.” Blake looked at his watch. “As a matter of fact, I’d better call a cab. I need to be on my way.”

Joel frowned. “A cab? Don’t you have a car?”

“I noticed it was leaking oil this afternoon so I thought I’d better not use it tonight.”

Samantha sensed Blake was manipulating the situation for his own benefit again. Did he think she was stupid? He was doing this on purpose to try and keep her and Joel apart as much as possible to spoil her night.

She stared at him. “But you only bought the vehicle a few months ago and it’s barely been used. How can a luxury Cadillac SUV have an oil leak already?”

He looked totally guileless. “I agree. It’s the darnedest thing.”

“We could give you a lift, if you like,” Joel said, making Samantha want to rattle him.

“Oh, I’m sure Blake doesn’t want to ride with us.” She was determined not to give her boss any satisfaction. “The resort has a chauffeur service.”

Joel frowned. “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind. We’re going that way anyway.”

She would have sounded mean-spirited to refuse. As Blake well knew, she decided, watching the satisfaction in his eyes. He was Joel’s boss and he knew Joel wouldn’t deny doing a favor for him.

She passed her coat to Joel. “Would you mind helping me on with this, please?”

“Of course.” Joel held it open while she slipped into it, then he helped lift her hair out from under the collar so that it was once again bouncing around her shoulders. It was somewhat intimate and Samantha felt a little awkward at having a man touch her hair, but she soon felt better when she saw the steely look in Blake’s eyes after he noted it, too.

“Thanks,” she said, smiling brightly at her date, then deliberately linked her arm with his. She gave Blake a sweet smile as he put on his black evening coat, letting him know she didn’t care that he wasn’t pleased. Too bad!

“My car’s out front,” Joel said.

They left the lodge, then Samantha slipped onto the front passenger seat before Blake could take it himself. She wouldn’t put it past him to try and make her sit in the back, and she wasn’t about to let him play at being boss while she was on a date. This was her night out. Blake may have been the reason for it, but right now she wasn’t about to give him an inch.

Soon they were driving off into the night.

“This is very good of you, Joel,” Blake said, sounding grateful from the backseat, which didn’t sound right to Samantha’s ears. Blake never sounded grateful like other mere mortals.

“We don’t mind, do we, Sam?” Joel said, shooting her a sideways smile.

“No, of course not. We have to keep the boss happy, don’t we?” She smiled back at Joel, knowing Blake could see her from his diagonal viewpoint behind the driver’s seat.

“By the way, Samantha,” Blake said, placing the slightest emphasis on her name, making her realize that Joel had called her “Sam” again—the name Blake had never called her.
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