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In Silence

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“Good girl.”

Matt touched her arm. “I’ll walk you out.”

They exited the station and stepped into the bright midday sun. Avery dug her sunglasses out of her handbag. She slipped them on and looked up to find him gazing at her.

“What were you and Dad talking about?”

“A box of newspaper clippings I found in Dad’s closet. They were all concerning the same event, the Sallie Waguespack murder.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“It doesn’t?”

“That’s the story that blew this little burg wide open.”

“I hardly remembered it until I read those clippings today.”

“Because of Dad, I lived it.” He grimaced. “The night of the murder, I heard him with Mom. He was … crying. It’s the only time I ever heard him cry.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I feel like such an ostrich. First Dad, now learning this. I wonder—” She bit the words back and shook her head. “I need to go. Danny’s expecting—”

“You wonder what?” he asked, touching her arm.

She let out a constricted-sounding breath. “I’m starting to wonder just what kind of person I am.”

“You were young. It wasn’t your tragedy.”

“And what of now? What about my dad? Was that my tragedy?”

“Avery, you can’t keep beating yourself up about this. You didn’t light that match. He did.”

But if she had been here for him, would he still have done it?

“I’ve got to go, Matt. Danny’s waiting.”

She started off. He called her name, stopping her. She turned.

“Next Sunday? Spring Fest?”

“With you?”

He shot her his cocky smile. The one that had always had her saying yes when she should have been saying no. “If you think you could take an entire day of my company?”

She returned the smile. “I think I could manage it.”

“Great. I’ll give you a call about the time.”

Pleased, she watched him head back to his cruiser. In that moment, he looked sixteen. Full of the machismo of youth, buoyed by a yes from the opposite sex.

“If you’re not serious, just stay away. Just … stay … away.”

Her smile slipped as she remembered Cherry’s warning.

Avery shook off the ripple of unease that moved over her. She was being ridiculous. Cherry was a sweet girl who was worried about her brother. Matt was lucky to have someone who cared so much about him.


The Gavel called the meeting to order. All six of his generals were in attendance. Ready to do battle. To lay down their lives for their beliefs and their community.

Each believed himself a patriot at war.

He surveyed the group, proud of them, of his selections. They represented both the old and new guard of Cypress Springs. Wisdom invigorated by youth. Youth tempered by the wisdom of experience. A difficult combination to beat.

“Good evening,” he said. “As always, I appreciate the sacrifice each of you made to be here tonight.”

Because of the nature of the group, because some would not understand their motives—even those who stood to benefit most from their efforts, indeed, their sacrifice—they met in secret and under cover of late night. Even their families didn’t know the location or true nature of these meetings.

“I have bad news,” he told the group. “I have reason to believe Elaine St. Claire has contacted a Cypress Springs citizen.”

A murmur went around the table. One of his generals spoke. “How certain are you of this?”

“Quite. I saw the letter myself.”

“This is bad,” another said. “If she’s brazen enough to contact someone in Cypress Springs, she very well might contact the authorities.”

“I plan to take care of it.”

“How? Isn’t she living in New Orleans?”

“She can destroy us,” another interjected. “To leave Cypress Springs is to lose the safety of our number.”

The Gavel shook his head, saddened. New Orleans had been the perfect place for her. Sin city. Anything went.

But, it seemed, she hadn’t been able to help herself. No doubt, the passing months had dimmed her fear, had lessened the immediacy of the danger. It was human nature, he acknowledged. He hadn’t been surprised.

He was beginning to doubt the effectiveness of the warning system they had devised. Warnings rarely worked. Or only proved a short-term deterrent.

“She’s in St. Francisville now,” he said.

“Better,” a general murmured. “We have friends there.”

“We won’t need them,” the Gavel said. “I’ve planned a trap. A carefully executed trap.”

“Lure her back to Cypress Springs,” General Blue said. “Once here, she’s ours.”

“Exactly.” He gazed from one face to another around the table. “Are we in agreement, shall I set the trap?”

The generals didn’t hesitate. They had learned nothing good came with lack of conviction. Weakness opened the door to destruction.
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