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In Bed With...Collection

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Lots of love and I can’t wait to see him in the flesh!

Sunny breathed a sigh of huge relief. It was okay. They accepted it. And after a while her mother may well be relieved not to have had the expense of another wedding. Paying for her sisters’ weddings had been a struggle financially. Sunny had helped out as much as her mother would let her.

She smiled down at the fabulous emerald ring on her finger. It was certainly a statement that none of her family would miss, with its obvious message that Sunny had done very well for herself with the CEO of Templar Resources. Not that money was any yardstick for a successful marriage. It bought things but it couldn’t buy happiness.

As for Nadine’s hope that she hadn’t made a big mistake, well, Sunny hoped that, too, but she wasn’t going to let her mind drift down that negative path. She and Bryce had a lot of positive things going for them and they both wanted the marriage to work, especially with becoming parents. Rather than hoping she hadn’t made a big mistake, Sunny hoped she’d made the best decision she’d ever made in her life.

She quickly typed a reply—‘Thanks, Alyssa. I’ll be in touch with details before Bryce and I fly home. ’Bye for now. Love, Sunny.’

Having sent it off, she packed up the laptop again and was just setting it down with the rest of her luggage when she heard Bryce coming up the stairs. She swung to face him as he came through the doorway and was instantly hit anew by his strong sexual impact. Dressed in fawn slacks and a clingy green sports shirt, his magnificent physique seemed to leap out at her, and the grin on his handsome face gave it a magnetic attraction.

Alyssa’s words zipped through her mind—he could sweep me off my feet any day. Or night.

He’d done just that, Sunny thought, and she didn’t regret a second of it. In fact, if he wanted to do it right now…

‘I’ve called for a bellboy. Are you all packed, ready to leave?’

Her hands fluttered, appealing for his opinion. ‘Do I look right to meet your father?’

His eyes simmered over her, causing her breasts to peak into hard nubs and sending tremulous little ripples down her thighs.

‘Perfect!’ he declared huskily, his gaze finally lifting to sear away any doubts or fears in hers. ‘Don’t worry about what my father thinks, Sunny. You’re the wife I want. He’ll see that fast enough.’

He walked towards her, emanating a ruthless determination that she was coming to recognise. Nothing was going to shake Bryce from what he wanted. Her heart quivered with the knowledge that he’d wanted her from the moment she’d come to his notice, and now she was his.

But would she stay his if she couldn’t give him the child he wanted?

No negative thoughts, she savagely berated herself as he drew her into his embrace, the green eyes warmly smiling at her, promising there was no possible conflict of interests in this meeting with his father.

‘He’s looking forward to our visit.’

‘Yes…well…it will be interesting.’ She managed a teasing little smile in response. ‘Father and son.’

Bryce laughed. ‘Always a testing ground.’ He raised quizzing brows. ‘Any reply from your family?’

‘Shock/surprise, but best wishes and looking forward to meeting you.’

‘So…no problems there.’ His eyes glittered satisfaction. ‘I’ve booked us into the L’Auberge Inn at Sedona for tonight.’

This was startling news. ‘We’re not staying with your father?’

‘What? On our honeymoon?’

‘We’re having a honeymoon?’

‘After the wedding comes a honeymoon,’ Bryce asserted. ‘We are going to do everything right, Sunny.’

And as he bent to kiss her, Sunny was thinking, surely nothing could go wrong when Bryce was so intent on making everything right.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#ud535c0fb-8216-5cc4-a273-7d8e9771b73f)

THE fantastic red rock formations around Sedona just seemed to suddenly rise out of the Arizona desert, as startling and as stunning as The Olgas rising out of the desert in the red centre of Australia. Sunny was amazed by what was wrought by time and nature, and the likeness to parts of the Outback.

She had a marvellous view of it all from the plane before it set down at the airport, which was surprisingly situated on top of a hill overlooking the township. They were met by Will Templar’s chauffeur who loaded both them and their luggage into a very plush Cadillac. It was a very scenic drive, down the hill, through the town which seemed to be spread around a T-junction, then up another hill and finally into the driveway of a huge sprawling house built of stone and wood.

It commanded a spectacular view in every direction, and there were big windows and furnished porches to take advantage of it from both inside and out of doors. A large swimming pool occupied one side of the grounds with what looked like sophisticated barbecue facilities under a roofed area nearby. Everything projected a casual lifestyle, not a formal one, which set Sunny more at ease.

They were met at the front door by a middle-aged Mexican woman whom Bryce introduced as Rosita Perez, adding that Rosita ran the household.

She beamed at Sunny. ‘You are very welcome. Very welcome. Such wonderful news!’ Her dark eyes twinkled at Bryce. ‘Se?or Will wants fajitas for lunch. It is a good sign.’

Sunny smiled and nodded. She didn’t know about fajitas but the warmth of the greeting helped to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

‘Where is he?’ Bryce asked.

‘On his favourite balcony. I have set out drinks and dips there. Go on….’ Rosita shooed them forward. ‘…he is waiting.’

They walked through a huge living room; big stone fireplace, big furniture in wood and black leather, brightly patterned scatter cushions and rugs featuring Indian motifs.

‘What are fajitas?’ Sunny whispered.

Bryce grinned. ‘Dad’s favourite dish. Spicy meat and vegetables wrapped in a kind of tortilla.’

‘How spicy?’

‘Not too spicy.’ His eyes teased her concern. ‘There’ll be other dishes for you to choose from, so don’t worry. You’ll get fed.’

‘Being nervous makes me hungry.’

‘The avocado dip Rosita makes is great. So is the corn one. Get stuck into them,’ he advised, his eyes positively laughing as he opened one of the glass doors to the designated balcony.

Sunny took a deep breath and stepped out.

It was a very wide, spacious balcony, holding a dark green wrought-iron-and-glass dining table, with six matching chairs cushioned in green and white. There were occasional tables, as well, serving groups of sun loungers upholstered in the same colours. However, the drinks and food Rosita had mentioned were set out on the dining table.

The rustle of a newspaper being put down was the first indication of Will Templar’s presence. She swung her gaze towards the sound and caught the movement of legs being swung off one of the loungers…long legs encased in light grey trousers. Behind her the door closed and she sensed Bryce stepping to her side as the man on the lounger rose to his feet.

Her first thought was, this will be Bryce thirty years from now. The likeness between father and son was striking, despite the older man’s white hair and the illness that had stripped him of extra weight that would have normally filled out his face and powerful frame.

They shared the same impressive height and strong facial features, as well as the air of being in command of their world. Will Templar’s heart condition certainly hadn’t diminished that, Sunny thought, and fancied these father and son meetings could sometimes develop into the clash of the Titans.

‘Sunny, this is my father,’ Bryce said casually. ‘Dad, this is my wife.’

In the face of such an intimidating authority figure, all her sales training leapt to the fore, pushing her into taking the initiative. ‘Hi,’ she said warmly, smiling as she moved forward to offer her hand and focusing directly on his eyes, which to her surprise were a silvery grey, different to Bryce’s. ‘I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Templar.’

He took her hand and held it, seemingly amused by her brashly open approach. ‘Impressive. A sunny disposition…’ His gaze flicked to Bryce, one brow lifting. ‘…and the legs of a showgirl.’

‘Ignore that, Sunny,’ Bryce returned dryly. ‘My father has a fixation on showgirls.’
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